October 21, 2005


posted by Jairus at 9:50 PM PST - 504 comments

Send More Paladins.

A Picture is Worth 1000 Brains. Tonight, an event took place on one of the new Role Playing Player Versus Player servers for World Of Warcraft. One of the more eccentric guilds on the server decided to hold an event in honor of the game's official seasonal holiday "Hallow's Eve." Trading in their regular characters for level 1 zombies, they named themselves unpronounceable names (seeing as zombies lack proper tongue and jaw), gathered by the hundreds, and descended on the human fortress of Stormwind. More pics can be found in the official WoW forums. Happy Hallow's Eve, everyone! Brains!
posted by thanotopsis at 9:24 PM PST - 21 comments

Hurricane Wilma

First hand report and photos as Hurricane Wilma smacks the holy bejesus out of the Cancun/Cozumel area.
"The Mexican government did a great job in evacuating thousands of tourists in a small span of 10 to 12 hours. For tourists the evacuations were mandatory. Though the shelters may be uncomfortable, they are safe. I wouldn't worry to much if you have friends or relatives here, they may not be able to communicate for the next few days, but they are safe. The winds are now EXTREMELY powerful, the noise is loud, the building is shaking, and the storm seems to be very angry. This building is built to code, and is probably one of the safest in the hotel zone, so we are not to worried, but small family homes must be in shambles. I will try and keep these updates coming as long as I can."
posted by jcterminal at 9:07 PM PST - 16 comments

Poupée de cire, poupée de son!!!

50 Years of Eurovision --pics, video, info on 14 of the best(?) songs ever performed in the contest. Tonight they're picking the Number One of all time.
posted by amberglow at 8:57 PM PST - 31 comments

How rare!

Glaucoma [w/Flash audio. NB: mouse-over bottom-left for Elvis. Obviously]
posted by Pretty_Generic at 8:44 PM PST - 16 comments

Stunning Saturn/Dione Photo

Stunningly beautiful photo of Dione and Saturn with rings. Such a sensation of depth and grandeur. Thanks, Cassini/JPL/NASA. [animation] [planetary photojournal entry] [B/W mirror from kokogiak] [now you play fun Flash spaceship game].
posted by brownpau at 8:40 PM PST - 18 comments

Tools for Surfing Porn with Firefox

Tools for Surfing Porn with Firefox. My fav: the PaNIC extension which "hides porn quickly."
posted by JPowers at 8:13 PM PST - 26 comments

A Look into the Dead

Interactive Autopsy [Flash]
posted by Gyan at 5:13 PM PST - 13 comments

Tired of Tying Flies or Buying Bait?

Okie Noodling... why not take it straight to the fishies! Noodling, aka tribbling, hogging, or hand fishing is the art of catching catfish using your hand as bait (or your arm for the big ones). These guys root around river banks like muskrats in search of their quarry, but sometimes encounter snakes, snapping turtles, or beavers. Imagine having a 30 to 60 pound catfish chomp on your arm! If you are ever inclined to get in touch with your animal side, this is a pretty good place to start.
posted by philmas at 4:53 PM PST - 17 comments

scary search

GooGhoul! Search tool for hayrides, festivals, haunted houses and other Halloweeny things in your zip code.
posted by stupidsexyFlanders at 4:34 PM PST - 4 comments

My life is good, you old bat!!

I'm the 24,519,565 richest person on earth! According to the Global Rich List, which says I make more than 99.506% of the people alive today. Only 24.5 million people between Bill Gates & myself...
posted by jonson at 2:18 PM PST - 90 comments

fight cute

"A quoi ça sert l’amour?" 28m quicktime, because it's a worthy successor to the cake-bearing bunny. (via)
posted by of strange foe at 11:11 AM PST - 24 comments

Startup Sound

PRANGSTGRÜP: Startup Sound [via Engadget]
posted by cmicali at 10:54 AM PST - 22 comments

Miers and the Golden Parachute

Harriet Miers, Ben Barnes, and an "eye-popping amount of money." Harriet Miers may have given "Bush skipped out on the TexANG"-accuser Ben Barnes a golden parachute in an effort to keep him close...and quiet.
posted by Sticherbeast at 10:40 AM PST - 73 comments

Dick Waterman's Blues Photos

Dick Waterman takes photographs of musicians. Choose a genre from the menu at the top of the page. The photos are good, but going through the Javascript interface allows you to read about each picture. In this photo of Dylan and Baez, Waterman captured Baez crying because Dylan was ignoring her. In this photo of Rev. Gary Davis, Waterman shows Davis sleeping with his guitar held vertically on his lap. And check out young John Fahey with Son House.This gallery of Seven Guitars was connected to Angus Wilson's play of the same name. My favorite is Elizabeth Cotten. Here's an NPR interview with Waterman.
posted by OmieWise at 10:35 AM PST - 10 comments

Terry and the Pirates ... Little Orphan Annie ... Buster Brown ...

