October 30, 2007

That's some scary music

Krzysztof Komeda wrote and played some scary stuff. Then there's Bernard Herrmann. Poe for Moderns is awesome, complete with a Lambert, Hendricks, and Ross-esque version of "The Raven". And if you haven't heard Frankie Stein and His Ghouls, well, you haven't lived. And if that doesn't thrill you, maybe this will? [more inside]
posted by sleepy pete at 11:17 PM PST - 14 comments

a major artist admits to being on OINK!?!

Trent Reznor speaks about being a member of oink, torrents and file sharing, as well as other interesting things. NIN cd cover artist, known online as Demonbaby, also speaks about labels, file sharing and oink. It's a lonnng rant.
posted by ashbury at 10:24 PM PST - 51 comments

Child Soldiers in Burma

Sold to Be Soldiers: The Recruitment and Use of Child Soldiers in Burma. [more inside]
posted by homunculus at 10:15 PM PST - 6 comments

Neptune's Navy: The life and opinions of Paul Watson, anti-whaling vigilante

A list of Watson’s campaigns in the eighties reads like a catalogue of Tintin adventures. In 1981, he secretly entered Siberia to document a Soviet food-processing facility that was converting illegally harvested whale meat into feed for animals at a fur farm. He succeeded in avoiding the K.G.B. and in outmaneuvering the Soviet Navy around a pod of gray whales. (Greenpeace, which visited the facility the following year, got caught; one of the Greenpeace activists told me, “I was taken into a room with a K.G.B. guy who asked, ‘Do you know Paul Watson?’ ”) In 1982, from a chartered airplane, Watson dropped paint-filled light bulbs on a Soviet trawler in the northern Pacific. He has used spoiled pie filling, fired from water cannons, as a weapon at sea. During the Falklands War, he contacted the British Navy and offered to assist its fleet by ferrying medical supplies to the front—“so I could head off any Argentine move to kill penguins,” he told me. The British declined the offer.
Neptune's Navy [print], the life and opinions of Paul Watson, anti-whaling vigilante and founder of Sea Shepherd. [more inside]
posted by Kattullus at 8:57 PM PST - 9 comments

What level of Arcane spell is that?

You never hear about a psychic winning the lottery, but apparently witchcraft is worth a shot.
posted by Pope Guilty at 8:52 PM PST - 27 comments

Introducing the fabulous Lindha Kallerdahl

We used to call it speaking in tongues, now it's music. Introducing the fantastic Lindha Kallerdahl! A Swedish export, she's performed with Sonic Youth and won the "Jazz in Sweden" prize. Here's her site and here are a few samples on Myspace. I like "The Meaning of the..."
posted by borkingchikapa at 7:47 PM PST - 13 comments

Like Freakonomics man...

On the Legalization — or Not — of Marijuana (via - with Pete's response)
posted by i_am_a_Jedi at 6:55 PM PST - 72 comments

I wish my brother George was here.

In 1956, Time Magazine wrote, "He is the summit of sex—the pinnacle of Masculine, Feminine and Neuter. Everything that He, She or It can ever want." (Wait. Seriously???) Behold the evolution of The Liberace Show: from dapper virtuoso to sequined, wacky showman. [more inside]
posted by miss lynnster at 6:05 PM PST - 26 comments

cant stop wont stop progress

Fight the Power: A New Movement for Civil Rights by Jeff Chang. [more inside]
posted by shotgunbooty at 5:54 PM PST - 19 comments

RIP Robert Goulet

But if I'd ever leave you,
It couldn't be in autumn.
How I'd leave in autumn I never will know....

Robert Goulet, who shot to fame playing Lancelot in Camelot (the musical, not the model) passed away today. He had been waiting for a lung transplant.
posted by dw at 5:20 PM PST - 59 comments

Vodka "Pills"?

