September 29, 2003

Oh, it's nothing...

This post is about nothing. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
posted by moonbird at 10:19 PM PST - 37 comments

megaman vs. metroid

megaman vs. metroid [Note: Flash]
posted by crunchland at 7:57 PM PST - 19 comments

and we'll have fun fun fun until daddy takes our t-cells away

smallpox vs. aids: the pandemic smackdown!! Researchers are [very, very cautiously] suggesting there might be a link between the end of smallpox vaccinations in the early 1980s and the rise of HIV. Pinwheel, in the RFID thread: "All I can say is that it's a great time to be a lazy paranoid schizophrenic--modern society is doing all of the work for you."
posted by jengod at 5:49 PM PST - 24 comments

Begins with me in a red dress demonstrating different ways to take a pie in the face.

"You men are visually stimulated creatures. Seeing a woman, in hot clothes, get pelted by pies is a rarity." Meet Phoebe Rodriguez everyone. Read her story, and of course, watch her videos (nsfw or pies)
posted by Peter H at 2:34 PM PST - 30 comments

Peer-to-peer lobby

P2P United, the new lobby set up by peer-to-peer software developers, publishes a code of conduct.
posted by liam at 1:46 PM PST - 6 comments

Get your mix on

My Mixtapes is a site for users of emusic. Members can post album reviews, create mixtapes, and compile thematic lists of albums, all with direct links to the songs or albums so that subscribers to the mp3 service can download directly "via" my mixtapes.
posted by dobbs at 1:33 PM PST - 6 comments

Off with their heads!

Décolleté takes you on a fascinating guided tour of decapitation through the ages that covers biblical head severers Judith and Salome, the hapless victims of the Tudor axe, as well as the dreaded guillotine. Site contains some mild artistic gore, but nothing too horrendous.
posted by MrBaliHai at 1:07 PM PST - 3 comments

100 Documents that Shaped America

100 Documents that Shaped America. (Via Fark, of all places.)
posted by PrinceValium at 10:41 AM PST - 18 comments

Modern Furniture Design

Is This All There Is To Modern Design? Although Design Within Reach is a commercial website, it's well put together, with interesting features that provide biographies and a a potted history of modern furniture design. However, like the plethora of coffee-table books on the subject, the uncomfortable (!) feeling remains that it crystalizes the accepted and the historical - the so-called modern classics - rather than engage with what is truly contemporary. This is, after all, highly traditional modernism and post-modernism. And it's rife. Where is the avant-garde? Is there one on view to ordinary mortals? You end up feeling that the truly new designs - this century's, after all - are being swept under the carpet, awaiting some boring committee process of consensus and approval.
posted by MiguelCardoso at 9:59 AM PST - 35 comments

Drug War Victims

Drug War Victims. "Increasingly, people are dying because of the tactics of the drug war. Military operations are being conducted on our soil, and collateral damage is inevitable... Every now and then, a death happens that is particularly grotesque -- that points out the horrific folly of our actions. This page presents some of those deaths." This is part of the Drug WarRant blog. [Via TalkLeft.]
posted by homunculus at 9:25 AM PST - 41 comments

My Precioussssss

Final Lord of the Rings trailer [Quicktime Movie]. No sign of it yet on the official site. (Via BBC)
posted by MintSauce at 9:01 AM PST - 37 comments

What software version numbers really mean

What software version numbers really mean. Not sure who started the latest trend of dropping version numbers from software. We could always blame Microsoft with Windows ME . But Macromedia is at fault too with the whole MX thing. And MX doesn't even stand for anything. Now Adobe is getting into the mix. There will be no Photoshop 8 or Illustrator 11. Just CS . So is this a good thing? Version numbers may not be exciting but it sure did make it easy to keep track of the latest upgrade.
posted by jeremias at 7:14 AM PST - 42 comments

The Fanimatrix

The Fanimatrix is an amazing zero-budget amateur MATRIX film made by some great folks in Auckland, NZ. Finally, somebody gets it - The Matrix is an action film.
posted by anser at 6:42 AM PST - 23 comments

The full Mayhew online

The Bolles Collection on the History of London at the Tufts University Perseus Digital Library contains, among other transcripts, the searchable text of all four volumes of the Henry Mayhew's classic 19th century account London Labour and the London Poor: Volume 1 (costermongers and street-sellers); Volume 2 (more street-sellers, cleansing, and sewer work); Volume 3 (vermin destroyers, street entertainers, labourers, cabbies, vagrants); and the Extra Volume (vice and beggars). Read of the sellers of fake pornography; snail-sellers; death and fire-hunters; a depressed street clown; "pure" (i.e. dog dung) finders; and more. The past really is another country.
posted by raygirvan at 4:52 AM PST - 11 comments

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