May 24, 2002

Cartoon Network

Cartoon Network has taken some heat lately for being too P.C., even here on MetaFilter. Well, here's their chance to redeem the network. Sunday evening, 9:00 - 10:00 PM Eastern/Pacific, ToonHeads Goes To War, including four rarely-seen wartime cartoons in their entirety: "Blitz Wolf" where the three little pigs face off against a treaty-breaking, German-speaking wolf; "Scrap Happy Daffy" featuring Daffy promoting the recycling of scrap metal and butting heads with a goat that bears a striking resemblance to Adolf Hitler; "Herr Meets Hare," where Bugs Bunny tangles with Nazi minister Hermann Goering; and in "Russian Rhapsody", a plane full of "gremlins from the Kremlin" attack a bomber piloted by the Nazi leader himself.
posted by mr_crash_davis at 9:45 PM PST - 7 comments

Physics inside a microwave oven.

Physics inside a microwave oven. I came across this informative link while looking up some physics information. I thought this short movie of a grape in a microwave was amazing. My microwave has never done anything as cool as this.
posted by jragon at 7:42 PM PST - 11 comments

This evening 20/20 broadcast a report on the new payola.Names are named. This explains a lot about the current state of music radio. Ironically, one of those complaining the loudest was good ol' Hilary Rosen of the RIAA who are doing their damnedest to destroy internet radio, along with college and public radio, the only alternative to the institutional corruption she decries. But in this case, she's on the side of the angels, it would seem. This report is timely though and does illustrate what's wrong with concentrating media power in too few hands.
posted by jonmc at 7:39 PM PST - 22 comments

The mystery of the missing manuscripts

The mystery of the missing manuscripts
posted by todd at 6:38 PM PST - 10 comments

Minnesota passes internet privacy bill.

Minnesota passes internet privacy bill. How enforcable is this? How long before other States follow suit? Many questions. Same story on Yahoo.
posted by KevinSkomsvold at 4:33 PM PST - 3 comments

Just FYI Honda is recalling 1.3M cars

Just FYI Honda is recalling 1.3M cars For a fault in ignition system. Check if your car is in the list.
posted by elpapacito at 4:22 PM PST - 10 comments

What Would Vissarion Do?

What Would Vissarion Do? A former Russian traffic cop realizes that he is the reborn Son of God. Several devoted disciples agree, yea and verily. Insert own 'water into vodka' joke here. On second thought, please don't.
posted by Dirjy at 2:28 PM PST - 2 comments

pMachine 2.0 was released today.

pMachine 2.0 was released today. With content management systems like pMachine and MovableType becoming easier and easier to use (as well as being free to inexpensive), will Blogger Pro continue to have a market?
posted by jonah at 2:15 PM PST - 31 comments

Dead Mike

Dead Mike had an accident while skydiving and fell 80 feet to the concrete runway. He survived and put up this website to tell his story (warning: sound.)
posted by homunculus at 1:01 PM PST - 7 comments

L.A. building Rocked By Explosion

L.A. building Rocked By Explosion A large residential building was rocked by an explosion and erupted in flames Friday. There was no immediate word on whether anyone was hurt. The blast hit the building in the Encino area of the San Fernando Valley about 11 a.m., Fire Department spokesman Bob Collis said.
posted by GernBlandston at 12:43 PM PST - 36 comments

Post to a weblog via SMS.

Post to a weblog via SMS. Just this weblog, unfortunately, not your own. I tried it with my Voicestream phone and it works. I'm surprised there aren't more wireless blogs out there that use SMS. (Or have I just been missing them?)
posted by brownpau at 12:26 PM PST - 15 comments

Bowling for Columbine

Bowling for Columbine Michael Moore, the visionary documentary maker, has the big hit at Cannes this year with Bowling for Columbine. Ostensibly a film about guns and violence in America
posted by Niahmas at 12:11 PM PST - 22 comments


What's this thing about Fridays?
posted by dash_slot- at 11:31 AM PST - 5 comments

Roddick vs. Google, Round II

Roddick vs. Google, Round II begins with Roddick's blog entry again charging Google with "insidious censorship." John Hiler leaps to Google's defense. And we discover that the AdWords director has never heard of weblogs.
posted by brookish at 11:23 AM PST - 14 comments

Did Fight Club influence Lucas John Helder?

Did Fight Club influence Lucas John Helder? "... in connecting the dots between the places where Helder planted his pipe bombs, one ends up with something resembling a smiley face—an image etched by anarchists in Fight Club on a building they had set fire to... If there were an instruction manual for the angst-ridden young people searching for meaning, Fight Club might be it... [It] might very well be the Catcher in the Rye for those belonging to Generation Y..." (via Dead Yet Living)
posted by aaronshaf at 11:22 AM PST - 27 comments

Buddhist mandalas?

