February 7, 2000

Personal rant time: I wrote my own resume a while ago, and have been building onto it for a couple years now. To me, it is copyrighted material, just as anything else I write. So why is it showing up in all sorts of resume databases? I'm getting calls from recruiters saying they got it from Aquent, Passport Access, and various other resume sites. These sites seem to be sucking down resumes, putting them on their site, and making money off them. I can't see my own resume, since I haven't paid to look at it. I find PassportAccess to be especially annoying: they offer an opt-out page. What the hell? Why should I even have to do this? It's my resume, not theirs!
posted by mathowie at 7:52 PM PST - 13 comments

Do you, a, have problems getting to Yahoo? Yahoo was unreachable for much of the morning, and it turns out that it was apparently due to hackers. I saw estimates that the loss of 3 hours worth of traffic meant about 58 million lost page views. How many dollars is that?
posted by mathowie at 7:02 PM PST - 3 comments


Corpses are great if used to prove points, and they mayor of Taipei wanted to make a point in cleaning up the rivers there so it can become a tourist attraction. I think his point was well made when a corpse of a 50 year old man came floating by.
posted by Mark at 5:24 PM PST - 0 comments - Post a Comment

In addition to SelectSmart's Presidental Candidate chooser app which was mentioned here before, AOL now has one and iVillage does too. Although all the questions are different, I'm getting the same top three in all apps. A funny sidenote: if you leave everything at the defaults of "no preference" at AOL's candidate chooser, Al Gore comes up as first choice. Although it's just a bug caused by alphabetizing the candidates, I think it's a little too close to the truth to ignore. :)
posted by mathowie at 12:06 PM PST - 4 comments

I wouldn't normally post a job announcement URL here on MetaFilter, but this one is different because it may be every young web jedi's dream. Industrial Light and Magic is looking for web and database people. Can you imagine the street cred you'll have when you get to build the pages for the SW movies and trailers months before anyone gets to see them? I wonder if Lucas would force you into some sort of solitude, so you wouldn't leak any juicy info to others.
posted by mathowie at 11:27 AM PST - 5 comments

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