August 7, 2022

“We need to take away their children”

A deeply reported story about the Trump Administration’s policy of separating immigrants illegally crossing the border from their children. SL Atlantic story delving into the drivers, mistakes, intentions, and lies comprising the Trump Administration’s policy of taking children from immigrants crossing the border, regardless of whether the parent legally requested asylum or crossed outside of a port or legal crossing location. The policy was planned and implemented by “Hawks” who needed to shut out the “squishies” and “bleeding hearts” in the bureaucracy so that the policy could be implemented without planning or concern for the impact on the victims or on other departments who would be blindsided with having to deal with the resulting separated parents and children.
posted by Warren Terra at 6:56 PM PST - 35 comments

I felt like I was really myself out there!

Disability Inclusion Activist Molly Burke was recently on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, Dispelling Misrepresentations Of Blindness [7m31s]. Much more fun, however, is Molly's own video I Was Interviewed by Trevor Noah on The Daily Show! [31m] which shows the whole process for her the day of the show. There's so much fun and humanity in that half hour, that's really the part I wanted to share the most!
posted by hippybear at 2:26 PM PST - 8 comments

Humboldt, Kansas

Small Kansas town became a top travel destination after years of decline. Here’s how. ( A music venue. A brewery. A book shop. A cocktail bar. A honky-tonk bar. A golf-simulator bar. A five-room luxury hotel. A fitness center. A gift shop. A coffee shop. A confectionery. All have either opened in recent years or are coming soon to this southeast Kansas town of 2,000. NYT, "52 Places for a Changed World: 36 Humboldt, KS
posted by geoff. at 11:36 AM PST - 40 comments

define street safety in a way that centers the most vulnerable groups

Tamika L. Butler's 2017 keynote "I'm Not Your N*****: Can Vision Zero Work in a Racist Society?" for transportation safety conference Vision Zero Cities is a brutal indictment of "color blind" bike advocates and transportation planners who embraced increased police enforcement as a key element in Vision Zero's push for zero pedestrian fatalities. In the wake of 2020's worldwide Black Lives Matter protests, many bike and pedestrian safety advocates spoke of the need to drop police enforcement from traffic safety initiatives like Vision Zero. Title quote is from mobility justice organizers at the Untokening who argued for an inclusive and equitable understanding of public safety in a pandemic. [more inside]
posted by spamandkimchi at 9:53 AM PST - 35 comments

I have always arrived late to everything I love.

“So much of the art we love is really just about our loyalty to and softness toward our own memories; so often loving an album or a book or a song is really just a way to love an obsolete version of ourselves.” - Helena Fitzgerald on August and Everything After, without really discussing the album itself at all, pointing out that it might just be a perfect album.
posted by Ghidorah at 7:25 AM PST - 31 comments

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