Favorites from msbutah
Displaying post 1 to 50 of 116
Stanisław Lem's "A Perfect Vacuum"
"A book like A Perfect Vacuum, a collection of reviews of non-existent books, is more akin to Borges than Heinlein. ... a book filled with ideas — in the form of compacted micro-books. The device of using faux-literary criticism for the launching of bold philosophical queries in miniature is novel, if not utterly brilliant. The execution is deadpan, believable, and totally hilarious."
Du Bois, data visualization, and the 1900 Paris Exposition
In the space of only a few months, WEB Du Bois led a team of Black scholars to create an interactive presentation of data-filled charts, "The Exhibit of American Negroes", which was displayed at the 1900 Paris Exposition. Jason Forrest, a data visualization and design expert, gives a talk about how these charts came to be, and Anthony J Sparks explains how he recreated the data portraits. 'Data and Diversity: Exploring the Data Visualizations of WEB Du Bois' (youtube, 1h35m).
Our Cyber/Solar-Punk Future
The Distortion Is Inherent in the Signal
- "Social media is a machine for 'creat[ing] publics with malformed collective understandings'... we know that the people who use social media are not representative of the population-at-large." [link-heavy FPP! ;]
Tag yourself, I'm "VHF receiver with aerial disconnected."
BBC Rewind has a collection of freely downloadable sound effects available, as well as a mixer mode you can use to play around with them to your heart's content.
For the deep-cut retrotech enthusiasts among us, I call your attention to the Electronics section, but there's a lot here to enjoy.
The Deep Ark
The Deep Ark is an eight hour plus mix of 1990's Warp Records "Electronic Listening Music" and related beats.
"Magical Cat!"
✨There he is, ✨he's a magical cat, ✨everybody loves him ✨he's a MAGICAL CAT!✨✨✨🧚🦄🧜♀️🧝🐈
(5 1/2 minute video, claymation animation compilation, silly, meow)
(5 1/2 minute video, claymation animation compilation, silly, meow)
Colonoscopy strategies
"Before I get into the whys of it, let me say that having my first four colonoscopies all happen within one twelve-month period allowed me to rapidly refine my prep techniques. 'Prep', here, being the common nickname for the nasty stuff you must swallow to thoroughly clean out your guts for a proper examination. I learned that prep takes many forms, today." Jason McIntosh shares "How not to screw it up" and a preparatory technique that includes "Eight coins or other tiny objects you can use as tokens." He further recommends "the delightful 'Welcome to Colonoscopy Land' by Anne Helen Petersen" (previously) which aims to break taboos and discuss "pooping your guts, the best fake sleep of your life, and having no memory of getting a camera pushed up your butt."
It happens to all of us unless we go first.
My Parents Are Dead: What Now?
A resource (aimed at Millennials, but useful to people of any age) for those who have no idea what to do when their parents die. From the last days through the funeral to probate and beyond, useful advice and links for folks who are working through one of the awful parts of adult life. US-centric.
MeFiGiftGuide2022 - The Metafilter Gift Guide
Instead of turning to influencers, (sponsored) top-ten lists, or Amazon “sales,” the Metafilter community has collaborated to create gift suggestions by and for real people, who want to have real connections, and make a real difference in the world. Read below the fold for the gift guides, or check out the tag #MeFiGiftGuide2022.
Small studs
Strangely, formerly Big Earrings Only me is really into tiny stud earrings. Please share your favorites - from etsy, regular storefronts, wherever!
Atoms and Bits
The story so far: So until some random assortment of matter and energy somehow arranged itself into what we think of as 'life', the universe was just that: a random assortment of matter and energy. After life, life began to arrange matter and energy, according to life -- creating life (and death) at least on the third rock from some star...
Custom emoji wallpaper, custom emoji
emoji.supply provides two services:
- Customized emoji wallpaper for you background needs
- Adding two emoji together to create a custom .png as defined by Google's Emoji Kitchen
The Great Salt Lake, We All Want More, but Don't Look Back
Salt Lake City Confronts a Future Without a Lake
- "In July 2021, the Great Salt Lake reached its lowest level since measurements began in 1875. The lake's surface area has shrunk to about 950 square miles, according to the US Geological Survey, less than a third of the 3,300 recorded in 1987. This week, the record was broken again."[1,2] (previously)
DeathSucks.pdf (also known as SayingGoodbye.pdf)
A free "workbook on the kind of bullshit you need to do when someone you love dies", available as a "version with lots of swearing at the useless, shitty situation you're in" or a "version with a fair amount of black humor but no cursewords". Including "Prepare to spend a long and miserable time on the phone," "Depressing Mad Libs" (obituary templates), "So You Suddenly Have To Become Some Kind of Hacker," and "How to plan a non-religious death party". Published 2019.
