May 2, 2003

Yee Fucking Ha

Georgia high school has white only prom....dunno what else to say about that.
posted by bitdamaged at 10:40 PM PST - 29 comments

Mike Parr performance - Democratic Torture

Democratic Torture - "By touching a hotspot on their screens the Global audience can shock my exhausted face...". Yesterday his face "was sewn into a bind" today in around 3 hours time viewers may "contribute an electric shock direct to Mike Parr by interacting directly with the webcast"
A SMH article and an Artist's Biography provide some context.
posted by atom71 at 10:04 PM PST - 2 comments

Every picture tells a story, doughnut

The George Eastman House photography collection is simply incredible and merits hours of browsing. I particularly enjoyed the color prints of Nickolas Muray and this gallery of old stereo slides
posted by MrBaliHai at 6:57 PM PST - 8 comments

Digital Photography Challenge

Like digital photography? Think you're good at it? DPChallenge offers amateur photographers the opportunity to compete in a free weekly challenge. Users submit digital photos of a certain challenge topic, taken that week, and then vote (and leave feedback) on all the other submissions during the following week, allowing aspiring digital photographers to find out just where they rank, and how to improve their skills. (And if you'd like, you can buy prints of some of your favorite entries.)
posted by Wingy at 5:56 PM PST - 8 comments

Celestial spheres

This guy can build an orrery for you. Or you can make your own armillary sphere. These two devices are quite possibly the most elegant and beautiful scientific instruments ever created.
posted by WolfDaddy at 4:59 PM PST - 10 comments

Halfbakery illustrators

We've all seen the HalfBakery. But, can someone please help me understand the multitude of absolutely amazing galleries of illustrations of halfbakery ideas as well as some other individual contributions.
posted by slacy at 4:26 PM PST - 2 comments

Timeline of Art History

The Met's Timeline of Art History. From Tibet to ancient Greece by way of Mesoamerica and musical instruments. An index by theme.
posted by plep at 12:13 PM PST - 5 comments

Fleecing The Family

Fleecing The Family. According to the article, the Bush administration is leading the charge with proposed new rules that will erode the 40-hour workweek and affect more than 80 million workers now protected by the Fair Labor Standards Act. It could mean the end of overtime pay. Sure hope you don't rely on overtime to pay that mortgage. "Everybody gets screwed on this one, except the bosses. Isn't it lovely?"
posted by archimago at 12:12 PM PST - 79 comments

Spitzer in '04

Draft Spitzer! We recently discussed the Draft Clark movement and RavinDave even chimed in with Ventura in 2004. But the Demo I think needs to get moving on a campaign is NYAG Elliot Spitzer. If the business of America is business, then Spitzer's the man with the plan and perhaps he can figure the way out of the New Depression.
posted by billsaysthis at 12:10 PM PST - 11 comments

The church that it's okay to blow up.

The inflatable church. When getting to the church on time is just too much trouble, now the church can come to you, complete with wood floors and plastic "stained glass." (Other inflatable website strangeness includes an inflatable performance artist, inflatable beer can computer speakers, 300 ft inflatable buildings, and the inevitable inflatable sheep.) And a nod to past posts on inflatable love dolls that look like Gary Sinese, missing inflatable tanks, lovely balloon hats, and the bizarrely intricate lego cat church.
posted by onlyconnect at 11:52 AM PST - 10 comments

U.S. warns Canada against easing pot laws

U.S. warns Canada against easing pot laws "David Murray, right-hand man to U.S. "drug czar" John Walters, says he doesn't want to tread on another country's sovereignty, but warned there would be consequences if Canada proceeds with a plan to decriminalize the possession of marijuana." WTF?
posted by ZenMasterThis at 11:22 AM PST - 95 comments

... but don't

Bill Bennett apparently has plenty of extra time (and cash) on hand in light of his success preaching morality and virtue. "I've gambled all my life and it's never been a moral issue with me. I liked church bingo when I was growing up ..."
posted by specialk420 at 11:19 AM PST - 25 comments

If I stay in the gutter long enough, I might get trickled on

Trickle Down Economics. What with the neo-conservative movement in full swing behind Wolfowitz, the Bush administration is looking to take another cue from the Reagan years with the new tax cut for the rich. George H. Bush called it "voodoo economics". Does TDE or "supply side" economics actually work? Depends who you ask and how they take their statistics.
posted by destro at 10:32 AM PST - 38 comments

Who's You Daddy? Who's Your OTHER Daddy?

