January 18, 2003

Sex Film Project

The Sex Film Project. Fans of John Cameron Mitchell and "Hedwig and the Angry Inch" can now audition via videotape for his next film: "The Sex Film Project." The catch? You must be willing to have full hardcore sex on film. Oh, and warning: once you click "Accept" prepare for a background pic featuring an act of autoeroticism. Enjoy!
posted by adrober at 11:13 PM PST - 43 comments

Urinal Interface Design

Urinal Interface Design. Our aim is to keep this place clean. Your aim will help. [via guuui]
posted by kirkaracha at 11:05 PM PST - 33 comments

Is that 5GB in your wallet, or are you just happy to see me?

5GB on a Credit Card. The ever shrinking world of data storage just got smaller, as a company called StorCard has apparently invented a way to write up to 5GB worth of data on to media the size & shape of a credit card. Along with the media you have to buy a USB adaptor to read, but it's a quantum leap in data storage either way. Where will this madness end? Five GB on the head of a pin???
posted by jonson at 10:56 PM PST - 30 comments

Sprite is Good Food

Sprite Is Good Food "We have obtained a rare Sprite commercial rejected by the big wigs at the Coca-Cola Company. I believe it captures just what the Sprite consumer wants to see, epecially in the targeted demographic of 5-80 year olds...it's just too bad we had to delete the scenes with the hyenas on the salad bar." Well, it certainly made me thirsty. (Requires RealPlayer!)
posted by mcsweetie at 6:42 PM PST - 24 comments

DALnet DDoS attacks

After the whole Napster deal, I turned to DALnet for my music needs...but, for the past few weeks, DALnet has been under DDoS attacks preventing me, and countless other from accessing the servers. I find this interesting because while DDoS attacks on RIAA make the news and stop after a few days, but I have yet to see DALnet's problems publicized at all. Anyone else at all find this weird that the hated RIAA his limited DDoS attacks, while smaller and more venerated org like DALnet has attacks lasting more than a week?
posted by jmd82 at 12:30 PM PST - 39 comments

A new meaning to

According to the Minneapolis Star Tribune Some twin cities churches are holding services in novel places. Like Champps sports bar.

Lisa Walker attends Wooddale and likes the idea of Champps. "It's something new and fun," she said as she sat at a table with a friend before services Sunday. They said they were planning to stay for brunch. "It's friends, food, fun and faith, all in one," Walker, of Richfield, said. Her friend, who does not normally attend church and was hesitant to give her name, said she would attend Wooddale but liked the informal setting.

Don't forget alcohol and heavy food, Ms. Walker.
posted by 4midori at 9:57 AM PST - 26 comments

Broken Poem Generator

Broken Poem Generator.
the pencil strokes-
ones they were
to open half
place in space

posted by soundofsuburbia at 8:40 AM PST - 12 comments

Genuine leadership

When it comes to the economy, President Bush is demonstrating genuine leadership. If you don't believe me, ask Kyle Klink, Scott Herrin, Michael Snyder, John Pinckney, or countless others. But not Paul Boutin.
posted by rcade at 8:24 AM PST - 37 comments

New Johnny Cash video

New Johnny Cash video This gorgeous rendition of the song, "Hurt" (actually a Nine Inch Nails cover), makes my heart ache. As a longtime Cash fan, I sure hope he knows how much he is loved. I was moved to mail him a card and got the address from his fan site: House of Cash, 700 Johnny Cash Parkway, Hendersonville, TN 37075. Send the Man in Black some love.
posted by sparky at 6:21 AM PST - 60 comments

coin-operated - the laundro-mat of web experiments

Mouse miles tracker (like a pedometer for your mouse), bandwidth generator (crank it up), H2O-powered internet (take the concept of streaming to a whole new level), or live tv delivered over the net via a vintage television set. Just a few of the experiments and projects at Coin-Operated. via b3ta - they love the web
posted by iconomy at 6:17 AM PST - 3 comments

Funky Radical World

Funky Radical World was created by Japanese illustrator Radical Suzuki - don't miss the delightful fashion show. One of my favorite works is Real Tokyo Girls, a flash animation about the rather fascinating Ganguro girl fad. This gallery includes a few more samples of his work. warning - some cartoon nudity may be involved!
posted by madamjujujive at 6:13 AM PST - 15 comments

And on and on and on...

Something to do if you've got nothing better to do with the rest of your life.
posted by crunchland at 1:45 AM PST - 12 comments

systems theory Donella Meadow's

Dancing with Systems: What to do when systems resist change. Is an excerpt from the late Systems Theorist and Enviromentalist Donella Meadow's unfinished last book. There is beautiful information here. If you are confused and wondering about some of the ideas that has infused the world-wide peace, enviromental, social justice and anti-globalization movements (That is of course Globalization as defined by the Washington Consensus policies) you would be very hard pressed to find a better place to start. Here are points in the essay. Listen to the wisdom of the system. Expose your mental models to the open air. Stay humble. Stay a learner. Honor and protect information. Locate responsibility in the system. Make feedback policies for feedback systems. Pay attention to what is important, not just what is quantifiable. Go for the good of the whole. Expand time horizons. Expand thought horizons. Expand the boundary of caring. Celebrate complexity. Hold fast to the goal of goodness.
posted by thedailygrowl at 12:21 AM PST - 9 comments

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