December 6, 2000

I know it's all about anti-tobacco, but I still don't get their television commercials. Their website is hella phat, though.
posted by SilentSalamander at 5:40 PM PST - 43 comments

Drug Tampering Movie Halted

USA Network complies with Tylenol's request to halt production of a drug-tampering movie.
posted by gluechunk at 4:35 PM PST - 11 comments

Who loves ya baby

Who loves ya baby AmIHotOrNot with a twist, humiliated by receiving a paltry 2.3 ? Could it be that ninety nine percent of the votes came from vegetarian midgets that smoke ? Wouldn't it be nice to know you are a solid 9.4 amongst the one percent of blonde Amazonian godess' ? Get detailed demographic info on the types of people voting for you :)
posted by zeoslap at 4:12 PM PST - 7 comments

Think you should be King or Queen of England?

Think you should be King or Queen of England? Apply here.
posted by trox at 3:02 PM PST - 8 comments

What a delicious fedora

What a delicious fedora you're wearing! I guess I'm adding to my growing body of stupid, inconsequential links, but hey, everyone needs a niche.
posted by Skot at 12:41 PM PST - 3 comments

Only nine days left to enter your website

Only nine days left to enter your website in the competition for SXSW 2001. All categories but one are for websites that are newly created in 2000 (the other category is for redesigned/relaunched websites).
posted by beth at 10:30 AM PST - 7 comments


This would be funnier if it wasn't so close to the truth. And I thought the Onion made up their fake news.
posted by norm at 10:24 AM PST - 15 comments

And this month's award for the most useless application of modern technology goes to.......Alison's PantsCam! Give a couple of college students a digital camera, a wireless network, and some free time, and they'll provide streaming data of the insides of their pants. Once again, I go to the wrong University.
posted by Arvid at 8:41 AM PST - 19 comments

Monsanto's "New Agent Orange" used in Columbia

Monsanto's "New Agent Orange" used in Columbia "The herbicide glyphosate has been blamed for destroying acres of trees and contaminating wells, streams and ponds. . . long term ecological effects could be severe."
posted by snakey at 8:40 AM PST - 12 comments

when headlines go bad, yet again.

when headlines go bad, yet again. this will be rotated off the site soon, i'm sure, but it was good for a chuckle:

American guilty of spying in Russia: Pope sentenced to 20 years in prison
posted by o2b at 8:32 AM PST - 0 comments - Post a Comment


Curious George W.
posted by Veruca at 7:53 AM PST - 49 comments

Time Digital 2026:

Time Digital 2026: Normally I wouldn't get too excited about Time Digital, but this issue was edited by SF writer Bruce Sterling and features such future niceties as sewerbots and organically grown homes. Now if we could only get him to guest-edit Family PC...
posted by mecran01 at 6:16 AM PST - 0 comments - Post a Comment

India discovers weblogs

India discovers weblogs It doesn't say much, but it's a start. Print alert: There's also an article in Speak magazines about online journals and weblogs.
posted by debrahyde at 5:07 AM PST - 3 comments

It feels like 1997 all over again.

It feels like 1997 all over again. I guess Uncle Steve's Reality Distortion Field has a limited radius after all. How's everyone's favorite fruit company going to pull out of this one? I don't think OS X is going to be the new iMac. (Although the Cube looks like it's on track to become the next 20th Anniversary Mac...)
posted by darukaru at 4:15 AM PST - 23 comments

Eight Sword Myths

Eight Sword Myths by Glenn Pettit is a relaxing unobtrustive and straight-forward read for those who like to collect, brandish, or just stare in awe at c-c-c-cutlery. And who doesn't? This document dispells certain modern misunderstandings but also tips a hat to timeless legend itself.
posted by ZachsMind at 12:53 AM PST - 2 comments

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