April 21, 2002

A 3,600 mile long ant colony

A 3,600 mile long ant colony was discovered last week in Europe. An amazing feat of cooperative living.
posted by pinto at 11:37 PM PST - 15 comments

Chemical matching of bullets fatally flawed.

Chemical matching of bullets fatally flawed. "The assumption that bullets found at a crime scene can be matched to those in a suspect's possession has helped convict countless murderers, robbers and armed felons in the US, Britain and elsewhere...but there are now fears that the technique may have directly or indirectly led to numerous miscarriages of justice."
posted by obiwanwasabi at 11:06 PM PST - 1 comments

and like, then i saw god, man.

and like, then i saw god, man.
remember lsd?
posted by quonsar at 7:10 PM PST - 37 comments

The "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" Infocom game online!

The "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" Infocom game online! (Java-based) I think I just died and went to heaven. I played this years ago on a crusty old Mac - this and Fool's Errand. What old games do you remember spending hours or even days playing?
posted by Melinika at 6:58 PM PST - 33 comments

"By now, every investor recognizes that Time Warner made a very large mistake by merging with AOL in early 2001."

"By now, every investor recognizes that Time Warner made a very large mistake by merging with AOL in early 2001." A free-falling stock price, continued loss of customers to cable and telephone DSL and "a murky strategy for moving its customers to high-speed connections" has AOL Time Warner on the ropes. At least one analyst is suggesting a spinoff. Bigger is better? Not in this case.
posted by mediareport at 3:22 PM PST - 18 comments

Merchants of Morality

Merchants of Morality Which global injustices gain your sympathy, attention, and money? Rarely the most deserving. For every Tibetan monk or Central American indigenous activist you see on the evening news, countless other worthy causes languish in obscurity. The groups that reach the global limelight often do so at dear cost—by distorting their principles and alienating their constituencies for the sake of appealing to self-interested donors in rich nations.
posted by Rastafari at 3:06 PM PST - 8 comments

Is "Green" Al Gore Back?

Is "Green" Al Gore Back? In a NY Times Op-ed he slams the Bush "energy policy": "Under the presidency of George W. Bush, the environmental and energy policies of our government are completely dominated by a group of current and former oil and chemical company executives who are trying to dismantle America's ability to force them to reduce the extremely dangerous levels of pollution in the earth's atmosphere."
posted by owillis at 2:26 PM PST - 21 comments

"It was just something I did for myself, and I e-mailed the link to 10 friends that I didn't think would get offended," David Rees said. "It took off." Half a year later, the NYT gets its war on.
posted by muckster at 2:12 PM PST - 14 comments

Treesitter Falls to Her Death in Mt. Hood National Forest.

Treesitter Falls to Her Death in Mt. Hood National Forest. 95% of our old-growth forests are gone. A coalition of grassroots organizations are dedicated to peacefully protecting our forests and watersheds, and have been quite sucessfull in Oregon and northern California. Sen. Ron Wyden D-Ore., an opponent of the timber sale, had announced a few days before that the U.S. Forest Service had reached an agreement to cancel the logging contract after an independent review determined the deal required significant modifications to prevent environmental harm, and tree sitters were days away from leaving the site after a three-year vigil. I appreciate the work and risks taken by these activists. More info at tree-sit.org.
posted by Mack Twain at 1:59 PM PST - 38 comments

Girls of '64

Girls of '64 To continue with what seems like the mood of today, a site celebrating the highs and lows of computer pornography during the 8-bit days of the Commodore 64. As you would imagine, this piece isn't work safe. Or at any other time of the day for that matter.
posted by feelinglistless at 12:41 PM PST - 5 comments

Sacre Bleu!

Sacre Bleu! The French presidential election run-off will be between the conservative Chirac and the extreme-right Le Pen. What's a French liberal to do?
posted by liam at 12:27 PM PST - 40 comments

New and improved crack!

New and improved crack! Now with better hypnotics!
posted by crunchland at 12:07 PM PST - 8 comments

Apple = Evil.

Apple = Evil. I can't decide if this page is a joke or not.
posted by dogwelder at 9:32 AM PST - 39 comments

Two sworn enemies

Two sworn enemies that have been battling for a hundred years, each with their own agenda. Neither side has the moral high ground, and you would think that one side would know better than to use the tactics they do. Another mid-east post? Nope. Mail-carriers versus dogs.
posted by machaus at 9:27 AM PST - 10 comments

Apparently, over the past months, the IRA has been secretly rearming itself.

Apparently, over the past months, the IRA has been secretly rearming itself. and many of the arms seem to be coming from the U.S.. Post 9/11, peace seemed to be coming to Ireland, but now it appears that just like in the Middle East we're back to business as usual. I believe in a united Ireland, myself, but I don't want a return to the barbarism of the past 30-odd years. The U.S. has pledged neutrality in Ireland, but I honestly dont know if that's the best course. I was honestly hoping that the Emerald Isle would set an example for the other conflicted nations but it seems it's not to be.
posted by jonmc at 7:51 AM PST - 18 comments

Spoonerist Pornography

Spoonerist Pornography
Not work safe. But what are you doing at work on sunday? Also not pornography. But why would you want pornography on a sunday?
posted by ook at 6:58 AM PST - 6 comments

America Can Persuade Israel to Make a Just Peace

America Can Persuade Israel to Make a Just Peace An op-ed piece by former president Jimmy Carter that is going to get a lot of play in the media. Unfortunately, Mr. Carter seems to suggest a rather easy solution: give back the Palestinian lands and have the Palestinians recognize Israel's right to exist. Put the pressure on Israel by withhold financial aid till they do as we bid. Problem: Palestinians being subsidized by Iraq, Iran, EU and Syria. What about pressure on them? And: Palelstinian issues still in need of resolving: capital and Right of Return....with this left out, we are still not going to get peace. Does Carter simplify or is he on target? reg reqd.
posted by Postroad at 6:24 AM PST - 33 comments

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