"Jody Has Two Daddies" -- The literal remix. Scientists are making egg cells now, raising the (eventual) possibility of one guy providing the genetic material to raise a crop of eggs, while the other guy provides the crop of sperm (no extra work necessary). Just add one surrogate mother and there you have it: Yet another fundamentalist nightmare, in cute infant "Adam and Steve" form.
posted by jscalzi at 10:03 AM PST - 27 comments

Christina Aguilera Would Probably Be Beheaded

Christina Aguilera Would Probably Be Beheaded Indonesians have a new idol - a hip-swinging singer who's gyrated her way into fame, fortune, and a whole lot of trouble. To all intents and purposes there is only one Inul, and you'd be hard-pushed to find an Indonesian who doesn't have an opinion on her. Inul says her dancing is not intended to be erotic The reason? Her dancing. Inul may be a fine singer, but the controversy is all about the way she wiggles her hips. The local media have christened it 'ngebor' - 'drilling'.
posted by turbanhead at 9:58 AM PST - 14 comments

war Iraq

With great fanfare President Bush declared yesterday that major combat operations are over in Iraq. Missed in that speech and probably little noticed by many is the fact that the most difficult part of the Iraq War has now started. Even Donald Rumsfeld has recently hinted that the UN may need to play a role now. Hopefully the administration will heed some of the many lessons from history like this one.
posted by thedailygrowl at 9:10 AM PST - 16 comments

Star Wars Kid

Step one: record an embarrassing video of yourself (WMV link). Step two: Let the video fall into the hands of the internet masses, and become the hero you've dreamed of(also WMV).
posted by malphigian at 8:57 AM PST - 41 comments

math resources I'd say more but there's just too much here. Browse around.
posted by wobh at 8:09 AM PST - 15 comments

5inches - does size matter? manufactures beautiful silkscreen-printed CDRs, custom CDR designs, and unconventional jewel cases for those who release their own music on a small budget, or for making the essential pre-relationship mix CD. When you're done, package it and mail it out.
posted by dhoyt at 8:03 AM PST - 18 comments

Tribal Alliances

When Teenage Tribes Attack Which tribe do you (or your kids) belong to? As a new parent, this kind of stuff alternately makes me giggle and keeps my pop-culture critical faculty in business (and it's good to know that Siouxsie & the Banshees still have some audience). Somehow I can't imagine a US media outlet exposing its unhip side in the Post-Grunge Hoax media environment. But kudos for the tidy design, in any case.
posted by chandy72 at 7:57 AM PST - 13 comments

Donnie Darko Graffiti

They Made Me Do It  is a collective of artists emerging from the UK graffiti scene...The first project,  from which the collective and name originated, was based around  [Richard Kelly's]  film  Donnie Darko...with each artist producing a canvas in 6 hrs 42 min and 12 seconds inspired by the cult film...
[...a little more inside.]

posted by Shane at 7:07 AM PST - 18 comments

Only men bake cookies in school textbooks

Only men bake cookies in school textbooks. What do dinosaurs, mountains, deserts, brave boys, shy girls, men fixing roofs, women baking cookies, elderly people in wheelchairs, athletic African Americans, God, heathens, witches, owls, birthday cake and religious fanatics all have in common? Trick question? Not really. As we learn from Diane Ravitch's eye-opening book "The Language Police," all of the above share the common fate of having been banned from the textbooks or test questions (or both) being used in today's schools.
posted by dagny at 5:57 AM PST - 41 comments

Violence Against Women

Violence against women is one issue where the current administration aligns itself with the "axis of evil" and "known terrorist supporting countries." I suppose they might feel it's oo bad the Taliban doesn't still rule Afghanistan so they could have one more ally.

"For too long, the feminists have been pushing a radical, special-interest agenda under the erroneous mantra made rhetorical cliche by Hillary Clinton: 'Women's rights are human rights,'" writes Janice Crouse, an official of the conservative group Concerned Women for America and a member of the U.S. delegation. ...
The alliance isn't new - it took root when the Bush administration took over. But it is often unseen. The United States has frequently sided at the UN with countries such as Algeria, Libya, Sudan, Iran and Iraq - when it was still controlled by Saddam Hussein - in battles over language involving women and children's rights.

posted by nofundy at 5:14 AM PST - 15 comments

Plastic Food and Props

Putting you off your breakfast: A searchable bonanza of disturbing galleries of plastic food and drinks. Mad props! Find the pancake! Claes Oldenberg! [From the impressive Barnard Ltd. Store, via Linkfilter.]
posted by Carlos Quevedo at 2:35 AM PST - 6 comments

Ambergris: divine chemistry, death trade, or just #31 on the list?

It was known as "dragon's spittle perfume" by the ancient Chinese and encountered by Sinbad in "The Thousand and One Nights". It was recorded by Marco Polo and mentioned in the literature of Shakespeare. Called "floating gold", "Neptune's niece", and a process of "divine chemistry", Ambergris, or "Grey Amber", was once harvested as a rare and costly perfume additive and coveted as an aphrodisiac. But...
posted by taz at 2:23 AM PST - 9 comments

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