March 20, 2002

This a bronze sculpted bust of President Ronald Reagan that Arnold Schwarzenegger commisioned.Did he get his money's worth?
posted by BarneyFifesBullet at 11:58 PM PST - 36 comments

Yahoo!Mail to start charging for services.

Yahoo!Mail to start charging for services. Effective April 24, 2002, Yahoo! Mail will no longer provide free POP3 Access or Auto Mail Forwarding to Yahoo! Delivers subscribers. What's your take on this?
posted by arrowhead at 10:11 PM PST - 45 comments

In light of the passage of campaign finance reform, let’s see what political patronage looked like a 130 years ago.
posted by raaka at 9:55 PM PST - 2 comments is offering internet access (care of EarthLink), your own email address with anti-spam service, and exclusive Star Trek content, as well as a few other "goodies", all for 21.95 USD a month. Destined to be huge, or will this fizzle and eventually disappear?
posted by mikhail at 7:49 PM PST - 15 comments

Movabletype 2.0 is released!

Movabletype 2.0 is released!
posted by ejoey at 6:11 PM PST - 20 comments

The Shy Girl's Guide to becoming a Whore

The Shy Girl's Guide to becoming a Whore is an online tutorial for women considering becoming an escort by using the technologies of the Internet. The web has changed the nature of prostitution offering women more opportunities than the traditional street walker, escort. or brothel models. We now have the 21st century CyberWhore model, and this is an overview as to how it is done.
posted by jcterminal at 5:23 PM PST - 16 comments

Google Bombs

After a few good natured google bombs surfaced on weblogs in the past month or so, a recent meme to get an anti-scientology site higher in the rankings for "scientology" searches at Google has reportedly resulted in the removal of all links to Operation Clambake from Google. Has Google overstepped its bounds or did participating weblogs go too far?
posted by mathowie at 4:55 PM PST - 42 comments

The clock in the terminal at Grand Central has gone.

The clock in the terminal at Grand Central has gone. Why do renovated public buildings always seem to lose so much character? Isn't it possible to meld the old with the new?
posted by feelinglistless at 1:55 PM PST - 38 comments


Chlamydia seems to be on the rise. Working in a hospital lab I've seen an increase in tests for HPV, Herpes and Gonorrhea. It's enough to make one wonder if sex is worth the risk.
posted by Apoch at 1:48 PM PST - 13 comments

Well, ha ha ha, and yah, boo

Well, ha ha ha, and yah, boo said Christopher Hitchens to those who would oppose the war on November 14. At this time, of course it was assumed by Hitchens and his ilk that we had won, all that remained was to install "our sons of bitches", and rub the peacenicks faces in it. Now it seems very far from over and Hitchens and others with similar views have articulated their thoughts in the Guardian. It makes interesting reading. As does this article on how it is possible to love the U.S but not George Bush.
posted by Fat Buddha at 1:04 PM PST - 9 comments

Move over, Esperanto.

Move over, Esperanto. ould this be a powerful enough alternative to the legacy of Zamenhof to catch on? Could it threaten to end linguistic diversity?
posted by BT at 12:58 PM PST - 23 comments

10 Deadly Web Site Design Sins...

10 Deadly Web Site Design Sins... according to the Warriors of Christ, the blink tag is officially evil.
posted by kirkaracha at 12:13 PM PST - 46 comments

Final Whitewater Report Clears, Criticizes Clinton

Final Whitewater Report Clears, Criticizes Clinton After 10 years, Millions of dollars spent and tons of political fodder, it's all finally over.
posted by Lanternjmk at 11:59 AM PST - 9 comments

America, Heal Thyself.

America, Heal Thyself. "Racial and ethnic minorities tend to receive lower-quality health care than whites do, even when insurance status, income, age, and severity of conditions are comparable, says a new report from the National Academies' Institute of Medicine. 'Disparities in the health care delivered to racial and ethnic minorities are real and are associated with worse outcomes in many cases, which is unacceptable. The real challenge lies not in debating whether disparities exist, because the evidence is overwhelming, but in developing and implementing strategies to reduce and eliminate them.'"
posted by fold_and_mutilate at 11:45 AM PST - 17 comments

Book Magazine's 100 Best Characters

Book Magazine's 100 Best Characters in Fiction since 1900 (Book Magazine via NPR). Jay Gatsby is #1. Harry Potter is #85. No Gandalf, Bilbo or Frodo. And yet some claim LotR is the book of the century (First post for me)
posted by rshah21 at 11:14 AM PST - 74 comments

The story of the former abbot of the San Francisco Zen Center

The story of the former abbot of the San Francisco Zen Center is a tale of absurd and comic excess. "...he cajoled the Abbot's Council—a hand-picked body of senior priests that he employed to circumvent Zen Center's legally constituted Board of Directors—into granting him $25,000 for the purchase of a BMW... But why a BMW, and especially one in the pricey 700 series? A smaller car, Baker pleaded, wouldn't allow him to sit in zazen posture while driving." This must be what is meant by "Boomer Buddhism."
posted by homunculus at 11:06 AM PST - 8 comments

White House media advisor spins the war in London.

