Need free Internet Access?
July 18, 2001 8:40 AM   Subscribe

Need free Internet Access? Head to your local library or community center. This page allows you to type in a zipcode and find out where you can access (or learn about) the internet, usually for free. If you know someone in your neighborhood who isn't connected and might like this info, why not print out the page and give it to them?
link spotted at follow me here
posted by chaz (6 comments total)
Very cool resource, though it would be more useful if they sorted the results into free and capital-F Free.

Not that there are very many of those, but still.
posted by Freakho at 9:18 AM on July 18, 2001

I would never be friendly with anyone who did not have their own connection. Now I am gradually cutting off former friends who have but phone connects at 56k...they too are become losers.
posted by Postroad at 9:44 AM on July 18, 2001

I used to use the DC library system as my internet connection. Except for the one hour rule (which I totally understood) it was better than having my own, because I had to walk several blocks and I couldn't use it at night, which forced me to do other things.
posted by Ezrael at 9:48 AM on July 18, 2001

Now I am gradually cutting off former friends who have but phone connects at 56k...they too are become losers.

"So I said to him, 'Dah-ling, if you're still on a dial-up connection, you're simply middle class.'"
posted by lotsofno at 10:01 AM on July 18, 2001

Of course, you'd have to have internet access in the first place to get to the site.
But still, great site.
posted by bshort at 10:04 AM on July 18, 2001

"I would never be friendly with anyone who did not have their own connection."

I know exactly what you mean. I stopped speaking to my grandmother years ago.
posted by Dirjy at 12:39 PM on July 18, 2001

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