July 19, 2001

Seeing weird things in your website logs today? This will explain it... Running IIS and haven't patched it in over a month? Go here. 13,000 servers have already been affected.
posted by machaus at 3:57 PM PST - 37 comments

The Ugly American

The Ugly American is becoming harder to distinguish among its European counterparts. What does an American look like, anyway? If you were in a foreign county, could you recognize an American, and if so, how?
posted by Oriole Adams at 3:37 PM PST - 150 comments

Demo Design is neat.

Demo Design is neat. Lots of flash to entertain you. Try the sound section; I feel like I'm Ross from Friends wigging out on my ancient synthesizer, but with modern drum loops. And dig the clock if you click on the middle or right symbols that appear if you click on video.
posted by moz at 3:28 PM PST - 4 comments

I wish I had thought of this!

I wish I had thought of this! (NYT link) In a follow-up to a thread from last September, Chris and Luke have successfully found a sponsor (First USA) for their college tuitions. Of course, I would have sought a Trojans sponsorship; imagine the tie-ins! To move away from the "is college necessary/too expensive" debate of last September's thread, does anybody have good self-sponsorship anecdotes or ideas?
posted by msacheson at 12:28 PM PST - 35 comments

The New Sins (Los Pescados Nuevos).

The New Sins (Los Pescados Nuevos). A new book/art project/philosophical exploration/satire from David Byrne, in collaboration with McSweeney's. I can't wait to check it out. See how the whole thing came about. Fawn over Byrne's endless creativity. Rave at more brilliance from the good folks at McSweeney's.
posted by conquistador at 12:23 PM PST - 5 comments

Low Brow

Low Brow is really fun. Sit there and hit the reload button to hear people's tales of woe, misery and wild times. Some pretty funny tales there.
posted by milnak at 12:12 PM PST - 8 comments

SUBTLEY DARK children's art

SUBTLEY DARK children's art or just overbearingly cutesy?
posted by black8 at 9:31 AM PST - 25 comments

Husband's internet date turns out to be his wife

Husband's internet date turns out to be his wife
now i ask you, what are the odds? sooner or later something like this had to happen...
posted by bwg at 9:11 AM PST - 36 comments

Run away! Run away!

Run away! Run away!
this is so monty python-esque. once again life imitates art.
posted by bwg at 9:07 AM PST - 11 comments

Taliban Bans Neckties, Lipstick, Chess

Taliban Bans Neckties, Lipstick, Chess
The radio quoted the leader's order as telling border guards and security agencies to seize the banned items and hand them over to the Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, which acts as the Taliban's religious police.

oh yeah, it has long been known that chess is an evil, evil game...
posted by bwg at 8:56 AM PST - 23 comments

Say, are you looking for some Wacky Zany Goodness? Then try the Fulifier, which will instantly make any web page look like it was designed by a 4 year old or almost anyone in 1996. [twist of fait]
posted by hijinx at 8:52 AM PST - 4 comments

Almost the weekend.

Almost the weekend. A handy little site that will help you feel a little tippsy.
posted by aj100 at 8:34 AM PST - 3 comments

G8 Backs Middle-East International Observers

G8 Backs Middle-East International Observers With the US onboard for the first time, it seems an international monitoring force will be sent to the Palestinian territories to observe the "ceasefire." Positive step towards calm or just another feeble diplomatic attempt from the international community to stem the tide?
posted by chaz at 7:55 AM PST - 8 comments

Archer sentenced to 4 years...

Archer sentenced to 4 years... This may not mean much to those from outside the UK but there will be celebrations in much of England tonight as the 'Teflon Tory' finally takes fall. Sometimes justice is done, even to politicians with immense arrogance, money and no apparent morals. The scale of the web of deceit is fascinating and the ending quite poetic.
posted by Mr Ed at 6:57 AM PST - 19 comments

Graffiti or art

Graffiti or art Where is the line, and if it was in your street would you mind? - watch out this is flash intensive but well worth it.
posted by kramer_101 at 5:03 AM PST - 56 comments

Good grief, It seems I may be a feeling a bit tipsy.

Good grief, It seems I may be a feeling a bit tipsy.
posted by davehat at 4:49 AM PST - 18 comments

Contrary to what you may have heard, the new Brass Eye is indeed about paedophiles. And it's got Phil Collins wearing a "Nonce Sense" t-shirt.
posted by Mocata at 4:34 AM PST - 20 comments

This is truly awesome.

This is truly awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome.

Just the best use of flash, collaborative model/data building and use of interactive interface to explain a complex issue... i.e. the interconnections of money, influence and power in boardrooms of the global economy.

Conceived designed and built by Josh ON and the FutureFarmers I think it's going to move to a more permanent and snappier URL once it's fully ready for prime-time... I hope Josh and the gang don't mind me posting it here... but it's just too good not too... It genuinely deserves a lot of praise and attention, IMHO.
posted by blackbeltjones at 2:43 AM PST - 24 comments

Hello??? McFly???!!???

Hello??? McFly???!!??? Tiny, but remarkable Pro-Bush/global-warming-as-myth protest in Bonn as reported by The Times. 40 deluded rich american kids against the world. Literally. And, no it's not a new reality TV series... although... I can see it now.... "Protester"(tm)
posted by blackbeltjones at 12:55 AM PST - 44 comments

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