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Reverse Engineering a Xinjiang Police Mass Surveillance App

Last week Human Rights Watch released a comprehensive report (3-dozen-paragraph summary, full report) based on a tear-down of the government phone app used by Chinese state security forces in Xinjiang provice in the far West of the country, where ethnic Uyghur Muslims are being rounded up into camps by the millions and oppressed based on their ethnicity and religion in many other ways (previously 1, 2, 3.) The examination revealed details of how mass surveillance works in China and specific types of information sought on individuals.
posted to MetaFilter by XMLicious at 5:10 PM on May 7, 2019 (25 comments)

April becomes May, and May just keeps on going...

A month after we were definitely, certainly, no two ways about it leaving the EU, here we still are. Chris Grayling is carrying on in the manner to which he has become accustomed, Ian Dunt sounds ever more exasperated, and the Guardian reminds us that, like any number of horror movie villains, Brexit's not dead yet.
posted to MetaFilter by ManyLeggedCreature at 10:08 AM on May 1, 2019 (242 comments)

We are living in the midst of a strike wave

“The ramifications of Taft-Hartley have been wide-reaching. Decades of case law that progressively curbed the rights of workers were built on Taft-Hartley’s back, and expanded public sector bargaining rights in the 1960s and 1970s were largely modeled on the Taft-Hartley regime (or structured even more restrictively). The NLRA—labor’s “Magna Carta”—is no longer recognizable as what labor hoped it would be: a permanent power shift toward American workers and away from the vested interests that crashed the American economy, sinking the world into a global depression.” Labor has opposed Taft-Hartley for decades. Here’s why it’s time to repeal it. (Strikewave)
posted to MetaFilter by The Whelk at 9:46 AM on April 9, 2019 (3 comments)

As American As Apple Pie

“Schoonover is tall, blond, and ruddy-cheeked, with a goofy sense of humor that probably comes in handy during her day job teaching children about agriculture at a local museum. She’s finishing up her second year as the co-chair of the Central Iowa DSA, a position she sees as a way “to actually do something instead of being mad and upset every day after Trump became president.” Iowa’s Democratic Socialists Are Organizing To Go Beyond 2020 (The Atlantic) Chicago socialists cleaned house in last night's municipal elections, winning as many as six socialist city council members. The city's left has a historic opportunity to push back years of gentrification, police brutality, and austerity. (Jacobin) “For much of the 20th century, Milwaukee was run by socialists—and Time magazine called it “one of the best-run cities in the U.S.” (The Nation) Midwestern Socialism previously, Green Corn Rebellion, Radicalism 101
posted to MetaFilter by The Whelk at 9:26 AM on April 8, 2019 (17 comments)

The morning after not leaving the EU the night before

Still in, Grandad. 11pm on March the 29th 2019 passed by, and Conservative party machinations and war continue. Over 6 years since first announced by David Cameron, nearly 3 years since the referendum ("voting to remain ... is the best decision") and 2 years after article 50 was invoked, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland remains in the EU. In the week gone by, many peacefully walked through London, a much smaller crowd threatened, and an appeal was dropped. In the worst remake of Groundhog Day, after the latest rejection Theresa May of Downing Street (somehow still - NSFW - PM) looks to hold a fourth vote on her deal, or perhaps an election. What now? A second day of indicative votes on Monday, and the 12th of April is the new/next 29th of March.
posted to MetaFilter by Wordshore at 12:23 AM on March 30, 2019 (758 comments)

Europe: The Final Countdown

With 10 days until Brexit (perhaps), Britain's sovereign Parliament has taken back control. Speaker John Bercow has frustrated the government's plans to bring back the Withdrawal Agreement for a third meaningful vote, which can now only take place in this session on Parliament's terms. Although a majority of MPs voted last week against leaving with no deal and in favour of requesting an extension to Article 50, leaving the EU on 29 March remains the law of the land and the default position of Article 50, unless the latter is revoked or extended. Everything now depends on the European Council, the actions of Theresa May, and the unpredictable voting blocs of Parliament.
posted to MetaFilter by rory at 3:50 AM on March 19, 2019 (922 comments)

Breaking Point

With 22 days to go, Britain is unprepared for any kind of Brexit and unable to decide which way to turn, with May's government operating under a cloak of secrecy and considering prolonging the indecision if parliament's second vote on her Withdrawal Agreement fails next week. The endless Brexit lies have left us in an Orwellian nightmare, with some MPs receiving death threats every single day. Now new lies are doing the rounds of social media, as questionable money buys who knows what amount of under-the-radar campaigning in advance of a possible second referendum. Bookmakers, though, consider the odds of a second referendum to be worse than those of No Deal (5/1 versus 4/1 respectively), with the odds of the latter shortening.
posted to MetaFilter by rory at 5:00 AM on March 7, 2019 (558 comments)

“We’re just going to wing it really; there’s not much more we can do.”

As captain May eats jam, ignores charts and monsters, and steers the 'good ship Brexit' downriver, a few Labour MPs might jump ship, possibly copied by a few Conservatives. Airbus, via Politico: “...we will have to look at future investments” and the Bank of America and German companies also paddle away (not on FlyBMI), as does Ratcliffe but not the wannabe captain. But people coming aboard may include expats with complex healthcare needs needing the NHS. A national humbling? Back on the high and ferry-free seas, Gavin's latest has displeased China and Gibralter is tense. Choppy waters, no investigation, only storm forecasts for Northern Ireland, and for Porsche-desiring MeFites. Irish Times: “...we can also glimpse an image of ourselves no longer ruling the waves.” (title)
posted to MetaFilter by Wordshore at 2:00 AM on February 18, 2019 (528 comments)

Meet the new plan, same as the old plan

In a few hours, Theresa May is due to give a statement to Parliament about her Brexit Plan B, after a week of even more floundering about than we've come to expect. Gina Miller writes about the need for MPs to use the parliamentary sovereignty that she fought for. David Lammy MP argues that even a Norway outcome would be lose-lose. A backbench effort to rule out a no-deal Brexit is supposedly supported in private by much of the government, who don't want to do it themselves for fear of splitting their party. But might explicitly ruling out No Deal mean that May's deal ends up getting through?
posted to MetaFilter by rory at 4:03 AM on January 21, 2019 (547 comments)

This marvellous day

The Radical Life of Rosa Luxemburg
– A graphic novelization of the revolutionary life and legacy of “Red Rosa.” (previously)
posted to MetaFilter by Joe in Australia at 10:25 PM on October 28, 2015 (7 comments)
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