November 3, 2006

Doogie Howzaboutdat?

Doogie comes out of the closet. While this probably falls under the category "yeah, like we didn't know that already," it's nice to see younger male celebrities finally admit publicly what everyone gossips about privately.
posted by WolfDaddy at 7:35 PM PST - 76 comments

Hips Don't Lie

Not everyone enjoys watching men belly dance. But if you have a problem with them doing it, Tarik Sultan has something to say to you. [YouTube]
posted by owhydididoit at 6:50 PM PST - 11 comments

That's why God gave you two

[NSFW] People are always trying to find completeness in something outside of themselves. For some, it’s money that makes them feel whole. Others find it in relationships, in wooing and winning an “other half.” And for some unfortunate people, that feeling of wholeness is a much more elusive goal. That’s because they don’t feel complete until they succeed in convincing someone to amputate one of their own perfectly healthy limbs.
posted by jason's_planet at 4:35 PM PST - 29 comments

Blaming Bush

Now they tell us. Neocon hindsight is 20/20. War architect Richard Perle on invading Iraq, 2002: "We have no time to lose, and I think the president understands that and it's probably taken too long already, but I don't think it'll be much longer... Support for Saddam, including within his military organization, will collapse at the first whiff of gunpowder.... Now, it isn't going to be over in 24 hours, but it isn't going to be months either." Four years later: "If I had been delphic, and had seen where we are today, and people had said, 'Should we go into Iraq?,' I think now I probably would have said, 'No, let's consider other strategies'... Could we have managed that threat by means other than a direct military intervention? Well, maybe we could have."
posted by digaman at 3:27 PM PST - 105 comments

TP and shaving cream

Youtube video of Philly cops vandalizing Philly cop car. Can you say 'disciplinary action?'
posted by fixedgear at 3:11 PM PST - 27 comments

Audible Hemmorage

Gotta Love Amazon's Product Tags. Another milepost for the K-Fed meme.
posted by ambulance blues at 1:33 PM PST - 46 comments

Conical Pizza

Pizza in Three Dimensions "Every few years, a product comes along that completely changes its category. As the iPod has revolutionized the way people interact with music; as cell phones and wireless internet access has altered the way they communicate, so, too, will the way they approach eating change with the introduction of Pizzacono, the first dramatically new way to consume pizza in recent memory."
posted by sportbucket at 1:30 PM PST - 93 comments

A chilling precident

Issac Asimov's first Law of Robotics has been broken.
posted by icosahedral at 12:53 PM PST - 80 comments

Online research source list

100+ authoritative research sources that are available online. Various topics, real info. Think of it as a kind of do-it-yourself AskMe, or you know, a research library.(via Making Light)
posted by LobsterMitten at 12:17 PM PST - 19 comments

Just headed down to the dump with these children's letters to God

Bag Of Prayer Letters Plucked From N.J. Surf. One man wrote from prison, saying he was innocent and wanted to be back home with his family. A woman wrote that her boyfriend was now closing the door to her daughter's bedroom each night when it used to stay open, and wondered why. One unwed mother wrote that her baby was due in four weeks, and asked God to make the father fall in love with her and marry her so the child would have a father. The minister died two years ago at 79. How the letters, some dating to 1973, wound up bobbing in the surf is a mystery.
posted by 445supermag at 11:43 AM PST - 27 comments

"Yeah, I know the meeting will be there, but will God show up?"