Vodka "pills" or candy, are NOT for little trick-or-treaters. [more inside]
posted by snsranch at 3:57 PM PST - 26 comments

Curse of the Long Tail

Sorry PR, you're blocked. Chris Anderson, the editor-in-chief of Wired Magazine calls out the 300+ PR "professionals" who cannot be bothered to look for the right person to send their announcements to. Then, he publishes their e-mail addresses online, for all to see. If you were thinking of using a PR firm this year, here are 300 that you might want to give a miss. via
posted by parmanparman at 3:41 PM PST - 49 comments

Guardian columnist Dina Rabinovitch dies

"There is no template for the way I am living now. There has always been a plethora of instructions before...No matter what the life change, these days there's a how-to book, a lifestyle column in a Sunday magazine; none of that mid-century fumbling in the dark like Ian McEwan's honeymooners on Chesil Beach. Except for right here, at the front line of breast cancer. Nobody has written the manual yet." Dina Rabinovitch lost her long-running battle with cancer today.
posted by fay at 3:38 PM PST - 14 comments

MakeMyLogoBigger Cream

MakeMyLogoBigger Cream is a clinically proven formula which embiggens your logo, gets rid of annoying whitespace, adds SEO magic crystals and reams of powerful marketing text! See Also.
posted by deern the headlice at 3:06 PM PST - 21 comments

Scary Stuff

Scary Stuff: Count Floyd's Scary Little Christmas Promo, Dr Cube's Posse, A Scarier Skeleton by Jack Handey [mp3], The Lost Skeleton Of Cadavra Trailer [previously], Shining, Plan 9 From Outer Space - Best Lines, Re-Enactment - Pan's Labyrinth, [previously] Scream in 30 Seconds and Re-Enacted by Bunnies, Season of the Witch, The Thing in Lego, REM & Muppets - Furry Happy Monsters. Happy Halloween everyone!
posted by McLir at 2:11 PM PST - 14 comments


SquatRx is a series of videos focusing on proper form and technique in the Barbell Squat. Topics include how to correct lower back rounding, the use of bands and chains, and how to set up a Westside regimen.
posted by jason's_planet at 1:49 PM PST - 12 comments

The G-Shot: Viagra (in a needle) for women?

Is it "Viagra for women," or merely a placebo for women who want more orgasms? The G-shot, a little collagen injected into a sensitive place, is gaining more attention. It's not just weary working moms looking for a recharge. When a 19-year-old coed decides it's the answer to stop faking orgasms, how much longer before it's as ubiquitous as the little blue pill?
posted by sacre_bleu at 1:25 PM PST - 208 comments

your clothes want to die

Alarmingly, these are not lovesick zombies. Remember this game? Same guy, new game, same descent into madness.
posted by the dief at 1:23 PM PST - 16 comments

Are Gay Neighborhoods Worth Saving?

The NY Times looks at the decline of gay meccas. The GLBT Historical Society of San Francisco has held several discussions about the Castro district. A shift in values, gentrification, and violence are named as factors in the "de-gaying" of the Castro. The area's famed Halloween party has been canceled and revelers told to stay out. What will happen to this gay destination?
posted by desjardins at 1:09 PM PST - 41 comments

Dinosaurs Attack!

Gore Lovers Click Here. When I was 12 years old, there was nothing cooler than this card series, aside from maybe Transformers The Movie. Where's the movie for this IMHO superior companion piece to the Mars Attacks! series? I think this is the ideal property to be the first all-CGI feature with an emphasis on gore. [more inside]
posted by autodidact at 12:30 PM PST - 26 comments

Exxon Whines to Supremes

Corporate Citizenship On March 24, 1989, the oil tanker Exxon Valdez struck Bligh Reef in Prince William Sound, Alaska, spilling more than 11 million gallons of crude oil. The spill was the largest in U.S. history and tested the abilities of local, national, and industrial organizations to prepare for, and respond to, a disaster of such magnitude. Oil from the massive spill, which coated 1,200 miles of Alaskan coast, continues to threaten the damaged ecosystem there, long after experts believed it would dissipate. Facing a $5 billion damage award, Exxon appealed, and won reductions to $4.5B, then $2.5B. It was still too much, the company argued. Now, the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear Exxon's appeal. Justice Alito has recused himself. [more inside]
posted by Kirth Gerson at 12:19 PM PST - 56 comments

Illustrations of primates

Look at that tail! Stephen Nash has illustrated the most endangered primates (image gallery: part 1, part 2) -- so faithfully over the years that one now bears his name. The just-released "Primates in Peril" report has full profiles of each animal, along with all of Nash's illustrations (including those replaced by photos in the gallery above -- don't miss the sumatran orangutan!).
posted by salvia at 11:31 AM PST - 6 comments

no photos

Strictly No Photography is a site where people can upload and share photos taken in places where you are not allowed to take photos. Lots of photos from art galleries, airports, museums, and even places in Glasgow (nsfw).
posted by sgt.serenity at 9:42 AM PST - 52 comments

The State gives and the State taketh away

The Guajurati State Government has been directly implicated in a massacre of over 2,000 moslems during riots in 2002. There has been surprisingly little coverage by world news media. via pickledpolitics a British based SE Asian current affairs / political blog.
posted by adamvasco at 9:19 AM PST - 22 comments

RIP Fup. Store Cat.

