January 8, 2000

(as seen on /.)

(as seen on /.) A new wristwatch from Casio that doubles as a MP3 player. Seems goofy at first, but I'd love to have something that small to listen to music while running. It beats a walkman or Rio any day in terms of size, why carry one of those when you can have tunes on your wrist? (now if I just hook up some speakers in a baseball cap :)
posted by mathowie at 5:40 PM PST - 0 comments - Post a Comment

Now this is something you don't see everyday. There's this small Canadian airline that has an interesting legal disclaimer you see right before you start ordering a ticket. Scroll down to the paragraph that starts 'PERSONS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS' which includes some compassionate nuggets like 'The WestJet® Web Site is not designed for use by persons with special needs.' What a warm, caring bunch of folks, eh?
posted by mathowie at 10:12 AM PST - 0 comments - Post a Comment

Remember the Wired Magazine cover with the giant hand, that was all about push?

Remember the Wired Magazine cover with the giant hand, that was all about push? Re-read the old article, it sounded far-fetched then, but with daily headline emails from numerous internet news sites and information tracking services that can icq or page you with information, push isn't dead. We're actually using push content, we're just not calling it that. (thanks Michael for reminding me)
posted by mathowie at 2:01 AM PST - 1 comments

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