July 6, 2004

Why do political ads stink?

Joshua Green wrote an interesting and insightful piece regarding the current state of political advertisements. Here is an example of an ad by a media consultant he refers to, based in Pittsburgh. Another spin here. I've often wondered why they're so predictable. The Atlantic gives us a glimpse into poly. ad history and, quite possibly, its future.
posted by BlueTrain at 9:51 PM PST - 8 comments

Proud to be Canadian!

Illegally imprison children for 13 years, make them do degrading things, deny them food to the point of degrading them further, force them as teenagers to wear diapers, tie them up, even give them mental problems! Get 9 months in a prison yourself. That's an expense rate of just about 17 : 1! Why not come to Canada and enjoy these exceedingly low rates today before they're gone?
posted by shepd at 8:41 PM PST - 55 comments

if programming books were written by crazy people...

Do you find programming books so dry and boring that they're difficult to concentrate on? Do you want to learn Ruby? You need Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby.
posted by reklaw at 8:03 PM PST - 20 comments

Does Cheney have a salesman in the family?

A very frustrated RV salesman. Nothing deep here, just a few laughs. (NSFW - language) via themorningnews.org
posted by efalk at 8:01 PM PST - 23 comments

X % of email is Spam

85% of all email is spam. 83% of all email is spam. Between 80 and 90% of all email is spam. 80% of all email is spam. 76% of all email is spam. Between 64 and 78% of all email is spam. 64% of all email is spam. 63% of all email is spam. 60% of all email is spam. 52% of all email in 2004 will be spam. 50% of all email is spam. By 2006 98% of all email will be spam.
posted by Mo Nickels at 7:26 PM PST - 38 comments

Metafilter, meet meatfilter.

Metafilter, meet meatfilter. An index to things vegetarian and vegan.
posted by clevershark at 7:08 PM PST - 22 comments

rolling bot

wheely wheely clevver
posted by marvin at 4:56 PM PST - 12 comments

Streetcars and Trolley Buses

Streetcars, buses and trolleys of the former USSR. An extensive collection of pictures of public transportation from the Baltic to Siberia. Here's a babelfish translation of the index page. (via The Daily Czech)
posted by Ljubljana at 3:39 PM PST - 5 comments

Get ready for President Badnarik

With under four months left to the real election, the Atlas of Presidential Elections is holding a mock election (free registration required to vote), in which Libertarian candidate Michael Badnarik holds a lead over John Kerry and George W. Bush. The real results may be a little bit different in November.
posted by RobbieFal at 3:19 PM PST - 8 comments

He likes it when you tickle him

He likes it when you tickle him. A small but cute web thing.
posted by iffley at 2:51 PM PST - 13 comments

Israeli civil war?

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said yesterday that Israel is on the verge of a civil war. The Israeli Knesset held an emergency session on Tuesday to discuss the growing threat of violence and anti-government assassinations--but this time, the anti-Sharon and anti-Likud threats are from the Israeli Right, not Left.

Angry settlers (who are about to become ex-settlers), egged on by a few extremist rabbis, oppose Israel's disengagement and pullout plan from Gaza (which is already underway) and the West Bank: "The General Security Service (GSS) believes that the next assassin of an Israeli Prime Minister is already here and is looking for an opportunity to strike. "This is not an academic possibility anymore. The danger is clear and present. A small core of settlers believes that Sharon is disengagement, and disengagement is Sharon, and they want to stop him," a GSS official told Channel 1 TV. "There are people who have already taken the decision that, come the day they are going to 'save Eretz Israel, that they are going to kill the PM or a minister, a defense official or a policeman." Ironically, the only people who oppose the pullout/disengagement plan even more than the settlers are Palestinians, who oppose it 65% to 34% in a new poll, down from a previous support of 73% in February. [more inside]
posted by Asparagirl at 2:27 PM PST - 46 comments

*&*% Sphericity

No Circles [ flash, game, addicting ]
posted by psychotic_venom at 1:50 PM PST - 19 comments

The Counterpoint of Being?

