April 2, 2005

We're Going Where You're Going

Alternative Rapid Transit Looking for a funky way to get around town? Try Detroit's People Mover (warning, embedded earworm). For 50 cents you can travel 2.9 miles through 13 stops in 15 minutes, and see some fantastic art along the way. People movers and modified Personal Rapid Transit systems were built in various cities in the 1970s, such as Miami, Jacksonville, and at West Virginia University. The dream of true Personal Rapid Transit has not yet been achieved, and its viability and economic benefits are still up for debate, but the People Mover, at least, is still hanging on.
posted by livii at 9:02 PM PST - 32 comments


The invention of the Hindu : "Hinduism is largely a fiction, formulated in the 18th and 19th centuries out of a multiplicity of sub-continental religions, and enthusiastically endorsed by Indian modernisers."
posted by dhruva at 8:52 PM PST - 72 comments

What happens if the U.S. invades Iran in June and there is failure?

Interview with Scott Ritter on Iran June Invasion What do you think the world's reaction will be if the U.S. invades Iran in June and fails, inciting an invasion of Iraq with well-equipped and trained Iranian troops and equipment, retaliation from Iran with missile attacks against the oil fields in the mid-east and Israel as well as southern Europe and Turkey. How will life in this country change?
posted by mk1gti at 8:10 PM PST - 42 comments

Yes, you are biased.

Who do you unconciously hate? The Harvard University implicit bias tests allow you to discover your own implicit stereotypes: age, gender, religion, race -- even politics and presidents. Each test takes about ten minutes, and the results are sometimes surprising. Perhaps announcing your biases should this be the equivalent of the geek code for policy threads.
posted by blahblahblah at 7:49 PM PST - 67 comments

Which are the better hospitals?

Hospital Compare: which are the better hospitals in your area?
posted by daksya at 7:08 PM PST - 8 comments

Creepy? Yes! Criminal? Maybe.

Man who got others to strip convicted An Indianapolis man who posed as a disc jockey and tricked men into disrobing was convicted Wednesday of six felonies.
posted by kmtharakan at 5:27 PM PST - 61 comments

The Pentagon's Secret Stash

The Pentagon's Secret Stash. "...There can be narratives of things that are much worse, but if they aren't accompanied by photos, they somehow don't register....The Abu Ghraib photos are sort of the military equivalent of the Rodney King case....And I hate to attribute motives to people I don't know, but it is easy to imagine that the officials who are withholding these images have that fact in mind."
posted by gsb at 4:38 PM PST - 16 comments

Kali yuga or science fun?

Marvel not that I said unto thee, ye must be born again!
posted by koeselitz at 3:10 PM PST - 3 comments

Spooky Coincidence

Comics sure suck these days.....days.
posted by helvetica at 2:17 PM PST - 19 comments

Toilets of New Orleans

Toilets of New Orleans. An anthropological journey for the lost and weary.
posted by Mean Mr. Bucket at 1:19 PM PST - 7 comments

The Pope is dead

Its official, Pope John Paul II has died at age 84 in Vatican City. "The Holy Father died this evening at 21.37 in his private apartment"
posted by SirOmega at 12:07 PM PST - 328 comments


I LOVE SHREDDED WHEAT: A collectible site for The shredded Wheat Company, niagara Falls, NY - and its predecessors and successors - [A collectors’ Site, with no connection to any corporation]
posted by mwhybark at 11:51 AM PST - 10 comments

Black day as EU fools with place names

The Scotsman's contribution to April Fool's yesterday was a satirical bit on Political Correctness: "European bureaucrats will push forward legislation today to force the Scottish Executive to change place-names that offend or discriminate on the grounds of race and gender. The commissioners in Brussels have demanded 'race and gender-sensitive' names found for towns such as Motherwell, Blackburn, Helensburgh, Fort William, Campbeltown, Peterhead, Lewis and Fraserburgh be changed."
posted by jenleigh at 9:52 AM PST - 16 comments

Halftime Show Of Slow

Simply The Best... Better than all the rest.
posted by AMWKE at 9:49 AM PST - 28 comments

ikeonic design

The 21 most significant influences on contemporary design? British magazine Icon makes a list with IKEA at #1 and blogs at #9. Readymades, Rei Kawakubo and Easyjet are also in there. Have at it.
posted by liam at 8:49 AM PST - 21 comments

'Why are things as they are and not otherwise?' -- Johannes Kepler

"Do not bind the mouths of the kine that treadeth out the grain." "Do not eat the seed corn." Ancient warnings ignored in Bush Administration science policy
posted by orthogonality at 8:03 AM PST - 25 comments

from whence they came?

there have been grass roots campaigns. there have been various petitions. some even tried reverse psychology to try and convince fox to renew arrested development for a third season. now, 15 episodes into the shortened 18-episode season, fox got around to starting its own "save a.d." website. is it too little too late?
posted by Silky Slim at 5:42 AM PST - 32 comments

Logo game

Play the logo game. If you have any doubts left about the ubiquity of advertising, this quiz should remove them. How many can you get, and in what categories?
posted by fixedgear at 4:53 AM PST - 28 comments

Only Wayne

Only Wayne. A racist bullying case study in wiki format.
posted by plep at 3:52 AM PST - 22 comments

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