March 2, 2001

Boosting the Blues

Boosting the Blues covered on Marketplace Radio. At the bottom of the page is a short summary and a link to the David Brancaccio interview (12 minutes or so in Real Audio clip) of Taj Mahal's involvement and spreading the word about the Music Maker Relief Foundation.
posted by vanderwal at 7:49 PM PST - 1 comments

The True Story of

The True Story of Xeth Feinberg and Mishmash Media reveal the true story behind the decline and fall of No, they weren't driven out of business by the controversy over Mr. Wongstein. Seems they picked the wrong venture capitalist to fleece...
posted by cfj at 7:17 PM PST - 0 comments - Post a Comment

Who do you root for when everyone's a villain?

Who do you root for when everyone's a villain? It turns out that everyone involved in the "Internet Twins" fiasco is scum. Sure as hell the biological mother is (she gave the babies up twice and now wants them back; I wouldn't trust her to care for my cat); the woman from the UK is, and now the man in the US is. A plague on all their houses.

Now the biological father, Aaron Wecker, has begun proceedings to gain custody of the babies. I hope he isn't as despicable as everyone else involved. Let's hope this circus doesn't follow the girls around for the rest of their lives. If there's any sort of lesson in this, I wish someone would tell me what it is.
posted by Steven Den Beste at 5:39 PM PST - 4 comments

So the MissUSA delegates are out

So the MissUSA delegates are out and I have to ask, does it feel creepy to anyone else how only their faces are shown? I was surprised there wasn't a 0 through 10 across the top of each bio page so they could be rated "hot" or "not." And what about the site's aesthetic? It looks like they went for glossy glamor magazine, but it looks more like porn mag to me.
posted by mathowie at 4:55 PM PST - 15 comments

Napster to filter out thousands of copyrighted songs

Napster to filter out thousands of copyrighted songs - perhaps even a million tracks will be weeded out of the system by next week in an effort to appease the major labels and prevent shutdown. Expect a lot of l33t track naming from the haX0rz and for the RIAA to say "it's simply not good enough!"
posted by tobyslater at 3:56 PM PST - 22 comments

Gentle, Strong Woman Seeks Doormat

Gentle, Strong Woman Seeks Doormat Read about Mary, who is looking for that special somebody who can fulfill all of her needs and then some. ALL of them. Example of phone etiquette: "I have a personal preference for not being interrupted while I'm talking. So please don't step on my words. Although I appreciate the sincere intentions of listeners who are used to interjecting verbal nods such as "uh huh," "hmm hmm," or "OK" when the speaker pauses briefly between statements, please don't do so with me. I'd rather you listen silently so that I can know that you have the best chance of hearing every word that I say. Don't worry, I won't be longwinded. ;-)" Riiiight.
posted by Skot at 3:18 PM PST - 58 comments

The Silophone - turning abandoned industrial farm equipment into musical instruments.

The Silophone - turning abandoned industrial farm equipment into musical instruments. "Located in Montréal's old port, Silo #5B-1 was built in 1958 and has been cited by Le Corbusier as a masterpiece of modern architecture....These tall parallel cylinders, whose form evokes the structure of an enormous organ, have exceptional acoustic properties: a stunning reverberation time of over 20 seconds. Anything played inside the Silo is euphonized, made beautiful, by the acoustics of the structure. All those who have entered have found it an overwhelming and unforgettable experience."
posted by skwm at 3:09 PM PST - 7 comments

It's a bird, it's a, it's SPEEDO-MAN

It's a bird, it's a, it's SPEEDO-MAN Almost an urban myth, SpeedoMan jogs the early morning streets of Annapolis, MD wearing nothing guessed it...a Speedo. Is he CIA, is he FBI? Is he just some weirdo guy?
posted by briank at 1:14 PM PST - 19 comments

12 inches of ho smackin' attitude!

12 inches of ho smackin' attitude! Who's yo daddy? Caution: Link goes to a quicktime movie. On a side note, has anyone ever heard of the movie Blood Dolls? That's one scary looking toy.
posted by Jeremy at 12:48 PM PST - 1 comments

Talk of digital actors a bit premature.

Talk of digital actors a bit premature. For those Hollywood execs who were forecasting the advent of virtual actors and actresses, a look at how hard it is to bring the dead to life, albeit briefly.
posted by darren at 12:00 PM PST - 4 comments

The Future of the Internet is the Web application!

The Future of the Internet is the Web application!
From the USATODAY story:
The Internet will be less about going to big sites like Yahoo and and more about using specialized pieces of software that connect to the Net. Two current examples: Napster and the Miller Lite Beer Pager.
Wow, the future is now!
posted by rschram at 10:25 AM PST - 6 comments

KIMBLE rulez!

