March 17, 2022
Travelers in Europe, 1807-1826: de Staël, Shelley, Starke, & Jameson
Amy Watkin (McSweeney's), "Germaine de Staël: Napoleon's Worst Enemy": "[S]he took her conversational skills seriously and used them to put people at ease, to entertain, and ... to make people examine their own views of the world" (Watkin's column archives). De Staël's Corinne; or, Italy (1807; odes trans. by Letitia Elizabeth Landon) is a "novelogue" [PDF] based on her tour of Italy during her Ten Years of Exile from Paris. Toril Moi's "A Woman's Desire to Be Known" [PDF] argues it "offers a radical analysis" and reflects "meditations on the relationship between love and expressivity, and between love and our capacity to understand others." De Staël's biography by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. De Staël as Corinne by royal portraitist Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun [repainted]; de Staël & daughter Albertine by "Bad News" cat fancier portraitist Marguerite Gérard. [more inside]
Welcome to Flowchella
Welcome to Flowchella!! It's March, it's Minnesota, it's time for salad and flow: the members of the 2022 Minnesota State High School All Hockey Hair Team - and over 100,000 fans - descend upon the many rinks of the Twin Cities to show off their mullets, their stripes, and a little bit of hockey as well as the hair. [more inside]
Climate breakdown and the work of transformation
Perspectives on a Global Green New Deal features climate justice advocates and critical scholars from around the globe on reparations, migration, oceans, and much more (online version & pdf are both free). The fantastic companion podcast "Planet B: Everything Must Change" episodes: 1. Work, 2. Land; 3. Infrastructure; 4. Water; 5. Migration; 6. Debt. [more inside]
"It's for the custard, dickhead!"
Half Man Half Biscuit has a new album out called The Voterol Years. Tracks include Tess of the Dormobiles, Grafting Haddock in the George, and In A Suffolk Ditch. As usual, the lyrics are provoking a good deal of discussion. Recently the band did a kitchen session for Andy Kershaw's podcast. Here's some previously and some 2021 live footage. [more inside]
Space Is The Place (To Remember)
In order to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the launch of Toonami and it's impact on anime in the US, Adult Swim is working with fan archivist SlimD716 to remaster a number of interstitials and promos that helped define the block's identity, such as the titular Space Is The Place. [more inside]
You’d see a woman standing in line just fall over—pum!—and die.
Guayaquil likely had the world’s most lethal outbreak of covid-19 per capita. During that hellish stretch from late March to mid-April of 2020, hundreds [in one city] were dying each day. For more than a week in early April, the number was around seven hundred. In the evenings, she’d return home, but wouldn’t cross the threshold of the apartment before making sure that her mother, Loli, was in her own room, with the door closed. [Loli] was concerned, confined to the apartment, and eager to know what was really happening out there. How many patients came in, how many died, Loli would ask every night. Lots, Vélez would answer, always vague, trying not to worry her mother. After all, what good would it do to admit that she’d seen fifty people die that day?
Summer Breeze
Yacht Soul: The Cover Versions (Spotify, Bandcamp) is a compilation of cover songs (original artists include Hall & Oates, Steely Dan, and Fleetwood Mac) by artists like Aretha Franklin, Quincy Jones, and The Pointer Sisters.
17 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About The Historical (St) Patrick
For the day that's in it, 17 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About The Historical (St) Patrick and the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs St. Patrick's Day Message which is extra-special this year.
What if a hierarchy of power, but everyone was in their rightful place?
Youtuber Shaun takes a deep dive into the dangerously liberal moral philosophy of the Harry Potter universe. [SLYT 1h48m] [more inside]
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