March 28, 2000

Now this is something I just don't get.

Now this is something I just don't get. Getting worked up because some people are posting longer entries? Can someone explain this to me? So Ben Brown mentioned that he prefers longer posts, and a few people responded to the idea favorably. But then there's backlash to this idea? Can someone please explain to me how someone writing long posts is somehow wrong? Is anyone holding a gun to your head making you read anything on the web? If Ben Brown's posts are too long, don't read them. If Jack's or Brig's are too long, don't read them. If I'm wrong here, please set me straight. I must not have read the weblog rulebook that states posts should be short and snarky, if anyone has a hyperlink to said rule book, please post that too.
posted by mathowie at 8:45 PM PST - 1617 comments

Cyber Patrol hacker sells out for one dollar

Cyber Patrol hacker sells out for one dollar < I made my political point and just don't want further annoyance... ...Mattel initiated legal action in e-mail subpoenas in mid-March and Skala and Jansson removed cphack from their sites, but not before urging computer activists to copy and distribute it.... ...Nevertheless, some mirror site operators think open source software protections make the issue moot. The court cannot impose an Internet ban because cphack was released under the GNU General Public License... > perhaps you've seen this--the final decision will be interesting with repect to free speech and the GNU GPL. something to watch anyhow.
posted by greyscale at 8:12 PM PST - 3 comments

They say the virgin mary, I say it's a smudge.

They say the virgin mary, I say it's a smudge. I'm pretty tired of seeing this Elian story go on and on, and apparently most people that read CNN think so too. It's funny, if a news story lasts more than a month, I can't even remember why I cared either way in the first place (see OJ, Iran-Contra Hearings, anything to do with Columnbine).
posted by mathowie at 4:59 PM PST - 5 comments

The Washington State Anti-Spam law found unconstitutional

The Washington State Anti-Spam law found unconstitutional because the person named in the suit was in Oregon, and the law can't be enforced across state boundries. Damn. As if your location means anything on the internet. What a lame ruling.
posted by mathowie at 11:18 AM PST - 8 comments

Harry Knowles takes on the Oscars

Harry Knowles takes on the Oscars in a surreal chat session with himself. Some great lines: "Angelina has a freaky boyfriend." "Dude, that guy was spazzing out." "DEAR GOD, DON'T TORTURE US WITH A BAD STREISAND MEMORY." But my favorite is Harry letting out his inner queen: "NOBODY SINGS THAT SONG BUT DOROTHY!!!"
posted by bjennings at 10:41 AM PST - 0 comments - Post a Comment

A dating PDA -

A dating PDA - I guess this is one tech solution to Kaya's idea of plumage to attract a potential mate. Related story at Wired News. I just wish they didn't look so ugly.....
posted by Jeremy at 10:37 AM PST - 4 comments

2 kids were killed

2 kids were killed in a bus accident when it was hit by a train. Ouch! Didn't the driver see the tracks, or anything?
posted by Cavatica at 9:51 AM PST - 0 comments - Post a Comment

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