September 19, 2019

Oratorio, "The Seasonings", S ½ tsp.

P.D.Q Bach is the 21st of Johann Sebastian Bach's surviving twenty children, and his surprising oratorio The Seasonings just might be worth ~23m of your time (including warm-up informational lecture). Classical music at its most entertaining! [more inside]
posted by hippybear at 8:44 PM PST - 52 comments

This is what it sounds like

The population of birds in North America has dropped 30% since 1970, according to a Cornell study published today in Science. A summary of the study here. [more inside]
posted by Theiform at 8:19 PM PST - 44 comments


This has been a big week for singular they/them pronouns. Merriam-Webster included the "singular they" for the first time. Singer Sam Smith, who'd previously come out as non-binary (instagram link), announced that their pronouns are now they/them - and The Associated Press somehow got it wrong in an article about that very pronoun announcement (they later corrected it). Queer, queer, non-binary journalist Ashley Dye brought this to light in a viral tweet and then wrote about how this error exposes journalism's failings when it comes to writing about LGBTQ issues and people.
posted by the sockening at 6:49 PM PST - 96 comments

Reaching out is a sign of strength and courage

Living with Schizoaffective Disorder (22:27 YT). In a frank and disarming interview Special Books by Special Kids has a conversation with Daniel about living with schizoaffective disorder, including complex PTSD, borderline personality disorder, psychosis, paranoid delusions and hallucinations. [more inside]
posted by bonehead at 2:54 PM PST - 9 comments

Client: We accept the risks of you testing in prod.

Fast-forward to today, and many utilities have now embraced the concept of trimming trees from a helicopter. They have found the technology works safely and efficiently, particularly in mountainous terrain, rural locations, wetlands and sensitive areas where environmental or regulatory issues are encountered” [Viral Tweet from today containing video] [more inside]
posted by ambrosen at 2:13 PM PST - 31 comments

This man knew how to live.

What Did Monet Eat in a Day?
posted by Bee'sWing at 1:24 PM PST - 14 comments


In light of the recent controversy surrounding Lara Spencer's remarks about Prince George's love for ballet, it is particularly timely to note that for the first time in history, the National Ballet School of Canada will graduate a class of more young men than young women.
posted by jacquilynne at 12:12 PM PST - 19 comments

Flying to conclusions

As FAA administrator Steve Dickinson prepares to meet with Boeing executives to assess changes to the 737 Max 8, both the New York Times and The New Republic have published detailed reports on the 737 Max crashes. William Langewiesche writing for the New York Times: "What Really Brought Down the Boeing 737 Max? Malfunctions caused two deadly crashes. But an industry that puts unprepared pilots in the cockpit is just as guilty." Maureen Tcacik, writing for New Republic: "Crash Course: How Boeing's managerial revolution created the 737 MAX disaster."
posted by ChuraChura at 12:01 PM PST - 41 comments

"A prostitute hunting a deeply comforting story."

How Serial Killer Aileen Wuornos Became a Cult Hero sl vice
posted by allkindsoftime at 11:59 AM PST - 28 comments

"Need to find different words for unprecedented."

The Washington Post breaks the news that the whistleblower complaint at the center of a tense showdown between Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire and the House Intelligence Committee involves President Trump’s communications with a foreign leader that included a “promise” regarded as so troubling, it prompted an official in the U.S. intelligence community to file a formal whistleblower complaint with the inspector general for the intelligence community. The New York Times reports today, "During a private session on Capitol Hill, Michael Atkinson, the inspector general of the intelligence community, told lawmakers he was unable to confirm or deny anything about the substance of the complaint, including whether it involved the president." This morning on Twitter, Trump denied he said anything inappropriate but did not dispute he made such a promise. [more inside]
posted by katra at 10:38 AM PST - 615 comments

It seemed like just a lot of cocaine and hair!

Maggie Mae Fish (formerly of Cracked) is doing film analysis on Youtube. She's looking at what Robocop has to say on gender roles, learning empathy with Rugrats, exploring what Tim Burton is really saying about the suburbs, and all those bad daddies in superhero films.
posted by dinty_moore at 9:19 AM PST - 14 comments

How Two Kentucky Farmers Became Kings Of Croquet

Clay-court croquet arose in Kentucky and Tennessee during the Depression. It was cheap and open to anyone. And despite its bourgeois roots, croquet—in the South or elsewhere—is one of the few sports where age and sex don’t matter in tournament play. The basic rules are the same in all versions of the game: each player has to hit his or her balls through a series of wickets in order, and then finish by “staking out,” or hitting a post. Against skilled opponents, though, Archie was ruthless. He could pull off trick shots to make a pool shark weep. But his real talent was in the game’s complex strategy and Machiavellian mind games: blocking opponents’ balls, always thinking three or four shots ahead.
posted by Carillon at 8:55 AM PST - 24 comments

To every warrior, their Valhalla.

I have the sad duty to report that Grandpa Mason, the resident curmudgeon, hair stylist and kitten wrangler at TinyKittens HQ, will be leaving them and us very soon. [more inside]
posted by delfin at 8:46 AM PST - 61 comments

Country maps with dancing pixels

PixelDanc3r, or just Danc3r, is an Argentinian artist named David who makes pixelated art and pixelated game graphics as seen on Twitter and Instagram, as well as Deviant Art. He also makes animated maps, like this map of the world, and these much more detailed, static map of Córdoba, Argentina, as well as animated maps of Argentina, Venezuela, Brasil, and United States of America.
posted by filthy light thief at 8:36 AM PST - 7 comments

Liberals fail to vet Montreal candidate.

Justin Trudeau Wore Brownface at 2001 ‘Arabian Nights’ Party While He Taught at a Private School. Trudeau admits to 2nd incident where he donned makeup and sang 'Day O' in high school talent show. Global News has obtained video showing [Prime Minister] Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau in blackface, the third instance of racist dress to come to light in 12 hours. The photo, the fallout and the folly of Trudeau’s brownface disgrace.
posted by Fizz at 7:33 AM PST - 199 comments

Parched Future

250 million people rely on the Nile for water that may not exist by 2080
posted by Etrigan at 7:28 AM PST - 7 comments

Ferns 2.0

Tim Heidecker takes you into the kitchen & teaches you how to make a variety of meals with some help from Eric Wareheim in Tim's Kitchen Tips
posted by growabrain at 5:58 AM PST - 11 comments

‘Okra is the most foul thing ever grown’

Chefs on their most hated ingredients (SLGuardian).
posted by smoke at 5:00 AM PST - 156 comments

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