September 7, 2000

Episode II photos posted.

Episode II photos posted. I can't find a link, but there is a rumor that there is a stolen script for sale as well. Lucas is ready to throw his stormtroopers at anyone who tries to sell it.
posted by thirteen at 11:59 PM PST - 5 comments

You have the right to protest. You have to right to speak out in public against political candidates. Unless that political candidate is Hillary Rodham Clinton. Then the Secret Service bags you and throws you out the door.
posted by aaron at 10:28 PM PST - 4 comments

Is it just me, or was that the worst MTV Video Music Awards ever? And Britney Spears did a lot to cement her reputation as a ... well, I won't say it since it isn't nice to use such words on the front page...
posted by aaron at 9:48 PM PST - 37 comments

Yo dawg, peep Bush, he be up and on that whitecrib thang.

Yo dawg, peep Bush, he be up and on that whitecrib thang. Believe it Yo. My pager goin off when I saw this word scribble...

Bush (shaking his head mournfully): "Dude, dude. You must be loaded, Holmes. You're cut off on the bong, ace. Your lameness is of a sameness. If every time you're sippin' on a 40 you start quoting Grouchy Marx, my man, you can't be hanging at Epsilon House. Major league bummer!"

True. True.
posted by Brilliantcrank at 9:30 PM PST - 0 comments - Post a Comment

A new strategy in the war against piracy?

A new strategy in the war against piracy? Allegedly, Sega offered these DreamCast ISO distributors stock options in exchange for ceasing their piracy operations. They reportedly have taken the offer, dropped their DreamCast ripping and moved on to PSX bootlegs. [via SlashDot]
posted by tomorama at 7:07 PM PST - 3 comments

Maybe Dubya needs a pinch-hitter

Maybe Dubya needs a pinch-hitter to take his place opposite Gore at the debates planned by the Commission on Presidential Debates.
posted by harmful at 1:08 PM PST - 3 comments

School installs unisex toilets

School installs unisex toilets The headmaster claims not to have seen Ally McBeal. I have to wonder, though. But let's face it: it's going to be horrific.
posted by holgate at 12:12 PM PST - 5 comments

A better discussion of the Electoral College

A better discussion of the Electoral College and the possible outcome this November. Not better because Bush is seen as ahead (I'm voting for Nader), but better because it seems to acknowledge the vagaries of making such predictions.
posted by silusGROK at 7:56 AM PST - 5 comments

Today's world-gone-to-hell story: "Middle-class" teens kill delivery person to avoid paying for food.

Today's world-gone-to-hell story: "Middle-class" teens kill delivery person to avoid paying for food. They left him to die with $600 in his pockets.
posted by rcade at 7:56 AM PST - 35 comments

A historical rebuttal to the currently rabid NRA.

A historical rebuttal to the currently rabid NRA. Michael Bellesiles analyzes gun culture throughout American history and finds a number of points that disagree with Chuck Heston's version of 'Merica. Not surprisingly, the NRA is livid. At the risk of posting flamebait, will people ever be able to approach this issue from a reasoned, educated perspective, rather than responding with knee-jerk reactions?
posted by solistrato at 7:23 AM PST - 5 comments


LIVE NUDE CATS! [via Mister Pants]
posted by plinth at 6:09 AM PST - 1 comments

What's wrong with corporate globalization?

What's wrong with corporate globalization? And why protest on s11? -- "If that is the future the World Economic Forum is pushing us towards, it's not a future we want to go to. There are no unions, the working conditions are appalling, the living conditions are appalling and there is an appalling environmental situation."
posted by johnb at 2:25 AM PST - 26 comments

Presidential election projection, based on likely Electoral College votes.

Presidential election projection, based on likely Electoral College votes. Which is the right way to do it, after all. The guy running the page is the editor of Web, White, & Blue, an online digest of political news from around the Web. Seems very even handed. The projections come from state-by-state polling data, and change as new polls come in. Current leader: Gore, by 34 out of 535 votes.
posted by aurelian at 1:46 AM PST - 3 comments

Chromosomes to the rescue!

Chromosomes to the rescue!
posted by tamim at 12:40 AM PST - 1 comments

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