January 2, 2022
7 Things You Might Not Know About Calvin and Hobbes
For the December 2013 issue of mental_floss magazine, we scored a rare interview with the famously private Mr. Watterson.
Here are seven more notes about the author, the boy, and his stuffed tiger
(Internet Archive link) [more inside]
Change your life -- but just a little
Pictures and Words
Photographer Alec Soth has been making videos from his home library in Minnesota, drawing on its substantial contents. In a series of videos he discusses the pairing of photographs and words in books: one, two, three, four, and maybe more to come. [more inside]
How Did “The War Among the Generations” Come To Be So Peaceful?
Millennials and zoomers aren’t forefathers and offspring respectively but rather siblings, one older and one younger, both forged by the internet; both rightly regarded as a single generation with some minor differences of opinion regarding slang, emoji, and hashtags. They’re a young, web-savvy generation forged by the development of a bustling digital monoculture since the turn of the century. --from It’s Time to Accept That Millennials and Gen Z Are the Same Generation
The Music Plays Again in Mosul
It's talharpa time
"Puuluup is a duo – Ramo Teder (Pastacas as a solo artist) and Marko Veisson. A pinch of surrealism, modern folklore and talharpa revival! The old and the new stick together like water and sleet in Puuluup’s oeuvre." Some of their music: Süüta mu lumi ("Light My Snow"), Paala järve vaala baar, ("Whale Lake Bar"), Heinakõrs, Riisalus, Käpapuu ("Paw Tree"), Liigutage vastu ("Move Against"), and Martafana. [more inside]
Otters playing in the snow
Five YouTubers play five games for $(US)10,000
Five YouTubers. Five games. $10,000. ⋮ Money: the full series - YouTube. It's an hour long but five different rounds so you can take a break. [more inside]
Two Souls
Italian director Lina Wertmüller (Seven Beauties, Love & Anarchy, Swept Away), first woman nominated for Best Director Oscar, died last month at 93. [more inside]
Maak er wat van
(SLYT) For your listening pleasure the Dutch Bert and Ernie from the Dutch Sesamstraat (Sesame Street) sing Maak er wat van. The song deals with how to make something new out of things that are broken. Lyrics and translation inside. More details about the song can be found here. [more inside]
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