Introduction to the Art of Fugue.
posted by Gyan at 12:08 PM PST - 16 comments

Lyle, July 2: pissed on side of house

New Blogs! No, I'm not talking about Michael Moore. I mean that Every Member of the Cast of Achewood (even Molly) has now started a freakin' weblog. Hell of pointless ambitious...
posted by soyjoy at 11:09 AM PST - 34 comments

Croatian Properties for Sale

Croatian Properties for Sale
Charming little places for charming big prices. I've never been to Croatia, but I wouldn't have guessed that a 1,600 sq. foot apartment would go for $650,000... Is all of eastern Europe so expensive?
posted by Irontom at 11:00 AM PST - 14 comments

Coalition of the Chilling

Hot on the heels of the critically-acclaimed War on Drugs and its blockbuster sequel, the War on Terror, an alliance of U.S. and Canadian organizations sets its sights on yet another noun, this time with the War on Pornography. The first salvo in the conflict was, naturally, fired in Utah.
posted by mr_crash_davis at 10:00 AM PST - 81 comments

Band Calexico to play border crossing death awareness benefit concert in City of Calexico

Benefit Concert: Calexico in Calexico. The band Calexico will play for the first time ever in the City of Calexico July 9th in a benefit concert promoting border crossing death awareness. Since the U.S. Border Patrol began to document these deaths in 1999, over 2000 illegal immigrants have died in search of a new life in the United States. Calexico, formed by Joey Burns and John Convertino, will donate all proceeds to a non-profit organization supporting humanity.
posted by labotsirc at 9:52 AM PST - 10 comments

Broadcast flag goes into effect 7-1-05

Build your own PVR. Why TiVo when you can freevo? A cool little forum for couch potatoes warriors.
posted by WolfDaddy at 9:32 AM PST - 27 comments

totally bummed

ass-vertise! [warning: no nudity, but somewhat cheeky. possibly NSFW.]
posted by whatnot at 9:31 AM PST - 6 comments


Mindguard... protects your mind by actively jamming and/or scrambling psychotronic mind-control signals and removing harmful engrammic pollutants from your brain. It also has the ability to scan for and decipher into English specific signals so you can see exactly Who wants to control you and what They are trying to make you think.
posted by five fresh fish at 9:11 AM PST - 11 comments

Living with HIV

In My Place. Brent posted a link on his blog today to an "ongoing, unfinished series of journal entries [he's been writing] since testing positive for hiv last year". I'm taking the entries one at a time, as they're poignant... so I've not yet read through them all. It's a brave thing... brave and beautiful. God speed Brent, and I hope that your sharing will touch the hearts of those who suffer alone.
posted by silusGROK at 8:08 AM PST - 6 comments

A blow for freedom

The supreme court ruling that Guant?namo Bay prisoners can challenge their detention in the US is something that renews hope that America is not going down the drain. Slowly everyone understands the madness this administration wanted to drag us all in.
posted by acrobat at 7:42 AM PST - 18 comments

The Australian National Public Toilet Map

The Australian National Public Toilet Map.
posted by hama7 at 7:03 AM PST - 7 comments


Rats. Nature Rat's Genome Special Ratbots, Rats Gone Wild- Oxfordshire, Rat Clones, Renaissance rat.
posted by srboisvert at 6:49 AM PST - 4 comments

El Viaje al Infierno

That most peculiar of spectacles the Fiesta de san Fermín (Running of the Bulls) seems to still exist and will be going ahead tomorrow. The event is held in parallel with Feria del Toro (the Bullfighting Fair); the run itself seems to be in the interests of transporting the bulls to the fair while getting them good and angry, confused, scared and weakened in the process. Being that the event is in honor of Saint Fermín, when the San Fermín church strikes 8am, the bulls are released and the runners get underway, trying to avoid them on their just under 1km trip. On arrival at the Plaza del Toro (Bullring) they are herded into corrals and later released so the crowd can watch the matadors kill them in traditional bullfighting fashion [wmv: 380k | 150k | 56k]. Of course, many people are not really so keen on this event; and it seems PETA will be holding one of their typically daft protests. Can't people just throw tomatoes at each other or something?
posted by ed\26h at 3:48 AM PST - 7 comments

BlogTalk 2.0

Blog to work? Blogging and journalism.
How do weblog posts fit in with the traditional journalistic procedures of subbing and editing?
Can newspaper weblogs ever really be part of the blogging community?
Should journalists be allowed to maintain personal weblogs?
Jane Perrone is giving a talk on BlogTalk 2.0 in Vienna today. This is v1.1 (sic!) of the Program. Summaries and rough notes from the Monday afternoon sessions at Blogtalk can be found here. Today's topics: After midnight. Weblogs and jam sessions and does talking about blogging suck?
posted by tcp at 2:15 AM PST - 6 comments

Hidden Lives Revealed

Hidden Lives Revealed. 'Hidden Lives Revealed provides an intriguing encounter with children who were in the care of The Children's Society in late Victorian and early 20th Century Britain. ' Via the 24 Hour Museum.
posted by plep at 12:37 AM PST - 5 comments

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