June 20, 2019

From "Distanced Irony" to "Naked Authenticity"

He went from bro-asshole correspondent on The Daily Show to AlexJonesMeetsColbertReport for Comedy Central, but Jordan Klepper's new series Klepper is unlike anything ever seen before. A docuseries which explores issues from the inside, and maybe gets a white guy to weaponize his privilege on behalf of his subjects. [more inside]
posted by hippybear at 11:20 PM PST - 5 comments

Now is the time to pickle green walnuts

My neighbor was out picking walnuts yesterday to make pickled walnuts. We share our urban habitat with SQUIRRELS and they EAT ALL THE WALNUTS so I was excited to learn how to intercept some of the nuts. So if you ALSO want to know how to intercept some of the walnuts in YOUR neighborhood from YOUR local squirrels, you'll be wanting these recipes. Turns out squirrels live EVERYWHERE. Green walnuts are the answer. Long live the green walnut! [more inside]
posted by aniola at 9:32 PM PST - 19 comments

Warp at 30: we have been reasonable people for decades

Get hyped for days of warped music! Warp Records turns 30 soon, and is celebrating with a multi-day take-over of NTS Radio (Wikipedia), starting on 21 June 2019 at 12 PM BST (TimeBie converter). The 60-hour line-up is on Warp.net (direct image link; Imgur link for posterity), and I've pulled together a random live set from each of the musicians* on the line-up, in case you can't tune in (or can't wait), plus some more links to read along while you listen. [more inside]
posted by filthy light thief at 8:25 PM PST - 41 comments

Rube Goldberg steps back for a three.... it's good!

2-D Trick Shots — a few marbles (one orange), a few woodblock magnets, some K'nex pieces, and a "net" made of buckyball magnets, all set in motion on top of a tilted magnetic whiteboard. [SLYT, 2:16]
posted by not_on_display at 5:51 PM PST - 16 comments

Keep on trippin'...

First step towards a better prosthetic leg? Trip people over and over. The aim of "stumble recovery" research being carried out at Vanderbilt University is to "construct a model of which factors determine the nature of the stumble response, so when a stumble occurs, we can use the various sensors on a robotic prosthetic leg to artificially reconstruct the reflex." From the Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation: A novel system for introducing precisely-controlled, unanticipated gait perturbations for the study of stumble recovery.
posted by mandolin conspiracy at 5:02 PM PST - 10 comments

Public Access Television and Free Speech

Opinion analysis: Court holds that First Amendment does not apply to private operator of public-access channels From the majority's opinion: “MNN, as a private actor, is not subject to First Amendment constraints on how it exercises editorial discretion over the speech and speakers on its public access channels.” From the minority's dissent: “Just as the City would have been subject to the First Amendment had it chosen to run the” channels itself, MNN “assumed the same responsibility when it accepted the delegation” to run the channels and must comply with the First Amendment.” [more inside]
posted by daq at 2:17 PM PST - 37 comments

The 10 levels of jazz guitar

Young Swedish guitarist Lucas Brar shows how to play Summertime by Gershwin in 10 different ways. Starts at 0:28. Full Channel here. [more inside]
posted by growabrain at 1:56 PM PST - 10 comments

Unseen 9/11 archive found at house sale

Ground zero demolition archive c/w 9/11 Archivists who bought a stash of CDs at a house clearance sale found 2,400 photos of Ground Zero in New York taken following the 9/11 attacks in 2001. c/w 9/11 [more inside]
posted by RandomInconsistencies at 1:34 PM PST - 18 comments

as with anything that goes mainstream, something is lost

"Drag brunch, until recently, was almost an oxymoron. For most of the 20th century, drag happened in queer spaces, in the dark, and was created by people who scraped together beauty from whatever they could find. Brunch, until about the 1980s, was conspicuously for the rich, or at least the genteel, an occasion for after church or on Mother’s Day — not one eating too much or getting too drunk. It was an opportunity to be seen looking sharp, at least in the church sense. There was little chance the worlds should ever meet. But starting around the 1990s, brunch got raucous and, concurrently, drag got mainstream." Jaya Saxena at Eater asks When Did Drag Brunch Get So Normie?
posted by everybody had matching towels at 1:12 PM PST - 11 comments

Unsolicited praise for sportswriter Jon Bois -Kate Wagner for theBaffler

For all the Bois bois (and everyone else, too) on Metafilter - unabashed praise for a transcendent sportswriter. Kate Wagner does a great job diving into what makes Bois something special. "his work brings together sports and art, sports and media culture, sports and history, sports and creative nonfiction, sports and fiction-fiction. Armed only with a high school diploma and a computer, Jon Bois renovated the genre of sports writing for the internet age. " " As a cultural critic, most people only get to hear about what I hate, and few ask me what I like. Well, I like the work of Jon Bois."
posted by jayz at 12:36 PM PST - 24 comments

Hack the planet! Err, Moon.

Hack the Moon tells the remarkable story of the engineers behind the revolutionary technologies developed for the Apollo missions. Explore newly released photos, videos and stories about the unsung heroes behind the moon landing. In the face of epic challenges, and with a fraction of today’s technology these are the people who hacked the moon. Part of NASA's 50th Anniversary of Apollo celebration.
posted by scalefree at 12:20 PM PST - 6 comments

Diamond Joe: Centrist or Conservative?