The Sunflower Movements: Useful Fictions and Consensus Reality
corporate libertarianism v synthetic technocracy v digital democracy: "Yes I think the defining political divides of the 21st century will be roughly captured in the terms laid out by Civilization VI: Gathering Storm Expansion... Current crisis is largely transition from the 20th century mode of fascism v communism v democracy to this."
Fire Island Soundtrack
A couple moved into a house on Fire Island and found 20 years worth of cassettes, documenting DJ sets and party soundtracks from 1979-1999.
Over 200 tapes are being digitized and uploaded to MixCloud.
How to vacation
Mr. 77 and I are heading to San Diego this weekend for 4-5 days. We haven't vacationed much outside of visiting family, and I'd like your help with general advice as well as San Diego-centric advice.
Kill a couple hours in San Diego before checking in
We will be landing in San Diego around noon on Monday and have about 4 hours to kill before we can check into our rental house. What should we do? Some complications below the fold.
The greener the colour, the more climate-friendly the electricity ...
shows the carbon intensity of the electricity generated in countries and regions around the world. It's open source. Sadly, missing data from China, Russia, Africa et al.
"Very grateful sentient tomatoes busily working on their third opera"
Halfway through the third book of the Hitchhiker's Guide series, there is a throwaway reference to a doomed starship, one whose incredible splendor was matched only by the cosmic absurdity of its maiden-day annihilation.
But the story didn't end there. Unbeknownst to many fans, this small piece of Adamsian lore was the inspiration for an ambitious and richly-detailed side-story: a 1998 computer adventure game called Starship Titanic.
Designed by Douglas Adams himself, the game set players loose in the infamous vessel, challenging them with a maddening mystery laced with the devilish wit of the novels.
The game was laden with extra content, including an in-depth strategy guide, a (mediocre) tie-in novel (and audiobook) by Terry Jones, a whimsical First Class In-Flight Magazine, and even a pair of 3D glasses for one of the more inventive puzzles.
Key to solving these puzzles was the game's groundbreaking communications system -- players interacted with the ship's robotic crew through a natural language parsing engine called SpookiTalk, whose 10,000+ lines of conversational dialogue spawned 16 hours of audio recorded by professional voice actors, including John Cleese, Terry Jones, and even Douglas Adams himself in several cameos (spoiler cameo). Want to experience the voyage for yourself? Then pick up a $6 modernized copy of the game on Steam or GOG, watch this narrated video playthrough... or peruse this spectacular MetaFilter comment from developer Yoz Grahame, which touches on not just behind-the-scenes trivia and unknown easter eggs, but the most remarkable story of accidental online community you're ever going to hear.
Flash Friday: Gamesnacks.com
Gamesnacks.com has over 140 simple games you can play in browser with no ads or crap. I've played most of them.
Roman As Fuck
The real tragedy of purity culture, authoritarian parenting and the culture war ethos is not that we failed, but that we succeeded. This unholy Roman trinity may not have produced culture warriors or even prevented us from losing our faith, but it nevertheless worked as designed. Raised on war, we came to see all the world as a threat. Our birthright was not holiness, but hyper-vigilance and crippling anxiety.Author KucingNoir talks about how the evangelical christianity movement (and authoritarianism in general) of the 80s and 90s has created a generation of people who are terrified of something bad happening all the time.
We need to talk about 'moderate' Democrats
Why Are Moderates Trying to Blow Up Biden's Centrist Economic Plan?
[ungated] - "In attacking the Build Back Better Act, they are working against their own purported aims."
