September 13, 2000


Headcheese?! According to Wired's Infoporn, if you are the unlucky sap who own's an analog Sanyo SCP-4000 the you run the risk frying yoru brain. Perhaps if we all looked to the future for handy solutions, our problems would be solved.
posted by Brilliantcrank at 11:39 PM PST - 8 comments

More Evidence of Corruption

More Evidence of Corruption , as if it were needed:
"Sorry you missed the vice president....I know" you "will give $100K when the president vetoes tort reform, but we really need it now. Please send ASAP if possible."
posted by johnb at 11:24 PM PST - 5 comments

If you could steal* any web design, which one would you take?
When I get around to it, I would like to do something like this, this or maybe this.
*Stealing is defined as taking only the design codes and not any content off of the site without the designer's permission.
posted by tamim at 8:57 PM PST - 12 comments

Hands off...

Hands off... I'm a Gore/Lieberman supporter, but his recent threats of government intervention into violent entertainment (along with Lynne Cheney) make me a little angry.
posted by owillis at 5:13 PM PST - 16 comments

Wen Ho Lee is Free! (sort of)

Wen Ho Lee is Free! (sort of)
Is this too much of a "seen everywhere" news story to post here? Or is the fact that this story was finally getting "seen everywhere" part of the good news???
posted by wendell at 5:03 PM PST - 12 comments

DotComFailures Lives Up To Its Name!

DotComFailures Lives Up To Its Name!
May I use this occasion to jumpstart a meme for a new acronym: T.O.F.I. - Too Obvious For Irony.
Also notable for the article's use of F***'s full name, but then, didn't a rumor find its way into this very forum that FC and DCF were related?
posted by wendell at 5:02 PM PST - 2 comments


Rat? Is anyone else seeing the words "Matt Rat" or "Mall Rat" when they open or refresh the the main page of Metafilter? Just a quick flash of the two words, above and below the first entry on the page. Or am I drinking too much Pepsi One today?
posted by paddbear at 3:58 PM PST - 7 comments

FCC: Open up AOL’s messaging

FCC: Open up AOL’s messaging "Federal regulators could force America Online Inc. to open its popular instant-messaging service to rivals as a condition of approving its acquisition of Time Warner Inc." I think this is good news for instant messaging, but I'm never really comfortable with the government forcing such things. What do you think?
posted by ericost at 3:46 PM PST - 15 comments

Jesus freaks make unattractive websites:

Jesus freaks make unattractive websites: Came across this while looking for some old Nintendo ROMS. You'd think he'd at least try to make his message legible . . .
posted by aladfar at 3:34 PM PST - 13 comments

Dr. Laura fans speak

. Jeeeze what 'fruitcakes'.
posted by tiaka at 2:18 PM PST - 22 comments

Has Google finally sold out?

Has Google finally sold out? You may have already seen this via Robot Wisdom - evidence that Google has monkeyed with their search engine to give preference to partner Yahoo!'s pages. I guess it had to happen sooner or later, but I'm sad. Anyone know of a better search engine on the horizon that still has integrity?
posted by straight at 10:06 AM PST - 8 comments

As long as we're discussing vice-presidential candidates,

As long as we're discussing vice-presidential candidates, I thought I'd point out this gem about the Reform Party's offering.
posted by MrMoonPie at 10:02 AM PST - 8 comments

anatomy of an e-client.

anatomy of an e-client. as if we didn't make enough fun of our clientele...
posted by patricking at 8:31 AM PST - 0 comments - Post a Comment

Interview with Winona LaDuke

Interview with Winona LaDuke Here's a nice little gem. We all know about Ralph Nader, but here's a fascinating discussion with Ralph's choice for VP. Requires RealAudio. (from
posted by snakey at 8:30 AM PST - 2 comments


Lame I was hoping to start my day by either purchasing the OSX beta or begin the long d/l process. Unfortunately, 30 minutes later and Apple's Store servers have yet to complete the process due to 500 Internal Server errors and 4 timed out sessions. I thought OSX Servers were better than any in the world? So forget it. Steve, you can have your eye candy.
posted by Brilliantcrank at 7:34 AM PST - 22 comments


Make sure all is quiet around you.
Unplug the phone.
Feed the dog with cat so they both will be silent.

These are 8 min 30 during which you will not want to be disturbed.
posted by Baud at 5:19 AM PST - 10 comments

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