RIP Fup. Store cat. The longtime Powell’s Bookstore resident died peacefully surrounded by her co-workers on October 25th. She was 19. Photo album. Those not familiar with Fup can catch up with more than 150 newsletter entries.
posted by peep at 9:01 AM PST - 51 comments

reasons to be angry

A list of reasons why an atheist blogger is angry.
posted by nickyskye at 8:27 AM PST - 681 comments

Account of MRSA

A LIFE or DEATH STRUGGLE with MRSA recounted almost real time. Best to start with the original posting, linked at the beginning, and then go back. Read from the bottom to get the sequence. It's a terrible story, made worse by the stupid accident that led to the struggle. I accidentally ran across this blog before the fight was over and am shocked by how things went.
posted by etaoin at 7:40 AM PST - 177 comments


Pilkipedia is the only online encyclopaedia and community based around Karl Pilkington, Stephen Merchant and Ricky Gervais. Includes downloads of all their XFM radio shows from 2001-2005. [via]
posted by patricio at 7:32 AM PST - 5 comments

Live anonymous edits to Wikipedia on Google maps

Live anonymous edits to the English Wikipedia on a Google map in real-time. (The FAQ)
posted by stbalbach at 7:25 AM PST - 20 comments

These isles are full of noises

BODcasts "The Bodleian Library launches its first series of BODcasts with readings by celebrated poets including Seamus Heaney, Bernard O’Donoghue and Mick Imlah." MP3s of talks and readings given on an evening in celebration of the publication of the journal Archipelago. [Via]
posted by Abiezer at 5:49 AM PST - 4 comments

Hrm, where can I find an idea?

The Ideas Catalogue is a weird and wacky thing. It features ideas of things, and nothing more. They are for sale, and some have been bought.
posted by jonathanstrange at 5:45 AM PST - 10 comments

I can't eat, I can't talk - Been drinkin' mean jake, Lord, now can't walk - Ain't got nothin' now to lose - Cause I'm a jake walkin' papa with the 'Jake Walk Blues' - The Allen Brothers

Jake Leg Blues - Mississippi Sheiks
Jake Walk Blues - The Allen Brothers
Alcohol and Jake Blues - Tommy Johnson (lyrics)
"Jake Leg," about how the blues diagnosed a mysterious 1930 epidemic is a pdf scan of a New Yorker article from September 15, 2003 from here.  The Jake Walk Effect is from North Carolina Moonshine, as is The Jake Leg in Song  See also Paralysis In A Bottle (html) [more inside]
posted by y2karl at 5:33 AM PST - 18 comments

New Evidence in the case of the West Memphis 3

New evidence in the case of the West Memphis 3 claims that "there was no DNA from the three defendants found at the scene, the mutilation was actually the work of animals and at least one person other than the defendants may have been present at the crime scene." [previous thread]
posted by billysumday at 5:26 AM PST - 40 comments

Your Bottom Dollar

The pound has hit its highest level against the dollar in 26 years.
posted by chuckdarwin at 5:06 AM PST - 75 comments

Saving Justin Berry

Journalist's efforts to rescue teen from porn questioned. Kurt Eichenwald, author and NYT journalist discovered teen Justin Berry prostituting himself online and intervened, financially and legally. Eichenwald even appeared with Berry on Oprah. Two years after his initial expose was published, his life is in ruins. [more inside]
posted by Locative at 2:17 AM PST - 33 comments

Address: 123 Sesame Street (The Nest Behind The Apartment)

It's the most remarkable word I've ever seen! Big Bird tries to pronounce the alphabet. More Big Bird goodies inside... [more inside]
posted by amyms at 12:23 AM PST - 17 comments

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