April 5, 2001
Rooibos Tea has 50 times more antioxidant properties than Green Tea.
Rooibos Tea has 50 times more antioxidant properties than Green Tea. It seems the South African brew is over taking the popular Chinese brew in the European health food/herbal tea circles.
project delphis
project delphis
an organization called earthtrust started project delphis in 1985 to determine how intelligent and self-conscious dolphins actually are. this is very cool.
an organization called earthtrust started project delphis in 1985 to determine how intelligent and self-conscious dolphins actually are. this is very cool.
GM encourages new SUV owners not to drive.
GM encourages new SUV owners not to drive. "No injuries yet." But how bad does the defect have to be for them to tell their customers not to drive the damn things?
TANGMONKEY.COM is suffering from server problems. Although their email system still works, I worry about the rash of personal sites (nosepilot/gisol.org, especially, comes to mind) that are going down due to traffic beyond the "moderate" level. The host that TM's using is charging them several hundred dollars as their <=100 hits/day equals > 30 gB outging traffic. What's the solution? Are there cheaper/better hosts? Should "personal" content sites start advertising? I can't imagine that helping...
Article on New Scientist
Article on New Scientist about "software that turns everyday language into computer code".
Foreign Media Reaction.
Foreign Media Reaction. A regular report from the Office of Research of the US State Department which summarizes opinions, official and journalistic, on hot-button issues in newspapers around the world. Currently covers the Sino-American dogfight. Incredibly thorough. A good one to set up under an Internet Explorer subscription.
Girl dies during radical therapy session.
Girl dies during radical therapy session. The mother has been given limited immunity for her testimony against the therapists. This is some scary beans -- does anybody have any experiences with this kind of therapy?
If Only It Was Arafat.
If Only It Was Arafat. Good. If he was who they say he was, he deserved it. Keep Playing Hardball. The Israelis should play this kind of hardball for a few years. Then the rocks will stop, things will settle down, perhaps the Palestineans will stop claiming Jerusalem, get some kind of real government, and then, perhaps their own little state. Then again, since no Arab state comes close to being a democracy, perhaps that will never happen.
Say what you want about him...
Say what you want about him... but STILE PROJECT is as much a part of the internet at MetaFilter ...or, it would be, if he wasn't being shut down for allegedly displaying a copyrighted image in a banner ad that wasn't even stored within his website. And apparently his site isn't the only one targetted.
Parent's name their baby "Espn" after the all sports network ESPN.
Parent's name their baby "Espn" after the all sports network ESPN. One of my pet peeves is when parents name their babies something "unique" or "cute." I read somewhere that the director Robert Rodruiguez named his kid Rocket. Don't these parents understand how much teasing their children are going to have to endure? Aargh.
Razorfish for sale. Cheap. Real cheap.
Razorfish for sale. Cheap. Real cheap. "Exciting new media company with lots of potential for expansion (again) for sale."
Bush, Citing Privacy, Swears Off E-Mailing Family.
Bush, Citing Privacy, Swears Off E-Mailing Family. "He said he does not e-mail out of concern his private communications could be subject to freedom of information laws and could be made public... Bush said, however, that his administration will cooperate fully with freedom of information requests..."
I want my MTV.
I want my MTV. There was a time when the only ads MTV showed were ads for the network itself. These are some of them. (from the U.K. so they might differ from the slate of ads run in the U.S.) Brings back many fond memories of the animated letters M, T, and V. (link courtesy of Saima)
Please proceed directly to "MTV used to show videos!" and then continue to more forced commiseration and remembrances of media conglomerate advertising as a substitute for a rich shared cultural heritage.
Please proceed directly to "MTV used to show videos!" and then continue to more forced commiseration and remembrances of media conglomerate advertising as a substitute for a rich shared cultural heritage.
Stung by the "Sopranos," the lawyers strike back
Stung by the "Sopranos," the lawyers strike back The Italian American Defense league suing because the HBO show Sopranos defames Italians...is their claim with or without merit?
Internet Explorer 6 and Standards
Internet Explorer 6 and Standards Microsoft says they'll have 100% CSS1 and DOM (I assume level 1) support. A step in the right direction? Too little too late? Discuss.
Keanu Reeve's Girlfriend Killed In Car Crash
Keanu Reeve's Girlfriend Killed In Car Crash - Jennifer Maria Syme, 29, died on Monday after her Cherokee hit several parked cars and turned over.
A police report said two anti-depressant prescription drugs were found inside the vehicle along with two rolled up dollar notes with traces of a white substance inside them . . . Prescription cocaine? When can I see her doctor?
