February 12, 2000

RIP Charles Schulz and Tom Landry

So Charles Schulz ran out of ink about two hours ago, preceded in death by about five hours by Tom Landry. The worst part is, both were in my dead pool, which starts in about 24 hours. (The second-worst thing is all the "It's a sad day for Snoopy" and "Good grief" ledes we're going to have to endure. Blech.)

The Dallas Morning News obit went over the wires at 85 inches before Landy was even cold. Gee, you think they saw this one coming?
posted by luke at 11:50 PM PST - 9 comments

Rex Reed will probably be getting some bad reviews in the future,

Rex Reed will probably be getting some bad reviews in the future, thanks to today's arrest for shoplifting CDs from a New York music store. Too bad he never got into Napster and mp3s, maybe this would have never happened. I think I own all three of those CDs, actually. Rex, I would have let you download them!
posted by mathowie at 10:06 PM PST - 0 comments - Post a Comment

Potential Employment:

Potential Employment: Here is a chance to show what you are made of. Quit your high paying job you have now, for one that will give you the opportunity to "help the children."
posted by brent at 9:45 PM PST - 0 comments - Post a Comment

Adding to the list of weird shaped rock formations found on Mars

Adding to the list of weird shaped rock formations found on Mars is the heart shaped plateau, just in time for Valentine's Day.
posted by Mark at 9:01 PM PST - 0 comments - Post a Comment

From the "We're in the 2000's, right?" file: Senator Jesse Helms continues to be an asshole, blocking *any* African-American judges from being appointed to the 4th Circut Court of Appeals. The court happens to preside over an area with the largest population of African-Americans anywhere in the country.
posted by mathowie at 12:00 PM PST - 6 comments

The Discovery Channel has a pretty good "Hackers Hall of Fame"

The Discovery Channel has a pretty good "Hackers Hall of Fame" but of course they get hacking/phreaking/cracking all munged up. There's a brief bio and short synopsis of activities for each person.
posted by mathowie at 9:37 AM PST - 0 comments - Post a Comment

With the ACME License Maker you can test out how (an abbreviated version of your) URL would look on the license plate of that new bug you've been looking at.
posted by endquote at 8:27 AM PST - 0 comments - Post a Comment

The Bad Touch

The Bad Touch by The Bloodhound Gang. I love it and KROQ is playing it pretty much every hour, so if they haven't already been labeled loser-sellout-musicians-non-gratia they will be soon. Musically, I'm the kiss of death.
posted by CrazyUncleJoe at 12:42 AM PST - 0 comments - Post a Comment

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