August 12, 2012

RIP Joe Kubert

Comic book artist Joe Kubert has died. Kubert, who started a New Jersey school of cartooning that cemented his legacy as an industry great, has died after a hospital stay. He was 85.
posted by Ice Cream Socialist at 9:06 PM PST - 41 comments

arts & crafts blogging, subset: geek

Geek Art Gallery features many different kinds of geek-related art in round-ups and posts: art installations, animation, comics, film shorts, paintings, photography, sculpture - even desserts. Specifically craft-focused geek blogs: Geek Crafts and Sprite Stitch (previously)
posted by flex at 6:43 PM PST - 1 comments

Mugshot Yourself

Mugshot Yourself: Meet 1864's greatest rogues, then become one yourself. Try your face on different mugshots, and add the best of them to Copper's growing collection of New York's most notorious. Con men, petty thieves, prostitutes...Oh, and you.(via BBCAmerica)
posted by ColdChef at 6:19 PM PST - 21 comments

Can an activist be a good scientist?

NASA's James Hansen has been called the "godfather" of climate warming, largely because of his long record of major publications on the topic. He is also a determined climate activist, protesting, blockading, and demanding (PDF) that immediate action be taken to deal effectively with the issue, while using his science to advance his case. Recently, he and 2 colleagues effectively contradicted the widespread view that individual extreme weather events cannot be directly linked with observed climate warming, using extreme high temperatures as an example. [additional earlier and new (PDF) information]. (See previous (PDF) related work by others.) Several climate experts have attacked Hansen's activism and his science (PDF). Does his activism make James Hansen a bad scientist? (Related previous posts here and here, now peer-reviewed and published.)
posted by dmayhood at 2:15 PM PST - 64 comments

No Wonder Clowns Are Scary

100 Maniacal Movie Laughs in 6 Minutes assembled by the maniacal James Chapman who previously collected Movie Titles in Movies (plus one)
posted by oneswellfoop at 2:08 PM PST - 22 comments

Tired of this? is here for you [in Britian] to post your video clips of those dog owners (and let’s be fair, there is only a small minority of them) that don’t pick up after their dogs. [more inside]
posted by obscurator at 1:53 PM PST - 35 comments

Two Poems By Rumi

Two poems by Rumi recorded by Duncan Mackintosh
posted by eggtooth at 12:20 PM PST - 7 comments


Gotye makes a mashup/remix of youtube covers of his hit single - "Reluctant as I am to add to the mountain of interpretations of Somebody That I Used To Know seemingly taking over their own area of the internet, I couldn't resist the massive remixability that such a large, varied yet connected bundle of source material offered.

" [SLYT]
posted by radiosilents at 11:46 AM PST - 93 comments

Once an Eagle

Eagle Scouts Returning Our Badges, a tumblr of pictures and letters from US Scouts renouncing their Eagle award.
posted by zamboni at 11:12 AM PST - 113 comments

Farewell, Pushcart Queen

Farewell Pushcart Queen: Jean Merrill has passed away from cancer. Many of her 30 books were young adult stories which followed underdogs in conflict with powerful interests. Her most well-known books were The Pushcart War, about a confrontation between New York pushcarts and the trucking industry, and The Toothpaste Millionaire, about a young African American entrepreneur who challenges big business. (previously) [more inside]
posted by honest knave at 11:00 AM PST - 33 comments

Orbital, 23 years after Chime

They were a couple of blokes from a small city in in England who started out messing around with instruments. Paul played the guitar and drums, and Phil the saxophone, but both were interested in electronic music by the likes of Kraftwerk. Phil also liked hip-hop, and Paul got into acid house in the late 1980s. One afternoon, Paul slapped together a happy little song based on a sample from a now-forgotten instrumental cover version of some pop hit, and called the little ditty Chime. Even before it was pressed on vinyl, DJs were asking for it, and Orbital was born. [more inside]
posted by filthy light thief at 8:05 AM PST - 66 comments

Mike and George Kuchar

It Came From Kuchar [trailer] is a 90 minute long documentary about the underground filmmaker brothers Mike and George Kuchar. It is also available to view on hulu and via Amazon. It could also possibly be available on Netflix. [more inside]
posted by hippybear at 7:46 AM PST - 6 comments

(Part of) The World according to Aaslestad

"Peter Aaslestad is both a free-lance photographer and an internationally recognized historic preservation consultant specializing in the use of architectural photogrammetry to document existing buildings." [more inside]
posted by Namlit at 6:55 AM PST - 4 comments

When Alexander of Macedonia was 33 he cried salt tears because there were no more worlds to conquer - Bristow is only 27!

RIP Sid Waddell, the legendary voice of darts.
posted by fearfulsymmetry at 5:11 AM PST - 28 comments

We will decide who comes to fish here, and the circumstances under which they fish

A new, controversial super-trawler, the Dutch-owned FV Margiris, has set sail for Tasmania, off the south-east coast of Australia, to take a haul of jack mackerel and redbait, prompting concerns it is going to decimate several Australian fish stocks as factory fishing has done elsewhere in the world. Greenpeace claims the industrial super-trawler is part of the European Association of pelagic freezer trawlers (PFA), responsible for "some of the worst fishing excesses on the planet.'' It is scheduled to be roaming between the Tasman Sea and Western Australia this spring. [more inside]
posted by Mezentian at 1:29 AM PST - 60 comments

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