Constructed Worlds, Group Beliefs and Narrative Consciousness
Three Simple Policy Heuristics
- "The most important thing to understand is this: Harm ripples, kindness ripples. People you hurt go on to hurt other people. People who are treated with kindness become better people, or more prosperous people, and go on to help others. Yes, there are exceptions (we'll deal with those people), but they are exceptions." (via)
The magic of cheap energy
Why I'm so excited about solar and batteries
- "Instead of the Jetsons future, we got the cyberpunk future. Why did that happen? ... I blame the slowdown in energy technology... we didn't get anything better than oil during this time. Nuclear fission provided a bit of a boost to electricity generation (and a big boost in France), but nobody ended up driving fission cars around or flying fission planes through the sky."[1]
Democracy in the Balance
In flux and under threat: Around the world, democracy is losing ground. Polarization and disinformation have rendered liberals and conservatives unable to agree on basic facts. State violence and suppression of citizens' rights are resurgent. Free and fair elections are being threatened. A special issue of Science critically examines the state of democracy and how it must adapt to achieve its ideals in the 21st century. All the articles are free, and the content is geared towards both academics and the general public. Tage Rai has a twitter guide to the papers [threadreader].
Private Riches, Public Squalor
Study: A year is too short for a U.S. worker to earn middle-class life
- "The widening gulf... between what American life costs and what American jobs pay is a central fact of American political economy that the public appears to have understood long before economists." [The New Midlife Crisis]
The invention of (synthetic) central bank digital currency
The Fed is going to revamp how Americans pay for things. Big banks aren't happy.
"America's central bank plans to build its own real-time payment system, much to the chagrin of big commercial banks. The news: The Federal Reserve has announced that it will create 'FedNow', a system that will allow real-time bank-to-bank payments, all day every day."[1,2,3,4]
Gizapon my works and despair
A history of the Pyramids of Giza and the people who explored them.
Jimmy Maher (The Digital Antiquarian) with an extensive history on the Pyramids at Giza and the people who explored them.
Life In The High-Rise
“It’s a very different, and more disquieting, achievement to create a high-rise district on a plinth so sealed-off and yachtlike that nobody need ever leave.” On March 15, after 12 years of planning and six of construction, the Related Companies (which is actually just one mammoth real-estate company) will open the gates to its new $25 billion enclave, Hudson Yards -an agglomeration of supertall office towers full of lawyers and hedge-funders, airborne eight-figure apartments, a 720,000-square-foot shopping zone, and a gaggle of star-chef restaurants. Live Blog of the first day of opening by The NYC Eater (start at the bottom) “It is always a little sad to see what the people rich enough to have everything actually want. ” Hudson Yards Is An Ultra-Capitalist Forbidden City “Unlike a real neighborhood, which implies some kind of social collaboration or collective expression of belonging, Hudson Yards is a contrived place that was never meant for us.” Hudson Yards Has $4.5 Billion In Taxpayer Money. Will We Ever See It Again?
There is no coin cabal
Over in the Hyucking Hyuck thread, MysticMCJ proposed the idea of a US politics megathread challenge coin as a physical symbol of, er, whatever this all is. People got into the idea, and a quick straw poll having shown sufficient interest to potentially make production worthwhile, here's a space for those interested in the idea to talk about it.
Let’s Get To Work
With a new nationally representative survey of registered voters shows that 81% support a “Green New Deal” for the U.S and strong bipartisan support, what even is The Green New Deal? A Primer on the Green New Deal—the Plan to Literally Save the Planet (Paste) “CJA says any jobs plan should restore and protect workers’ rights to organize and form unions, and it should be predicated on non-extractive policies that build “local community wealth that is democratically governed.” Any deal must ensure “free, prior and informed consent by Indigenous peoples,” CJA insists, and should be directed by those communities bearing the brunt of the “dig, burn, dump” economy.” We Have To Make Sure the “Green New Deal” Doesn’t Become Green Capitalism. (In These Times) “There is an uncomfortable scientific truth that has to be faced: economic growth is environmentally unsustainable.” (Degrowth.org) Is there any green policy plan that can go far enough or be global enough (Naked Capitalism) considering the U.S Military is one of the largest polluters on the planet?
High School English in the United States from 1899-1919 or so
"A List of Books for Home Reading of High-School Pupils" was published in 1912 by the National Council of Teachers of English, a group that formed the year before and still makes recommendations to teachers today. Forerunners to the NCTE list include the NEA's report on college entrance requirements (1899), Franklin T. Baker's "Bibliography of Children's Reading" (1908), and the Newark Free Public Library's popular list of "A Thousand of the Best Novels" (1904-1919). But many NCTE members would also help shape a thorough recommendation for the "Reorganization of English in Secondary Schools" (1917) and contribute to The English Journal, issues of which from 1911-1922 are free online.