Producer of 'Cops' gets DUI in Atlanta
Producer of 'Cops' gets DUI in Atlanta. . . Bad boy, bad boy, watcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Satellite photo
Satellite photo shows no Chinese activity near the spy plane. Whom to trust in this crisis? The American media/govt. spin partnership that maintains that the Chinese are taking the plane apart? Or the photo? Is there any trustworthy source left?
GargleInSideLlama Gastro Intestinal Scientific Out Law
"SoulXchange is the world's first and only online marketplace for the sale and purchase of human souls. This new soul to soul exchange revolutionizes the process of selling a soul -- cutting down on the cost, effort and inefficiency of traditional soul acquisition. " And it makes for a dandy trading game!
In response to Napster's call to arms to its 60 million users to converge on Congress during the Senate Judiciary Committee session yesterday, about 500 people showed up. That's a turn-out of 0.0008 %. In contrast, a far more significant proportion of users indicates in online polls that they would be willing to pay for the service - anywhere from 20 to 50%, depending on the survey.
I wonder if someone in Redwood City is looking at these numbers. All the hype and rhetoric aside; this battle is lost in advance in the political or legal arena, since it belongs in a brightly lit board room, with a few people working out a proper, law-abiding business plan. Like everyone else. That's the cold inevitable truth.
I wonder if someone in Redwood City is looking at these numbers. All the hype and rhetoric aside; this battle is lost in advance in the political or legal arena, since it belongs in a brightly lit board room, with a few people working out a proper, law-abiding business plan. Like everyone else. That's the cold inevitable truth.
"I love my stillborn daughter so much, I'm putting her picture on my site for all the world to see!" Am I wrong to be somewhat disturbed by this? She even had to have "the bruises" photoshopped out!
Life Elsewhere?
Life Elsewhere? In an attempt to get away from the Chinese-American situation, scientists have recently discovered 11 new planets, with one possibly inhabiting a "Life-Zone."
It's time to potty. First, you might want to drop in on the Toilet Museum. If you're in Tokyo, the Tokyo Toilet Map may come in handy, although the data's a tad stale. Japanese-style toilets are different, but not too difficult to use. Turkish toilets are also different. Just remember to be neat about it and you'll be a-okay!
Perry Wacker gets a 14 year sentence.
Perry Wacker gets a 14 year sentence. For killing attempting to smuggle 60 people into the UK, he was sentenced to 8 years in prison. For killing 58 of them he was sentenced to a further 6 years.
He should have gotten the death sentence, or at least life-without-parole. Why was he charged with manslaughter instead of murder?
Mathowie needs our help...
Mathowie needs our help... seems he can't figure out how to speed up his morning toast. Certainly someone here can point him towards breakfast enlightenment...
Sino-American relations in 'more complicated than that' shocker!
"Straight Pride" Sweatshirt Message Is Subject of Law Suit
"Straight Pride" Sweatshirt Message Is Subject of Law Suit - A 16-year-old boy barred from wearing a sweatshirt bearing the words Straight Pride to school out of concern it would cause fighting has filed suit, arguing his free speech rights were violated.
Stun-Gun Kid Zaps Schoolmates
Stun-Gun Kid Zaps Schoolmates - A Queens, NY junior-high student swiped a stun gun from a neighbor's apartment and zapped his schoolmates during horseplay that sent a dozen youngsters to the hospital yesterday - "Nobody thought it was dangerous. Everybody thought it was fun."
Chinese F-8 interceptor flying underneath U.S. Navy EP-3E
Chinese F-8 interceptor flying underneath U.S. Navy EP-3E seconds before the crash. EP-3E banks a hard left. How can you figure out who's to blame when both pilots are being this reckless?
Ventura's Latest Meltdown.
Ventura's Latest Meltdown. Transcript is here. The folks in Minnesota are soooo proud. (via the ever-enjoyable MediaNews)
Freespeling.com (with one el).
Freespeling.com (with one el). Because only 17% of native English speakers can spell "height", "necessary", "accommodation", "separate", "sincerely", and "business" correctly. Good idea or bad idea?
Remember the old Sierra Games?
Remember the old Sierra Games? Remember back in the early 80's when King Quest hit the streets? Did you ever think to your self how they created that game? Sierra used a gaming engine called Adventure Gaming Interpreter, or AGI for short, for many of their popular adventure games. This engine which was "hacked" in the early to mid 90's, and there are groups of people that still develop games to be used with home made hacks of this engine. Find out how you can make your own games like KQ or take a look at what have people created or are creating right now, here. There's even someone saying that they are porting the hacked AGI stuff to Dreamcast.
-Ellis of the now dead Geeknews.com
-Ellis of the now dead Geeknews.com
Rent a genius!
Rent a genius! Got troubles with...well...anything? Not to worry, the answer to all your problems is just a $250/hour genius away.
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