Joe Biden Keeps Shooting Past Centrism and Into Conservatism. While some of Biden's proposed policies are in line with the left-wards turn the Dem candidates have been taking, (15$ minimum wage, he now supports the repeal of Hyde), he continues to cozy up to wall street and he wont stop waxing nostalgic about two notorious segregationist senators. This has rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, including fellow Dem candidate Cory Booker who heavily criticized Biden for painting noted racists James Eastland and Herman Talmadge in a positive light. Biden's response? To demand an apology from Booker.
posted by Homo neanderthalensis at 9:46 AM PST - 211 comments

The setting sun, and music at the close

Each June 21, The Garden of Memory celebrates new music and the summer solstice at The Chapel of the Chimes in Oakland, California, a historic columbarium largely designed by Julia Morgan. Visitors walk from room to room hearing dozens of performers creating music which pushes boundaries - avant garde, new approaches to World Music, experimental, electroacoustic, new classical, unusual jazz. [more inside]
posted by kristi at 8:49 AM PST - 7 comments

Hardline secularism

On Sunday at 10:30pm, the Quebec government passed a secularism law which makes it illegal to wear religious symbols at work if you're a public school teacher, a police officer, a judge, a prison guard, a wildlife officer, a Crown prosecutor or if you work as a lawyer for the government. Schoolteachers already on the job will be exempt from the religious symbols ban under a grandfather clause, but they will lose the exemption if they move to another school or take up another position. The government has invoked the notwithstanding clause to protect the law from legal challenges based on freedom of religion, so opponents are challenging the law on every other grounds they can think of. Some school boards have vowed not to implement the law, and it has been condemned from outside the province as a separation from the very idea of what Canada represents. [more inside]
posted by clawsoon at 7:31 AM PST - 101 comments

Chicago all over the World

Daniel Kay Hertz asks twitter 'What is the most Chicago-like city of every country'? Includes a link to this 2012 Chicago Tribune article.
posted by dinty_moore at 7:20 AM PST - 101 comments

problem here isn’t the trans body. Its how the game depicts that body...

Cyberpunk 2077's in-game context doesn't matter if its marketing contributes to transphobia right now [Rock Paper Shotgun] “During this week’s E3, Cyberpunk 2077 developers CD Projekt Red released a new CG trailer starring Keanu Reeves, showed the game to press behind closed doors, and handed out some new screenshots. Two screens in particular were released via Nvidia to show off ray tracing effects, and both seem innocuous enough. One depicts what looks like a science lab, the other a neon-lit stairwell, but a second glance at the latter will reveal something else. There are three adverts on the wall, the middle of which depicts a sexualised trans woman, her body objectified and fetishised to sell an energy drink [*NSFW*] for a fictitious in-world corporation. [...] The idea in isolation could work: there’s no reason you can’t depict trans women in a sexual manner. It’s just, as with any kind of sexualization, there’s a fine line between empowerment and objectification. It’s not at all apparent from the image itself that we are supposed to be disgusted by the exploitation. Instead, it looks like an image you’re supposed to laugh at, with trans people the victim of the joke.” [more inside]
posted by Fizz at 6:52 AM PST - 57 comments

On for 8 seconds, off for 2 seconds, on for 8 seconds, off for 2 seconds

A simple how-to video for performing a factory reset on C by GE light bulbs (slYT). I mean, it really can't get simpler than this.
posted by Cash4Lead at 6:13 AM PST - 88 comments

Nature Is Always Speaking

Proposed dams threaten indigenous people and wildlife in Central America. [more inside]
posted by poffin boffin at 4:59 AM PST - 2 comments

Hell hath no fury like Ugandan twitter for homocidal Mzungu Saviors

Missionary Renee Bach who founded the non-profit Serving His Children (SHC) in Eastern Uganda with the mission to address malnutrition in children is being sued by local mothers in connection to her involvement in the deaths of over a hundred children. Excellent reporting by the local organization No White Saviors, the Ugandan newspaper the Independent, and The Spy Uganda, has uncovered that Bach, who founded SHC soon after her arrival in Uganda as a sheltered teenager with barely a high school diploma, routinely performed complex medical procedures (such as blood transfusions using apparently the wrong blood type) on vulnerable children leading to debilitating and fatal results. [more inside]
posted by Blasdelb at 3:52 AM PST - 27 comments

The Frontrunners

“From the very beginning, he was always concerned about policy. Always concerned about making a meaningful difference. He didn’t have time for the niceties,” Jane Sanders, the Senator’s wife and closest adviser, told me. “He has, over time, really become more—he’s still very issue oriented, but he’s placing focus on the people and the impact that those policies have.” Bernie Sanders Wants to Change America. But He May Have to Change Himself First. (TIME) “A cashier who steals a handful of twenties is held accountable, but Wall Street executives almost never hold themselves accountable,” Warren said. “Not now, and not in 2008, when they crushed the worldwide economy. The only way that Wall Street will change is if executives face jail time when they preside over massive frauds.” Can Elizabeth Warren Win It All? Sanders likes to frame himself as a New Dealer — an heir to the party of Franklin Roosevelt. Roosevelt, Sanders said last week, “led a transformation of the American government and the American economy” and was “reviled by the oligarchs of his time,” who attacked his New Deal programs as “socialism.” Why Bernie Sanders Isn’t Afraid of ‘Socialism’ (NYT) “Ask me who my favorite president is,” Warren said. When I paused, she said, “Teddy Roosevelt.” Warren admires Roosevelt for his efforts to break up the giant corporations of his day — Standard Oil and railroad holding companies — in the name of increasing competition. She thinks that today that model would increase hiring and productivity.(NYT Magzine)
posted by The Whelk at 1:03 AM PST - 42 comments

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