"Can I ask you what your favorite commandment is?" Woody Allen interviews Billy Graham. Part 2. YouTube single-link FPP.
posted by ibmcginty at 11:08 AM PST - 24 comments

Adrienne Shelly: 1966-2006

ObitFilter: Adrienne Shelly, New York film and theatre actress and director, died on 1 November 2006 of unknown causes. A longtime "next-big-thing", Shelly's early performances in Hal Hartley's films (most notably Trust) are cherished by fans of 1990s independent films. She is survived by her husband and three-year-old daughter.
posted by pxe2000 at 10:33 AM PST - 30 comments

British believe Bush is more dangerous than Kim Jong-il

Newsfilter: Bush and America are now perceived to be more dangerous than Kim Jong-il according to an international opinion poll published by the Guardian Newspaper. Perhaps more interesting than that, it shows that only 1 in 4 people in Israel think that Bush has made the world safer - a fairly small percentage for a country that is traditionally one of America's staunchest allies when it comes to national security...
posted by Mave_80 at 9:41 AM PST - 90 comments

It's only rock 'n roll, but Al likes it

Before Al Franken started calling Rush Limbaugh a big fat idiot, he did a big fat Mick Jagger impression. Enjoy.
posted by punkfloyd at 9:13 AM PST - 29 comments

Hook, Line, and Sestina

Fisher Poets You've heard of cowboy poetry, sure, but how about the verse of modern-day fishermen and women? Taking the Cowboy Poetry Gathering as their model, fisher poets have plunged into the celebration of occupational culture with their own annual festival in Astoria, Oregon. Get a glimpse into this difficult, dangerous, and unpredictable way of making a living through the work of Erin Frestad, Geno Leech, Toby Sullivan, and others. Listen to the sounds of the gathering on this piece from PRI's Here & Now, too.
posted by Miko at 8:21 AM PST - 8 comments

Do animals know more than we think?

A recent article recently came out in the Wall Street Journal, which cited new study from Stanford about animal consciousness. Elephants grieve, bees create mental maps, dolphins recognize themselves in mirrors. Snakes have more brain cells than humans, and chickens worry about the future. What are your thoughts? Does this change the way we treat animals?
posted by PetBoogaloo at 8:16 AM PST - 86 comments

Insurance Transparency Project

1. Everyone thinks insurance is impenetrable and boring.
2. Everyone is wrong.

The Insurance Transparency Project blog is written by Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Dean Starkman, who is currently a Katrina Media Fellow sponsored by the Open Society Institute, funded and chaired by George Soros.
posted by ba at 8:03 AM PST - 14 comments

50s and 60s Children's Record Covers

50s and 60s Album Covers. Archive volunteer and resident video guru, Eric Graf has amassed an amazing collection of novelty and children's records from the 50s and 60s. He brought a stack by the other day to be scanned. Check out how these covers make you want to rush to your phonograph to play the record. [via Bedazzled]
posted by soundofsuburbia at 7:21 AM PST - 7 comments

Dig in

Odeo. Listen to lots and lots of podcasts. Like Alan Richman's culinary assualt on New Orleans.
posted by four panels at 7:12 AM PST - 15 comments

Geek Girls??

What goes together more than geeks and hawt (ok... some scary), comic-book costumed girls?
(mildly NSFW??)
posted by jpburns at 5:47 AM PST - 37 comments

Ortho-Evra Kills

Ortho-Evra Birth Control Patch Has Inconvenient Death Side Effect Ortho-Evra is a faddish, convenient birth control option in transdermal patch form, which has lured women by promising no-worries birth control, not to mention nice manageable periods or even no periods at all. In my local newspaper, I noticed a tiny news brief about the class-action lawsuit going on right now, and thought it was worth posting. It's not really new news--the first cases came out about a year ago. A year ago Ortho-Evra added to the list of side effects. Previously healthy women are suffering strokes--and it is well-known that doctors don't always report problems as patch-related when in fact they are. No surprises...the FDA estimated that 118/100,000 of users would experience blood clots and circulation problems related to the drug (this was double Johnson & Johnson's rate) before they approved the patch anyway back in 2001! They also estimated that the risk would increase drastically for women whose first birth control experience was with the patch See page 43 of the second Medical Review in the FDA report. Many apologies if I'm the last to know.
posted by Fisherkitty at 2:58 AM PST - 61 comments

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