April 6, 2013

Que estando triste, cantava

Fado is a Portuguese musical genre which originated in the 1820’s in Lisbon. It has been enjoying a revival over the last twenty years, one of the most prominent recent voices being that of Mariza. In 2006 Simon Broughton did a documentary exploring the roots of the music. Via youtube, here is Mariza and the Story of Fado. [more inside]
posted by winna at 10:56 PM PST - 13 comments

Right about now you're thinking, "I have a bad feeling about this..."

Each year in May and June, the Disney Hollywood Studios theme park at the Walt Disney World Resort holds a "Star Wars Weekends" festival. The days conclude with "Snig and Oopla's Hyperspace Hoopla" and Star Wars characters competing against each other in a dance competition. [more inside]
posted by zarq at 10:28 PM PST - 22 comments

The Elaborate End of Robert Ebb

A man, a woman, a monster costume, gun-toting villagers ... The Elaborate End of Robert Ebb. [more inside]
posted by filthy light thief at 9:49 PM PST - 0 comments - Post a Comment

Dreams of your Life

This interactive experience is a sister project to Carol Morley's documentary Dreams of a Life.
posted by Bistle at 8:53 PM PST - 5 comments

A brilliant plan.

There is no way this could possibly go wrong.
posted by MeanwhileBackAtTheRanch at 7:22 PM PST - 139 comments

This is what happens when you take the blue pill *and* the red pill.

Postcards From Google Earth: "I collect Google Earth images. I discovered them by accident, these particularly strange snapshots, where the illusion of a seamless and accurate representation of the Earth’s surface seems to break down. I was Google Earth-ing, when I noticed that a striking number of buildings looked like they were upside down." [more inside]
posted by Room 641-A at 7:15 PM PST - 38 comments

Format Wars

40 Years of Music Industry Change, In 40 Seconds or Less: A gif showing the revenue contribution from various music formats, 1973-present, based on RIAA figures.
posted by Charlemagne In Sweatpants at 6:41 PM PST - 46 comments

Mother otter teaches baby to swim. (EWISOTT)

Mother otter teaches baby to swim.
posted by HuronBob at 6:12 PM PST - 28 comments

In the midst of life I woke to find myself in the East End of London

Spitalfields Life is a blog about an East London neighbourhood. Sometimes it's about the dogs of Spitalfields. Sometimes it's about the wallpapers of Spitalfields. Or the leather shops of Spitalfields. Or people in Spitalfields who collect pictures of dogs. [more inside]
posted by Erasmouse at 4:46 PM PST - 11 comments

"chance favors only the prepared mind"

"The Art of Observation and How to Master the Crucial Difference Between Observation and Intuition"
Lessons In Mindfulness And Creativity
posted by the man of twists and turns at 1:25 PM PST - 7 comments

i am afraid there is only one

Real Dr. Light capsule from the Mega Man X series. A part of Gauntlet Gallery's "Mega Man Boss Battle" exhibit, at which Mega Man creator Keiji Inafune contributes an in-person drawing. [more inside]
posted by griphus at 11:34 AM PST - 4 comments

U.S. Customs and Patriarchal Protection

Sexism at the border: A personal account. "For me, carrying my own condoms (in purses, wallets, camera bags; everywhere) is a routine act towards safer sex. For someone else with the power to not only deny passage but judge, moralize and intimidate, it has become enough evidence to put a woman through hell. My story has brought a number of women out of the woodwork stating that they have had similar experiences." [h/t Alex Grossman]
posted by jaduncan at 10:57 AM PST - 208 comments

The First Honest Cable Company

Your Local High Speed Internet & Cable Provider gives it to you straight. [more inside]
posted by Blasdelb at 9:18 AM PST - 40 comments

A Quantum Leap in games reviewing

"This week, I'm a ..." Christopher Livingston (aka notmydesk) plays mundane PC simulations so you don't have to! Read, heart-in-mouth, as he masters the art of Being a Wolf in WolfQuest, treats objects like women as a furniture-fixated Hugh Hefner in Playboy: the Mansion, makes a thrilling escape from the life of a simple cruise ship captain in Ship Simulator: Extremes, disappoints the masses in Circus World, and performs routine adminstrative tasks and dates a cartoon lawyer in the frankly terrifying-sounding Love & Order. [more inside]
posted by Sonny Jim at 7:05 AM PST - 27 comments

Worth scrolling down for the owl

Racial Misprofiling When "Arab" stock photos go terribly wrong (SLTumblr)
posted by fearfulsymmetry at 6:46 AM PST - 71 comments

So is this, Goodbye steadicam?

The "MōVI" demonstrates why most film vs digital debates are missing the point. An issue explored in recent documentary "Side By Side", that we are past the point of pixel peeping and can pursue fresh paradigms. [more inside]
posted by lawrencium at 5:15 AM PST - 39 comments

Night Shade's Deal or No Deal

"I should have known before Night Shade came to me with a deal that things were rotten. Instead, I got an email immediatley upon announcing that I’d inked the deal saying “You know they aren’t paying people, right?” Everything authors knew about the rotten abuse at Night Shade was shared in private. With a few exceptions (Moon and Williams, most notably) no one was talking out loud about what was happening. The SFWA was accomodating and gracious and gave them chance after chance. We should have spoken up. All of us." Kameron Hurley talks about the culture of silence surrounding the problems at Night Shade Books. [more inside]
posted by MartinWisse at 4:58 AM PST - 43 comments

Chinese landscape painting animation of the 1960s

During the 1960s, the Shanghai Animation Studio (perhaps most famous for their classic interpretation of the Monkey King story, 大闹天宫 "Uproar in Heaven", also called "Havoc in Heaven") produced some beautiful, lyrical short films in a traditional Chinese ink painting style. Mostly wordless and featuring a mix of Western and traditional Chinese music, many of the films are available on YouTube: [more inside]
posted by jiawen at 1:39 AM PST - 11 comments

A relentless curiosity and desire to move beyond

The World According to John Coltrane is a one-hour documentary, featuring lots of music footage and interviews with prominent jazz musicians such as Wayne Shorter, Tommy Flanagan and many others. It's an excellent primer on the enormously influential saxophonist's life and music.
posted by flapjax at midnite at 1:28 AM PST - 12 comments

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