Barnacle Press :: Amazing Archive of Vintage Comic Strips
posted by anastasiav at 10:16 AM PST - 18 comments

Co-winner of the Nobel prize in economics

Co-winner of the Nobel prize in economics Robert Aumann of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem gave a very interesting interview about how he became interested in economics, math, and the "topology of bagels." How he applied logic from the Talmud to bankruptcy and other economic events was described nicely at Slate here.
posted by Adamchik at 10:13 AM PST - 4 comments


"This is a game of skill, designed not only to challenge one's hand-eye coordination, but to stimulate strategic thinking as well."
posted by sciurus at 9:55 AM PST - 23 comments

ragnarok now? or is it all just in your head?

Why do we always seem to expect the worst from some people? By now, it's common knowledge that media reports of widespread looting, violence and sexual assault in the wake of Katrina's strike on New Orleans were grossly exaggerated, but why? Some might attribute such distortions to unconscious bias, offering up some hope of alleviating racial tension by bringing unexamined racial biases to light; still others see the problem of racial tension as an intractable one, leading inevitably to an all-out clash of cultures--even finding "evidence" of the inevitably of such a conflict in the unlikeliest of places. Still others seem especially eager to bring all these tensions to a head. What's really going on these days? Is racial tension ultimately a political problem or, as some suggest, a psychological one?
posted by all-seeing eye dog at 9:46 AM PST - 35 comments

Treason is the reason for the season

Fitzmas is coming!... isn't it? Can you stand the anticipation? Could this major holiday turn out to be a big letdown? (Remember, "Fantasies of Cheney being indicted and Bush as unindicted coconspirator are just that at this point--fantasies.") But that doesn't mean we can't be ready with Fitzmas carols or Indictment Bingo, which Wonkette proposed and BackupBrain has now rendered as an actual randomized Fitzmas Bingo card for playing along at home.
posted by soyjoy at 9:27 AM PST - 45 comments

Yeah, right Lisa. A wonderful, magical animal.

The Simpsons are going to... the Middle East! As a treat for viewers during Ramadan, Dubai-based network MBC has dubbed 30 episodes of the Simpsons into Arabic. But in order not to offend their audience, this version of Our Favorite Family is, well, a bit different; for instance, Homer (rechristened Omar) doesn't eat bacon or drink beer. Speculation about the fate of other characters abounds, One Angry Arab is not impressed.
posted by goodnewsfortheinsane at 8:42 AM PST - 28 comments

2 Way Web Gets Closer

Flock is a being called a 'social browser'. It's been available to a select group of beta testers for a while, but today a developer preview of Flock was released to the public. Based on the open source Mozilla codebase, Flock integrates and synchronises with del.icio.us, Flickr and various blogging tools such as Blogger and Wordpress. Amongst other features, tags can be added to favourites and aggregated RSS feeds can be built and viewed from within the browser. There's been a mixed, if somewhat encouraging reception from the Web 2.0 crowd. Is this the future of browsing, or a plaything for early adopter geeks?
posted by davem at 8:10 AM PST - 52 comments

Pep Bonet: Faith in Chaos

Faith in Chaos. Photojournalist Pep Bonet (previously mentioned in this excellent post) has won the 2005 W. Eugene Smith Grant in Humanistic Photography, a $30,000 prize, to support his project on post-war Sierra Leone. The W. Eugene Smith Grant was founded in 1976 to provide financial freedom to photojournalists working on long-term projects in the humane tradition of W. Eugene Smith. Past winners have included Stanley Greene, Brenda Ann Kenneally, Sebastiao Salgado, Eli Reed, Eugene Richards and Gideon Mendel. More inside.
posted by matteo at 7:35 AM PST - 5 comments

Higher Education Podcasts

Stanford iTunes is a service from Stanford University that allows the public access to free speeches, lectures, forums, and more via iTunes. Want more academic audio content? Check out the University Channel at Princeton or the Havens Center at UW-Madison.
posted by trey at 6:27 AM PST - 38 comments

The Wire

The Wire This award winning CBC radio series incorporates interviews, music and sound to explore the impact of electricity on music, from Edison to Caruso to Les Paul to Bjork. Exhaustively researched and beautifully produced, it's somewhere between a documentary, a remix and a music show. The home site has excerpts, playlists, and the remix from each show, but you can listen to all eight episodes in their entirely at PRX (you'll need to login first).
posted by Turtles all the way down at 6:26 AM PST - 16 comments

Rotel = Red, Rolling Hotel

Rotel (German) is a way to travel the world and go off the beaten track without leaving the comfort of your... bus. Some of the buses are in two parts, so the accommodation trailer can be left behind for day trips, and some are four-wheel drive, to go off-road. More pics: Algeria, Mongolia, Argentina, Serengeti. Those goofy buses remind me of the Red Couch. More inside.
posted by Turtle at 6:04 AM PST - 12 comments

The Valve Page

The Valve Page Featuring exceedingly old radios, televisions, and other old electronics from the UK.
posted by Mwongozi at 5:38 AM PST - 9 comments

Lenin Statues

Lenin Statues around the World. Reason 1: It is a tribute to cool propaganda statues and the work of the sculptors. Reason 2: Very likely the typical tourist picture taken by a westerner visiting mother Russia would be: To make that touristic one standing beneath Lenin and imitating him pointing out the way to the perfect society with his giant hand while the other hand is holding his ridicolous but cute cap. When shooting your picture the locals laugh and laugh and some drunkards might even yell at you for taking this, in their mind, very stupid picture. (sic)
posted by three blind mice at 1:37 AM PST - 30 comments

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