Phone Guitar
May 24, 2010 8:25 PM   Subscribe

Dude plays an interpretation of Cracklin Rosie on 2 Android devices, 2 Windows Mobile devices, and 1 iPod Touch.
posted by gman (11 comments total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
Sure, but can he play it with his teeth?

(j/k, this is pretty cool)
posted by darkstar at 8:38 PM on May 24, 2010

Interesting concept... But...Neal did it better!
posted by HuronBob at 8:42 PM on May 24, 2010

iShred is pretty cool!
posted by atomicmedia at 8:44 PM on May 24, 2010 [1 favorite]

Pretty nice
posted by susanharper at 9:00 PM on May 24, 2010

Raffi's gonna have a field day with this.
posted by griphus at 9:26 PM on May 24, 2010

You had me at "Cracklin Rosie"
posted by mrgrimm at 11:13 PM on May 24, 2010

iShred is pretty cool!

iShred is pretty cool - I installed it after seeing this very video a few days ago.
posted by Jimbob at 3:20 AM on May 25, 2010

I've been waiting to see a post on Metafilter, where someone did something fun with music on mobile apps. I was expecting/hoping instead for a group of people playing on such devices.

Thing is, that touch screen on the iPhone is an awesome controler surface for playing music. Mind, I speak as one who hasn't paid attention to the keyboard gear in a decade or so.
posted by Goofyy at 6:05 AM on May 25, 2010

The truth about Cracklin Rosie. From wikipedia:

But in actuality, Cracklin' Rosie is a type of wine drunk by a native Canadian tribe that Diamond had visited in Canada. Apparently the tribe had more men than women. Cracklin' Rosie was the nickname they used for their homemade alcoholic brew, which the single men, who did not have dates, would sit around the fire and drink together.[1]

The ACTUAL TRUTH. Cracklin' Rosie was not a home brew. Cracklin' Rosie was a "store bought woman", a cheap, sweet, carbonated zinger of a wine-like alcoholic beverage made by the Calona Winery (British Columbia) way back when. I doubt, of course, that they'd brag about it now ... but I do remember because I got drunk on the stuff any number of times as a wayward teeny bopper (it was the closest alcoholic thing to a soft drink going).

As for the song, I only made the connection many, many years later. And it's good. Far better than the wine.
posted by philip-random at 8:37 AM on May 25, 2010 [1 favorite]

So, I'm confused--he's playing iShred on the iPhone, and then running it through effects processors on the Android devices? Or were they just there for the keyboards? 'Cause he didn't really touch them more than once or twice...
posted by Squid Voltaire at 10:17 AM on May 25, 2010

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