White House media advisor spins the war in London. President Bush has sent "military advisors" to Yemen, Georgia and the Philippines to help with the war on terrorism. Did anyone know he sent his #2 media man, Tucker Eskew, to London as a "media advisor" to Tony Blair's #1 media man, Alastair Campbell, to help spin the war to the Brits?

Do you think a U.S. administration would ever agree to a foreign government rep "advising" them on how to talk to their citizens? Or do they already?
posted by busbyism at 10:50 AM PST - 9 comments

Don't delete that e-mail. It could be illegal.

Don't delete that e-mail. It could be illegal. Why can't this guy delete his e-mail now?
posted by SandeepKrishnamurthy at 10:42 AM PST - 10 comments

God Changes Everything

God Changes Everything Let's say there was a school system or a chain of clinics on whose professional staff were a certain number of men who molested the children in their care and who, whenever this behavior came to the attention of their superiors, were shifted to another school or clinic, with parents and colleagues, not to mention the justice system, kept in the dark whenever possible...
posted by cell divide at 10:38 AM PST - 8 comments

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but name-calling hurts, too.

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but name-calling hurts, too. Remember in middle school, the awful things people would call one another? (It even happens around here once in a while ;-) Students at Brook Haven Middle School are taking steps to stamp out name-calling at their school and maybe start a nationwide movement while they're at it.
posted by Lynsey at 10:37 AM PST - 18 comments

Be careful of what you say in your e-mails.

Be careful of what you say in your e-mails. Very funny yet scary e-mails from a publisher to the editor of Writer's Weekly. Notice how this person goes from business-like to downright nasty. (Note: lots of bad words and racist remarks!)
posted by braun_richard at 10:34 AM PST - 7 comments

CNN to start charging for web video.

CNN to start charging for web video.
Is this the beginning of the end for the "free" web, or will this just kill off all of the greedheads whilst letting the web develop at a more natural, evolutionary pace?
posted by jpburns at 10:24 AM PST - 12 comments

Hearing Voices

Hearing Voices Fascinating stuff... Sights, sounds and stories; a photo-audio-essay, with excerpts from Scott Carrier's Harper's article and ambient recordings of the streets, songs and prayers of the Afghan people.
posted by zeoslap at 9:32 AM PST - 3 comments

New York post fires reporter for story on Disney ...

New York post fires reporter for story on Disney ... but publishes no corrections ...
posted by magullo at 9:12 AM PST - 14 comments

Combatting White Supremacy in the Anti-globalization Movement

Combatting White Supremacy in the Anti-globalization Movement
The anti-globalization movement has been vibrant in communities and organizations of color in the US and around the world for hundreds of years, yet white supremacy was rampant in the movement against the WTO ministerial meetings in Seattle. In other words, racism is alive and well in social justice organizing, and the WTO was no exception.

posted by djacobs at 9:04 AM PST - 8 comments

Islamic Republic of Great Britain?

Islamic Republic of Great Britain? The heartland of violent Islamic extremism is now none of the official fronts of the war on terror. Its center is Western Europe -- mainly, but not exclusively, in Britain. "Al-Muhajiroun has one goal," Anjam Choudry, its U.K. chairman, told the Observer newspaper. "We would like to see the implementation of the sharia law in the U.K. Under our rule this country would be known as the Islamic Republic of Great Britain."
posted by semmi at 8:16 AM PST - 24 comments

Pick Your Winners For The Oscars:

Pick Your Winners For The Oscars: UK-based Blue Square gives you the odds. So how would you bet a virtual $100? And how much would you stand to win?(That is, if you could do the maths...)
posted by MiguelCardoso at 7:52 AM PST - 9 comments

"The messy desk is not necessarily a sign of disorganization. It may be a sign of complexity

"The messy desk is not necessarily a sign of disorganization. It may be a sign of complexity ...what we see when we look at the piles on our desks is, in a sense, the contents of our brains." I do feel better.
posted by Voyageman at 6:52 AM PST - 31 comments

Wife Beater T-Shirts: Misogyny or Comedy?

Wife Beater T-Shirts: Misogyny or Comedy? It refers to this USA TODAY article. And the site is which states,
""Bonus Beater" *Convicted Wife Beaters ONLY* Buy One "Wife Beater" T-Shirt and get the second One HALF-PRICE!!!"
posted by jacobw at 6:19 AM PST - 33 comments

Don't you come round here no more Billy, momma's got a Dragunov Sniper Rifle.

Don't you come round here no more Billy, momma's got a Dragunov Sniper Rifle. Can someone please explain?
posted by Spoon at 2:58 AM PST - 92 comments

Send Them Packing!

Send Them Packing! That's right -- the uninformed opinions of well-known Hollywood actors have grated on you for years. They seem to love Cuba more than America. Well, with the click of a mouse, you can buy them a ticket! [more inside]
posted by dhartung at 1:51 AM PST - 46 comments

Top 10 Wierd Baseball injuries.

Top 10 Wierd Baseball injuries. With the death of a fan at an NHL game, is sport the new axis of evil? I've pulled my hamstring a couple of times and broken a couple of ribs, but I have never slept on my eye 'wrong'.
posted by Frasermoo at 1:36 AM PST - 8 comments

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