Buddhist mandalas? Abstract doodles? Alien snow crystals? Nope. Just some amazing scientific art from Art Forms in Nature, published between 1899 and 1904 by zoologist Ernst Haeckel. Lots more early biological art at this scientist's public domain archive. Unfortunately, Haeckel also helped provide the philosophical foundation for Nazism. Hey, no one's perfect.
posted by mediareport at 10:59 AM PST - 13 comments

When stupid laws attack: this article points out that the widely syndicated article about thwarting the copy protection of sony's CDs is a direct violation of the DMCA. Will news directors at Reuters, Yahoo, and CNN be seeing fines and jail time soon? How many times does it have to be pointed out that the DMCA restricts free speech as it attempts to thwart piracy at any cost? (via k5)
posted by mathowie at 10:19 AM PST - 10 comments


Bag +bag=bag
posted by swift at 9:54 AM PST - 12 comments

Fashion comes and goes, but art that might have come from the side of a van is forever. The cover artists from Dragon magazine, a staple of my pimply years, all have websites now, from Keith Parkinson to the ghastly Clyde Caldwell to Larry Elmore (who is putting his old Dragon comic, SnarfQuest, online). The grand master of bodacious barbarian babe art, Frank Franzetta, has a site, too. Relive your adolescence through gleaming swords, vanquished dragons, and hyperdefined musculature! (Warning: Not all pictures are work-safe.)
posted by snarkout at 9:40 AM PST - 11 comments

This article in the always interesting Technology Review describes new technology that goes well beyond regular "spyware." BayTSP even automates their cease-and-desist letters. It all made me think of people like this.
posted by anathema at 9:23 AM PST - 2 comments

Lyudmila Putina and Laura Bush

Lyudmila Putina and Laura Bush apparently forgetting there are cameras around. Switching gears now, for the smokers out there: just drink water, and you'll be able to satisfy that nicotine craving and quench your thirst with a single hand motion.
posted by Why at 8:07 AM PST - 11 comments

After what seems like 99 million years at the helm,

After what seems like 99 million years at the helm, Nintendo's president, Hiroshi Yamauchi, is finally retiring. It's certainly been an eventful E3 for Nintendo; what does this mean for the future of the console wars?
posted by darukaru at 7:12 AM PST - 7 comments

Terror, Mideast and Hypocrisy.

Terror, Mideast and Hypocrisy. "We can tell the Israelis to stop, but we wouldn't stop. We can tell them to negotiate, but we wouldn't negotiate." I agree to the hundredth percent.
posted by I am Generic at 7:11 AM PST - 43 comments

Filler Bunny and Spooky making Boo Berry cookies.

Filler Bunny and Spooky making Boo Berry cookies. Characters from Jhonen Vasquez and Boo Berry Cereal all in one piece. Yummy. Now if only they would make an Invader Zim cereal.
posted by kingmissile at 7:00 AM PST - 7 comments

Attack of the Clones (really).

Attack of the Clones (really). The Italian fertility expert (...) said on Wednesday three women were pregnant with clones. In this interview published in the French daily Le Monde, he also says they will be born between December 2002 and January 2003. What good can we make out of this ?
posted by XiBe at 6:15 AM PST - 9 comments

TV on T-Shirt!

TV on T-Shirt! Wow! What a cool idea!
posted by heimkonsole at 6:04 AM PST - 23 comments

Four best hamburgers

Four best hamburgers in this survey includes a place about a mile from my house, and yeah they're great there. It also shows one in NY, one in LA and one in New Orleans - are these the same four you see or are they showing me a place in my town because they know where I am?  Mmmm ... hamburgers.
posted by engelr at 5:45 AM PST - 39 comments

Red Cross attacks exile of Palestinians

Red Cross attacks exile of Palestinians Mr Fisk (in occupied Lebanon) notes that the Red Cross believes it cruel to separate known terrorists from their families. Neglects to note that all international law opposes the targeting of civilians no matter what the reason or rationalization used. Perhaps a lawsuit for "cruel and unusual" punishment might allow the terrorists to have family reunions and be compensated for emotional damages and deprivation of marital privileges.
posted by Postroad at 5:17 AM PST - 11 comments

Tabloid Publishes Columbine Death Scene Photos.

Tabloid Publishes Columbine Death Scene Photos. The recent issue of National Enquirer publishes analysis that claims Eric Harris shot Dylan Klebold in the head before he committed suicide. Scanned soon on a website near you.
posted by mischief at 3:06 AM PST - 9 comments

Even if it works, using the detah penalty as deterrent is morally flawed

Even if it works, using the detah penalty as deterrent is morally flawed The mere fact that an orthodontist in Cleveland feels more anxious about crime shouldn't make the state more "right" to take a life. And, if you are in favor of the death penalty, the mere fact that the same orthodontist feels comfortable leaving his door unlocked shouldn't mean that a murderer should pay less of a price for killing a child.
posted by magullo at 2:55 AM PST - 45 comments

About damn time.

About damn time. If I ever get another email asking me to go to Nigeria on behalf of Mr.Ngkoskusomethingoranother for some large sum of cash I could just...
posted by lostbyanecho at 2:43 AM PST - 12 comments

Caffeine Soap

While I find our national addiction a great deal of fun and a personal necessity, I do start to wonder sometimes...
posted by apostasy at 2:04 AM PST - 43 comments

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