Using the Flickr API to Find Stuff You Like
October 2, 2010 4:18 PM   Subscribe

ffffl*ckr — Use it to find the Flickr photos you like using the simple idea that people whose work you like, probably like stuff you'll like. You start with a set of pictures. If you authenticate, it'll use 20 of your last 100 favorites, otherwise it'll start with somebody else's favorites. Click any picture to load more. Don't like what that person likes? Scroll back and click a different picture you like.

You have 4 functions in total:

1. Click the picture to load that photographer's favorites.
2. URL opens the picture in a new window or tab.
3. Click the upper right hand corner to view the image large.
4. If you've authenticated, you can fav pictures straight from the app. Just click the star.
posted by netbros (12 comments total) 34 users marked this as a favorite

woah, thanks for sharing. I love this.
posted by archivist at 4:52 PM on October 2, 2010

Clearly inspired by FFFFOUND! (previously)—check that one out too.
posted by domnit at 4:58 PM on October 2, 2010

That's a really interesting interface. I was going to make a joke about it not "really" being flickr on due to the lack of naked middle aged swingers but actually this (nsfw) was right on the front page.
posted by delmoi at 5:09 PM on October 2, 2010

Ahh this is amazing! And just what we need, or just the beginning: intuitive and creative interfaces for navigating and discovering new content. Tumblr, take note!
posted by wemayfreeze at 6:02 PM on October 2, 2010

Great! Thanks, netbros!

I clicked through about, oh, 7 or 8 photos I liked, and sure enough, wound up on a page containing a photo of a contact, clicked that one, started seeing my photos there that he had favorited. Here's some of my designated favorites...

Love this interface. Cool idea.
posted by flapjax at midnite at 6:37 PM on October 2, 2010

My friends tend to use favorites to mark pictures of themselves and people they know. That may not be how they're supposed to do it, but it's what they do, probably dating back to the time before self-tagging. So this tool is really interesting, but it relies on an understanding of how favorites work that not everyone shares.
posted by immlass at 8:19 PM on October 2, 2010

Is there something like this for Youtube?
posted by storybored at 8:23 PM on October 2, 2010

OMG, hours and hours of fun!
posted by nickyskye at 3:04 AM on October 3, 2010

There's also flexplore, it takes awhile to load the data but worth the wait.
posted by squeak at 7:17 AM on October 3, 2010

I'm not sure what the proper etiquette is for this, but I just wanted to say that I wrote this back in January.

A while back I found myself going through my favorite photographer's favorites, decided that it's a pretty cool way to find new stuff. 18-24 months went by and I decided to finally do it.

Glad you dude like it.
posted by jedrek at 9:27 AM on October 3, 2010 [5 favorites]

Had so much fun collecting pics in the wee hours last night.
posted by nickyskye at 2:27 PM on October 3, 2010 [1 favorite]

I'd love this thing for tumblr or dA. Or any digraph-like social site.
posted by Tobu at 5:50 AM on October 5, 2010

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