KIMBLE rulez! There's nothing like a good old, humble home page. Now I've heard that overuse of the flash plugin is a no-no, but this site makes me say yes-yes! Be sure to view on a good multimedia system on a really PHAT pipe.
posted by muppetboy at 10:19 AM PST - 16 comments

Dutch Offer Winning Formula to Cut Teenage Pregnancies.

Dutch Offer Winning Formula to Cut Teenage Pregnancies. While we tout abstinence and keep our kids ignorant, the Dutch win with the opposite approach. Not a big surprise.
posted by frykitty at 9:57 AM PST - 7 comments

THE Pope will host the European premiere of 2001: A Space Odyssey.

THE Pope will host the European premiere of 2001: A Space Odyssey. I'm guessing my thoughts on 2001 aren't all that different from the pope's, but I'm mostly an atheist. How do you view the monolith? And also, here's a list of pope's favorite films. Andrei Rublev is my overall 4th favorite film, the Sacrifice and Decalogue are in my 20's.
posted by tiaka at 9:52 AM PST - 8 comments

Powell's visit to middle east nearly brought about a war

Powell's visit to middle east nearly brought about a war What is disturbing in this story (for me) is that I heard and read nothing about it in reputable American papers or on tv.
posted by Postroad at 8:56 AM PST - 5 comments

What's wrong with this picture?

What's wrong with this picture? See any people of color that will benefit from the Bush Tax Plan?
posted by darren at 8:29 AM PST - 56 comments

All your spaceship are belong to LEEIF.

All your spaceship are belong to LEEIF. Someone stole the source code to the guidance package for the US space program, including GPS. Tomorrow Never Dies, anyone?
posted by OneBallJay at 8:19 AM PST - 7 comments

The passing of a giant.

The passing of a giant. Claude Shannon has died. He was a man of towering intellect, whose achievements are dwarfed only by the ignorance of the public to the value of those achievements. All our lives have been radically changed by him, but I bet not one person in a hundred has even heard of him.
posted by Steven Den Beste at 8:00 AM PST - 4 comments


Everything is link, link is everything. The rather fascinating site called "blather" takes hyperlinks and user comments and smushes them together. The end result is a link for nearly every word. Intriguing!
posted by hijinx at 7:19 AM PST - 12 comments

"I want a boy, just like the boy that married dear old Mom..."

"I want a boy, just like the boy that married dear old Mom..."
posted by darren at 7:05 AM PST - 10 comments

Do Gays in powerful positions have obligation to "out" themselves?

Do Gays in powerful positions have obligation to "out" themselves? "It's time for our public figures to stop hiding [in the closet] and for journalists to stop helping them."
posted by darren at 6:54 AM PST - 55 comments

"I get this strange burning sensation when I riot."

"I get this strange burning sensation when I riot." The Pentagon wants to produce a crowd-dispersal weapon that sends electromagnetic waves up to 700 yards, making people in its wake feel like their skin has been stuck in a microwave. Supposedly there are no side effects. (The NY Times' coverage has a photo of the device strapped to a Humvee.) One of these could really come in handy on the morning commute.
posted by werty at 6:38 AM PST - 16 comments

US Census not to be adjusted for undercounts.

US Census not to be adjusted for undercounts. (NY Times, req'd registration)
Many political strategists, Democrats and Republicans alike, say that reliance on unadjusted population figures favors Republicans in the drawing of Congressional districts, since, they say, adjustment through statistical sampling would add to customarily Democratic neighborhoods most of those who have been uncounted.
They visited my home/office four times and never once brought the Long Form. Damnation.
posted by methylsalicylate at 6:02 AM PST - 13 comments

NASA admits "Dreaming isn't our job, anymore."

<sigh> We're never going to get off this planet. Crap.
posted by baylink at 5:32 AM PST - 29 comments

In 2000, 40% of chickens sent to stores from seven plants was contaminated.

In 2000, 40% of chickens sent to stores from seven plants was contaminated. And this is just the one we've heard about. Between stories like this and the animal diseases in Europe, meat is looking less and less appetizing. It looks like what the food industry gets away with may finally be too outrageous to be ignored. Not to mention whether non-meat foods are processed with any more attention to sanitation than meats. Of course if they can get away with cutting costs this way, they will.
posted by aflakete at 2:15 AM PST - 13 comments

Revisionism the Taliban Way

Revisionism the Taliban Way Talibans rub off giant Buddhist statues with mortars. The Mullah says it's all written in the Coran, but the Holy book says to respect other religions and the Afghanistan has been at the crossroads of different cultures for centuries, always juxtaposing Islam with Buddhism.
The Taliban want to remove any reminders of the centuries before Islam when Afghanistan was a center of Buddhist learning and pilgrimage.
More coverage and pictures.
posted by pecus at 1:32 AM PST - 22 comments

Say that 10 times fast

Say that 10 times fast With partners like those, this Peruvian terrorist organization brand new web consultancy makes the NNG dream team look like yesterday's old socks. Wave of the future anyone?
posted by sylloge at 12:12 AM PST - 3 comments

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