November 24, 2004
Blog Torrent
Blog Torrent is out, it's been under development for a while now by the good people at Downhill Battle. It's a really simplified way of uploading files for the bittorrent network with an integrated client/server solution. Right now the client side is windows only, but the core functionality works with any client of course. Pretty neat.
Biometal: Robotic Muscle
Made from a nickel-titanium alloy, and highly processed for electrical activation and long life, the thin black thread-like BioMetal acts as an artificial muscle. When powered, the BioMetal contracts. When power turns off, the BioMetal quickly cools and the wire extends again to its longer, starting length.
There's nothing Nietzsche couldn't teach ya 'bout the raising of the wrist ...
Plato was a bore. Everything Nietzsche ever wrote is available on The Nietzsche Channel, in both English and German. They have many other Nietzsche-related resources, including a quiz. (Geocities, unfortunately.)
RaLouche in '07!
Oatmeal is funnier than cabbage!!! VOTE for the only candidate with a viable plan for the promotion of BREAKFAST CIVIL LIBERTIES!!! [via Boing Boing]
1001 Self Portraits
1001 Self Portraits reaches 40.
I Am The Anti-Christ(mas).
No shopping. No presents. No guilt.
Mariko Takahashi's FITNESS VIDEO for being appraised as an "EX-FAT GIRL" A most peculiar entry from Panasonic's Olympic Games in Action summer promotion in Japan. From the artist: "This video expresses the joy of excercise. ...While I was trying to find something that both adults and children could enjoy, I saw a poodle with its 'muscle-like' hairstyle and I thought, how about a girl with muscles in the same places?" ...Possibly the most bizarre video I've seen all month. (38MB - QuickTime/Real/Windows Media Player req'd)
Who benefits from tort reform?
Caps on non-economic damages in medical malpractice suits have become very popular policy in America. Proponents of caps claim that huge settlements are to blame for skyrocketing med mal premiums, forcing doctors out of business. You may remember Bush's oft-mocked statement that "our OB-GYNs are unable to practice their love" because of these opportunistic suits brought by ambulance-chasing trial lawyers. After insurance companies poured millions into referenda across the nation to convince voters that a cap on damages would effectively lower med mal premiums and protect health care availability for the end user, now the second-largest med mal insurer in America, GE Medical Protective, is trying to convince the Texas Department of Insurance that they are unable to reduce their premiums because tort reform only saves them 3% of their total losses.
Bigger Food = Less Hunger
Portion Distortion Quiz. Just in time for T-day, our helpful friends at NIH have updated last year's quiz with Portion Distortion II. Caution: pictures of food are bigger today than they were 20 years ago.
Chapters in the Sky
Chapters in the Sky --- a rich collection of autobiographical aviation storytelling by Paul Niquette. Complete with glossary for non-pilots/enthusiasts. Highlights: two crashes in one day, the flight school riding on the success of Paul's FAA checkride, commuting over LA.
Someday, computers will only be the size of a football field.
Hercules! Not the shiny muscle man from the past, but a handy emulator for IBM S/360, S/370, S/390, and z/Arch mainframes. Unfortunately, because of IBM's bullheadedness, you can only run operating systems released when the world was young, unless, for whatever reason, you decide to run something released after the Reagan Administration.
You, too, can learn how easy we young whippersnappers have it now, but beware: to effectively use most of these systems, you will need to descend into Hell.
Chess championship
chess is the game of kings...
The 2005
U.S. Chessmaster Championships are being held
right now, in 2004, here
in San Diego.
When you have tons of money and a lifelong passion,
like Erik
you can do things like prevent
the tourney's demise.
Keep your eyes on Hikaru
and Gata
and ask yourself what Garry
will be doing this weekend.
press secretary told me that he will not attend, but I
plan to stop by with my Ivan
II, The Conqueror.
And if I can't get in, I'll just stay home and read
or do my damnedest to get my
kicks above
the waistline, sunshine.
(First one is Swedish, last one's a midi.)
Charile Tuna Unabomber Track
I can't stop watching this video (QT), and the rest of the videos directed by Ruben Fleischer are rather punchy too. I'm not really big into this genre but this director has a really good eye...
A Manx Notebook
A Manx Notebook. Many things related to the Isle of Man.
The Noir Genius Exam
Take the Village Voice's Noir Genius Exam. Created to promote the "Essential Noir: Classics of American Film Noir 1941-1958" film fest at the FilmForum. Nov26th-Dec 23. Difficulty: essay questions - good luck...
Fearless Leader
Apparently, the reports of our leader's pictures being taken down around the country aren't true.
Boondoggles and Barrels O' Pork -
Federal Business Opportunities
Ever wanted to know where all your tax dollars really go? Mosey on over to and search the nice little database they've got there for all those federal business opportunities you just can't wait to bid on....How about making a wearable computer for the Navy? Want to perform for the USO? How about getting paid to surf the intarwebs to defeat the terrorists? The Special Operations Command has the job for you! Looking to unload 30 million tons of beef? You've got a buyer! Gather wild horses for the Dept of Ag! Haul carcasses in the search for mad cow disease! Oh, and by the way, the Iraqi Army needs some clarinets...
Ever wanted to know where all your tax dollars really go? Mosey on over to and search the nice little database they've got there for all those federal business opportunities you just can't wait to bid on....How about making a wearable computer for the Navy? Want to perform for the USO? How about getting paid to surf the intarwebs to defeat the terrorists? The Special Operations Command has the job for you! Looking to unload 30 million tons of beef? You've got a buyer! Gather wild horses for the Dept of Ag! Haul carcasses in the search for mad cow disease! Oh, and by the way, the Iraqi Army needs some clarinets...
Fighting Words for a Secular America
"Question with boldness even the existence of a God... In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own... History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government." These heretical words, spoken by a government official now, would surely result in him being targeted for removal by the GOP in the next red-state "mandate." But they were written by Thomas Jefferson, one of the founders of the increasingly pious, "faith-based" United States of America. A timely reminder from Robin Morgan in Ms. Magazine [via the sublime wood s lot.]
We like the music, we like the disco sound
A bloodless coup is sweeping the world of plush toys. There's a civil war between traditional teddy bears, puppy dogs , and the new breed of stuffed love bags. Ladies and gentlemen I present to you, for you enjoyment plush tampons, Toilet Paper, and Toast. Yah toast.
Giving Thanks
Here's what Thanksgiving means to one American whose life-story models some of what is best about this nation. I'm sure there are other, similar stories on the web. This one spoke to me, so I share it with you.
A bit of the ol' ultra-violence
Whack Your Boss. Finally, a place to express your rage without harming a soul. Whack your boss, here in cyberspace, so you don't have to. The challenge: Find 50 seven ways to leave whack your boss. [Flash]
As a brutal civil war ravages the NBA, loyalist forces are under attack from a fascist coup led by Generalissimo David Stern. Stern promises prosperity and stability to the people of Indiana. [Special thanks to this guy.]
In the future, everyone will be famous for fifteen [megabytes].
15 Megs of Fame. From the creators of Threadless (and pretty much the same thing but for music instead of T-shirts). {Flash.}
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