September 10, 2000

Yesterday I went to a local Comic Book Store here in Houston, Texas. I was looking for the hard to find 'Death Row Marv' figure that recently made the news across the nation. After I asked to see the figure (it was kept behind the counter) and dicided that the price was right, the sales person asked me if I was a policeman. I told him I was not and asked why. He told me that the Death Row Marv figure is very popular with the Houston Police Department. The officers like to have them on their desks and in their squad cars - scary huh?
posted by DragonBoy at 10:53 PM PST - 3 comments

The pope must be getting old; when it comes to exorcisms, Satan is beating him these days.
posted by aaron at 10:00 PM PST - 2 comments

From the latest chapter in "Don't Make a Clinton Mad"

From the latest chapter in "Don't Make a Clinton Mad" comes this 1998 photo released by the White House that shows Rick Lazio firmly shaking hands of Yasser Arafat with a bright smile on his face. Lazio had earlier criticized Bill Clinton for shaking the hand of Fidel Castro and Hillary for pecking on the cheek of Shuha Arafat in 1999. Lazio also accused Hillary to be supporting with her silence Shuha Arafat's factual charges of environmental pollutions in the occupied territories by the Israeli authorities. Unlike Lazio, Hillary at least has claimed Jewish ancestry. Lazio has no clue what he is up against.
posted by tamim at 9:20 PM PST - 6 comments

Does GW's great Texas education system really work?

Does GW's great Texas education system really work? Teachers say Texas has given up on normal school subjects in favor of test taking strategy in order to produce nice round numbers for politicians. Kids spend the school year preparing day and night for massively hyped state wide tests instead of actually learning. Is this any way to educate our children?
posted by tomorama at 8:09 PM PST - 26 comments

Western Union's site

Western Union's site is down, as hackers have accessed their "secure" database. Western Union's only suggestion so far is to tell all customers to cancel their credit card accounts. Is anything really secure on the internet? Do you trust amazon to hold your credit card numbers, Wells Fargo to keep your checking account private, and Kozmo employees not to pilfer your credit card numbers for fun?
posted by mathowie at 6:30 PM PST - 8 comments

It's odd that people reacting against globalisation should try to stop the forum meeting in Melbourne this week. It is working to solve the problems they are protesting against, warns the Swiss intellectual who is founder and president of the World Economic Forum.
posted by murray_kester at 3:53 PM PST - 29 comments

Jim Munroe

Jim Munroe is a zine publisher in Toronto who wrote a couple of small novels, got one ("Flyboy Action Figure Comes With Gasmask") picked up by Harper Collins, and got out of his contract to self-release his latest book. I don't know if it surprises anyone that the mainstream book scene is about as non-lucrative and power-consolidated as the music world is, but he's posted all the gory details, as well as a detailed and friendly how-to for self-publishing.
posted by chicobangs at 1:07 PM PST - 4 comments

Knight to be fired?

Knight to be fired? I know some can find the news at other links, and the story is still developing, however, I at least thought he would last one more year, and retire on his own. Zero tolerence is enforced and the University warned him. I just wonder if he will be hired anywhere else.
posted by brent at 10:47 AM PST - 16 comments

Fire Marshall killed at Italian Grand Prix

Fire Marshall killed at Italian Grand Prix.
I hope the banked track at the new Indianapolis track doesn't kill anyone. Formula One has never raced on a banked surface before.
posted by tomcosgrave at 10:31 AM PST - 5 comments

Help Wanted : Naval Chaplain for Her Majesty's Navy.

Help Wanted : Naval Chaplain for Her Majesty's Navy. Frustrated with the prospect of designing web pages for the rest of your life? Well, this might be for you.
posted by leo at 2:39 AM PST - 0 comments - Post a Comment

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