Question: What can you make with a single sheet of paper?
September 29, 2010 10:04 AM   Subscribe

Question: What can you make with a single sheet of paper? Answer: Apparently, some pretty damn cool art.
posted by sarastro (28 comments total) 44 users marked this as a favorite
That is pretty damn cool art.

Though I can only look at this and imagine Peter Callesen's spouse, brow furrowed, labouring for the zillionth time to vacuum all the little paper shavings out of the rug.
posted by bicyclefish at 10:08 AM on September 29, 2010 [1 favorite]

Very cool! If you haven't seen it, Between the Folds is definitely a movie worth checking out, in a similar 'one sheet of paper' vein.
posted by Lutoslawski at 10:08 AM on September 29, 2010 [1 favorite]

Also previously.
posted by blaneyphoto at 10:11 AM on September 29, 2010

This isn't art.

It doesn't have some stupid, counter-intuitive, lard-assed flash interface.

It was pretty cool, actually
posted by Pogo_Fuzzybutt at 10:11 AM on September 29, 2010 [1 favorite]

Ah, I love this guy! His own site is much cooler than that link though.

I recommend checking out the large scale papercut before clicking every other link on his site.
posted by zephyr_words at 10:12 AM on September 29, 2010

I have been a fan of Callesen since I first saw him via the blue years ago. Brilliant stuff which I have shamelessly attempted to copy.
posted by kthanksbai at 10:17 AM on September 29, 2010

posted by Windopaene at 10:23 AM on September 29, 2010

I also recommend checking out Robert Lang's original origami compositions.
posted by dfan at 10:25 AM on September 29, 2010

posted by found missing at 10:31 AM on September 29, 2010

Great stuff.
posted by painquale at 10:38 AM on September 29, 2010

posted by Increase at 10:44 AM on September 29, 2010

Just imagine if this man were the cop after Deckard in Blade Runner.
posted by chavenet at 10:53 AM on September 29, 2010

You could also make some cool art by drawing or painting on it. Although this gets points both for originality and execution.
posted by Astro Zombie at 12:03 PM on September 29, 2010

These are tres cool. My enjoyment is tempered by the phantom x-acto finger cramps viewing them brings on.

I'm surprised not to see one that takes the Escher hands coming out of the page drawing each other image to the next level.
posted by Babblesort at 12:20 PM on September 29, 2010

Before I clicked on the link, I thought I'd see instructions for doing complex origami foldings or somesuch. Now that I've clicked it, my mind is blown. Fabulous.
posted by davejay at 12:52 PM on September 29, 2010

This post sits in a subset I kinda wish were emblazoned with a CLICK ON THIS, MOTHERFUCKER tag, because otherwise it's the kind of thing that would just skate by me. Oh, origami? Yeah, ok, maybe have a glance later. And later never comes.

This, though. Wow.
posted by Durn Bronzefist at 1:02 PM on September 29, 2010

How does he make the 3d objects? Some of them are obviously folded, but a lot of them don't seem to be. I'm amazed by them but I'm also furrowing my brow at how the hell it's DONE.
posted by NoraReed at 1:11 PM on September 29, 2010

posted by emilyd22222 at 1:29 PM on September 29, 2010

I see it, but I don't believe it.

Amazing stuff.
posted by kcds at 1:35 PM on September 29, 2010

Utterly amazing.
posted by eyeballkid at 3:32 PM on September 29, 2010

Peter Callesen is brilliant.
posted by nickyskye at 5:44 PM on September 29, 2010

The artist has been mentioned before, but I don't see any of this at the "double" link! I'm happy for the more stuff in this one.

All of the images from this post can be found under the link within the phrase "I am fond artists who leave the original boundaries of the paper as they were. "
posted by emilyd22222 at 5:45 PM on September 29, 2010

Didn't this go around a couple years ago as a competition challenging artists to build the coolest thing out of One Sheet of Paper? And then it turned out to be a hoax to promote one guy's show. Whatever - it was cool. And a couple high school art teachers I know made the same challenge to their students and got some awesome work out of it.
posted by toodleydoodley at 6:39 PM on September 29, 2010

I am in awe.

Next challenge: what can you make with one sheet of plywood?
posted by SPrintF at 7:04 PM on September 29, 2010

What imagination and skill!
posted by rmmcclay at 7:46 PM on September 29, 2010

Between the Folds is available on Netflix streaming (and via DVD) in case you happen to have that option available to you. Additionally, it's in the PBS rotation, so it gets some play every few months as well. (I have some work in the film and my mom never fails to let me know it's playing on PBS every time :)

Peter Callesen does some really fantastic stuff, I'm just happy to see these kinds of "look at these thirty pictures of cool shit" websites actually referencing him by name now. The email forwards with uncredited pictures of his stuff always drove me nuts, all that free marketing wasted... so good to see him getting the props here.

he does all this with an X-acto blade, which makes it doubly cool in my book.

Also worth checking out are Béatrice Coron and Ingrid Siliakus.

(paper art addict here!)
posted by EricGjerde at 8:54 PM on September 29, 2010

Beats a paper airplane
posted by MikeF7033 at 11:21 PM on September 29, 2010

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