Before envelopes, there was letterlocking
Say you're Mary Queen of Scots, or Galileo, or Machiavelli, or Marie Antoinette. Say you want to send a tamper-evident letter, but the mass-produced envelope hasn't been invented. You could still secure your message using letterlocking: a system of folds, slits and seals that made a letter its own security system .
The Bermuda Triangle of Wealth
"The promise, the deal, was almost unheard of: “work hard, work smart, create value for society, and you’ll become wealthy, your own master for all eternity.” The slave works for his owner. The indentured servant for his master. The communist for everyone. The American for himself. It’s a powerful idea, a powerful motivator, and a powerful system. [...] And they make perfect competitors.
For those who have forgotten their first Economics lecture:
Perfect Competition: 'In a perfect market the sellers operate at zero economic surplus…This equilibrium will be a Pareto optimum, meaning that nobody can be made better off by exchange without making someone else worse off.'
Oh. Right. That sounds fun.
Uprooting Capitalism and Democracy for a Just Society
A brief(ish) review of 'Radical Markets'
- "The most radical thing about their proposal to reform property rights is the notion that private ownership of property is in some way a fundamentally flawed idea, and that progress requires movement toward a new norm: that social ownership of property is more just and efficient." (via)
Inspire me, oh Instant Pot!
I have joined the legion of Instant Pot owners (the 3 qt. variety). I’m new to the world of pressure/multi cookers and… well, cooking in general. What recipes, recipe resources, accessories and/or general all around tips can you give me so I can amaze Mrs. Jabo with my culinary awakening?
NetHack 3.6.1
NetHack 3.6.1 has been released. Release notes. Downloads (so far the only ready-to-run version is Windows). Usenet announcement on Google Groups.
preventing oligopoly from turning into oligarchy
Big Companies Are Getting a Chokehold on the Economy
- "Even Goldman Sachs is worried that they're stifling competition, holding down wages and weighing on growth."
“Their speech is like no other in the world:"
On a small Greek island, practitioners of an ancient whistling language are holding onto their culture as it slowly dies out.
Antia is home to the last whistlers of Greece. Sfyria, as the whistling language is called in Greek — it comes from the Greek word sfyrizo, to whistle — is not technically a language; linguists refer to it as a speech registrar, like shouting or whispering. It’s the same as modern Greek — the grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure all remain intact — but the sounds come out in high-pitched musical notes. Each letter of the alphabet is individually whistled (alpha, beta, gamma), and strung together to create an ariose warble.
With a compass, you're never lost.
Japanese family crests are known for their tasteful design and simplicity, but what might surprise you is the incredibly simple geometric principles used to create even complex ones. (No English in the narration, but give it a moment and you won't need it.)
Neo-Feudal Political Division
Finance isn't just an industry. It's a system of social control
- "A system for constraining the choices of other social actors."
I think I may sneeze.
The complete (so far) Gazorra TNG Edits. Returning to the internet thanks to the deniably plausible youtuber Byron Hussie. A fresh new shelf for a mefi fave (Previously. Very Previously.) Because unceasing suffering needs some laugh breaks.
That time the Great Crown of England was pawned
In February 1338, the English Parliament approved a forced loan from Edward III's English subjects in support of his war against King Philip VI of France: 20,000 sacks of wool, which were to arrive in friendly Antwerp just before Edward landed with his troops in July. English wool, then the best in the world, could easily be converted into the gold needed to pay for troops and supplies. When Edward landed in Antwerp, his allies were there to greet him: The Duke of Brabant, the Count of Hainault, the Duke of Guelders, the Margrave of Juliers, and a host of lesser princes. But the wool wasn't.
Help me refresh my dashboard!
I've been on Tumblr on and off since 2014, and many of my favorite blogs have deactivated or gone silent. Help me refresh with some new content!
In the mix with Hunee: "My aim is always to maintain a certain freedom"
Hun Choi, the artist better known as Hunee, is a daring DJ -- he's gutsy enough to play classic tunes to a crowd of heads and adventurous records to packed dance floors. "My aim is always to maintain a certain freedom," he says. "Very early on I realised there are two kinds of paths with DJing. You can really specialise in what you play, but I knew pretty quickly that's not how I work. I've always liked to explore different sounds." Enjoy 2 hours of a curated musical journey with Hunee's recent Essential Mix (BBC; Mixcloud; Global DJ).