Favorites from silusGROK

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2020: The Year of Chiune Sugihara

In October 2019, the Lithuanian Parliament approved the initiative to name 2020 the Year of Chiune Sugihara (Delfi.en), to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Japanese diplomat’s noble work, and celebrate what would be his 120th birthday. The celebratory peak of the year is Sugihara Week (Visit Kaunas), the event which celebrates the actions of Japanese diplomat Chiune Sugihara (Sugihara Week). For 29 days, from July 31 to August 28, 1940, he issued more than 6,000 "Visas for Life" (Chiune-Sugihara.jp), saving thousands of Jewish refugees. [via Mltshp] [Previously]
posted to MetaFilter by filthy light thief at 4:16 PM on August 31, 2020 (8 comments)

A new approach to Covid-19 testing: Rapid Tests

How to test every American for Covid-19 everyday What's a rapid test? Existing technology using paper strips allows for contagious-COVID testing that is rapid and inexpensive. Research shows that if done properly, these testing protocols could drive down infections close to zero. Millions of these tests can easily be manufactured and distributed. At as low as $1 per test, you can take a test every day. Tests could be administered at the entrance to schools and offices, and some could be taken at home.
posted to MetaFilter by bluesky43 at 1:55 PM on August 17, 2020 (92 comments)

"Metafilter: quote"s logged anywhere?

You know when we extract part of a comment, and repeat it later, down-thread, preceded by "Metafilter: "? (A couple examples came up together in the Derecho thread.) Are these logged somewhere? Love to see the whole list.
posted to MetaTalk by Rash at 4:07 PM on August 12, 2020 (25 comments)

I Need Some Support Here

I need a whole new set of bras -- I haven't bought a new one for at least five years. Good bras are very expensive, especially in the [cough] larger sizes. I can sew fairly well, and have a good sewing machine. Boob and sewing machine owners of MeFi, have you had any success with making your own flattering and supportive bras? If so, do you have any tips to share, and can you point me to resources for patterns and supplies?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by orange swan at 4:56 AM on August 9, 2020 (13 comments)

Beirut/Lebanese Mefite Check In

Are any Mefites in Beirut or Lebanon right now? I want to check in to see how you are doing after the explosion.
posted to MetaTalk by Kitchen Witch at 9:25 PM on August 4, 2020 (14 comments)

That's with an "O"

The Architect of the United States Capitol, offers a comprehensive website on the Capitol and grounds. Check out its art and architecture, as well the neighboring Congressional office buildings. There's also the new Congressional Visitor Center with weekly reports on the progress of construction. Not to be forgotten is Constantino Brumidi, a man who spent a lifetime painting in the Capitol (index to PDF biography).
posted to MetaFilter by Atreides at 5:34 PM on March 24, 2007 (4 comments)
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