January 31, 2004

You better ask before you try and stick your finger up there.

Uncle Patrick’s Advice to Children -- a collection of rules to live by. Some highlights: Wear the condom. No, for the love of Pete, not the mint-flavored one. Jesus, that thing burns. and Here’s a helpful tip for job interviews: try not to stab your future boss in the arm with a freshly sharpened pencil. If you must stab someone with a pencil, have the common sense to dull the point to a state where you can be sure it won’t easily break the skin. (via boingboing)
posted by amberglow at 9:34 PM PST - 23 comments

Sowing One's Wild Oats

Sowing One's Wild Oats And Postponing Last Straws: Some things never change the world over and the gist of this amusing language lesson (be sure to listen to the sountrack too) seems familiar and even easy to guess. However, different cultures allow for different rates of growing up - and out of things. Regarding the sowing of wild oats, is the West really the most lenient and generous, in terms of age-limits? What part does religion play? In other words, what's the maximum you can get away with nowadays? At a pinch, I'd say Southern European Catholic countries will extend a woman's visa till she's 35 and a man's till he's 40 but certain *cough* other cultures seem to be even more favourable towards eternal adolescence.
posted by MiguelCardoso at 5:53 PM PST - 18 comments

A Visual Sourcebook of Chinese Civilization

A Visual Sourcebook of Chinese Civilization.
posted by hama7 at 3:53 PM PST - 8 comments

Twenty trillion out a septillion

Under eights give their opinions on classic rock - Bob Dylan (and others) get compared to Busted.
posted by Orange Goblin at 2:09 PM PST - 31 comments

The Hajj

The Hajj: an excellent photographic journal of Islam's annual pilgrimage.
posted by moonbird at 2:03 PM PST - 8 comments

The Campaign Desk

The Campaign Desk If you are a political news junkie, try this: Critique and analysis of 2004 campaign coverage from Columbia Journalism Review It is good. It is solid.It is intelligent.
posted by Postroad at 12:55 PM PST - 8 comments

Women's Early Art

Women's Early Art. Art, music and poetry from Europe and Asia, and American quilts.
posted by homunculus at 11:34 AM PST - 1 comments

Truth as Propaganda

Severed hands and feet, yarmulkes blown off of heads, sides of human torso dripping blood like beef in a butcher shop -- and a cell phone. The Israeli Foreign Ministry has never allowed footage like this to be seen before, but now they have decided to publicize it on their website to push for the construction of the new security fence, the existence of which is an outrage to many Palestianians. Truth as propaganda. [Caution: WMP, and the most graphically violent images I've seen since the infamous photo of Vietnamese kids running from napalm, and the execution of Daniel Pearl.]
posted by digaman at 11:17 AM PST - 87 comments

Photo London

Photo London. Images of London life over the years.
posted by plep at 10:03 AM PST - 3 comments

Farewell to the Whole Earth

Farewell, Whole Earth magazine? A lament at worldchanging.com: "... spawn of the amazing Whole Earth Catalogs, source of the WELL, first to mention in print the Gaia Hypothesis, the Internet, Virtual Reality, the Singularity and Burning Man (or at least so the legend goes), the place where folks like Stewart Brand, Kevin Kelly and Howard Rheingold found their voices, and where a whole generation of young commune-kid geeks like myself learned to dream weird... " [via Smart Mobs]
posted by Slagman at 9:41 AM PST - 12 comments

Death Marble is clear to fire

I always knew that Star Wars was real. But I always thought the Death Star was a little bigger. Sometimes the Internet makes me laugh.
posted by bargle at 12:59 AM PST - 16 comments

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