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Anti-Musk ads appear in London Tube Trains and on bus stops.
This is a SLBlueSky thread collecting the examples spotted so far. I haven't seen any of these for myself yet, but I'll keep looking. They're pretty good.
Oh yeah, gonna send this one to the wife
Married men are doing more cleaning and laundry than in the past
While women still shoulder the bulk of domestic work, men's participation in "feminine" labor increased during the pandemic--and men have kept up the work. [more inside]
Coyote V. Tesla
Former NASA engineer, squirrel competition organizer, and porch pirate antagonist Mark Rober demonstrates the inadequacy of Tesla's driving automation by means of a test that is quite literally Looney Tunes. [more inside]
Cabin Porn
If you love architecture, history, and the history of modernist homes...
USModernist® You cannot save something valuable without knowing where it is or why it is important. America’s brilliant mid-century Modernist houses are frequently endangered and torn down, largely because buyers, sellers, and realtors do not realize the importance of what they have or how to preserve, repair, and protect these livable works of art. USModernist is America’s largest open digital archive of Modernist houses, an award-winning nonprofit 501(c)(3) educational archive for the documentation, preservation, and promotion of residential Modernist architecture. See also their (very cool) Older Publications!
Saltwater crocs feral pig diet may be changing NT waterways
Saltwater crocs feral pig diet may be changing NT waterways. A new study suggests nutrient-rich crocodile poop could be benefiting wetland vegetation in the Top End (Australia) while predation pressure limits feral pig damage.
Meet our new Prime Minister designate, Mark Carney
Mark Carney wins race to replace Trudeau. “We didn’t ask for this fight,” Carney said, referencing Trump’s threats to annex Canada. “But Canadians are always ready when someone else drops the gloves.”
“So Americans should make no mistake. In trade, as in hockey, Canada will win.”
[more inside]
Ruth Ben-Ghiat Answers Dictator Questions
Lawsuit over the Dakota Access Pipeline protest threatens free speech
Greenpeace vs Big Oil: the case testing free speech in the Trump era [ungated] - "The courthouse in Mandan is currently hearing a case that has become one of the first judicial showdowns over free speech and protest in the second term of Donald Trump." [more inside]
Jesse Colin Young (1941 - 2025)
Jesse Colin Young (aka Perry Miller) passed away on March 16th, 2025. Founder of the Youngbloods in 1966, he is known for the 60’s anthem Get Together… along with Darkness, Darkness and my favorite Ridgetop.
"Good healthcare is a luxury good here, not a human right."
Laurie Anderson's Home of the Brave
"You can’t put your finger on it, but after you leave, you have the feeling that your perception of things has been skewed slightly. Anderson is saying: We’re surrounded by bankrupt images and music that is fascist noise, and they’re pounding away at us, trying to break us down, to kill the spark, but if we keep two things we will be able to survive. Those two things are a sense of wonder and the ability to laugh back." - Roger Ebert (previously)
Sonic Youth's "The Diamond Sea"
"The wistful nineteen-minute epic that closes out one of the band’s 90s-era highlights in Washing Machine, is pathologically treasured like few favorite songs by few favorite bands. ... Besides containing some of Thurston Moore’s most gorgeously delivered vocals, the downright elegant guitar interplay throughout is a splendid reminder of the shadow Sonic Youth that had always dwelled beneath the surface pose of snotty NYC hipster brats making feedback with screwdrivers jammed into guitar strings. As was more and more evident as the 90s and 2000s wore on, Sonic Youth grew to embody a band as beautifully melodic as they once were crushing." - Zachary Corsa [more inside]
AI cameras and escape doors to stop Sydney's koala road toll
AI cameras and escape doors to stop Sydney's koala road toll. Artificial intelligence technology will be used to alert drivers to koalas crossing the road.
How Immanuel Kant Transformed Himself into a Model of Discipline
Immanuel Kant, the father of deontological ethics, is celebrated not only for his revolutionary philosophical ideas but also for his extraordinarily disciplined lifestyle. For nearly 40 years, Kant adhered to a rigid daily routine, which became as legendary as his intellectual contributions. As the first modern philosopher to work as a university professor, Kant’s life reveals the interplay of habit, discipline, and genius, showcasing a man far more complex than the stereotype of a machine-like thinker. [more inside]
The federal government worked very hard to shut the protest down. They claimed the disability activists were asking for too much. Too expensive! Impossible to implement! They cut off the protesters’ water supply and phone lines, so the protesters who knew American Sign Language started using it to communicate through the windows [Time, also see Change, Not Charity: the Americans With Disabilities Act (pbs)] [more inside]
The March of Links
LinkMe, March '25: Come across an interesting link recently that you'd like to share, but don't want to work it up into a full post? Share it here for our perusal, nbd. And if you'd like to post something but need some inspiration, check out the links here to see what other members have found interesting and would like to read more about! Just tag the resulting post "LinkMe" and include a nod back to the original suggestion. No self-linking and usual site rules apply, but otherwise feel free to post whatever you like! Look inside for a round-up from last month. [more inside]
libertarian dreams become totalitarian nightmares
CW: violence, forced labor. In 2005, Atelier van Lieshout began urban planning on an eco-friendly, climate-neutral call center staffed entirely by forced labor, known as Slave City. This nightmare artwork was a natural evolution of the earlier libertarian art colony of AVL-ville, as Joep van Lieshout describes in his recent lecture [SLYT] on AVL’s eerily predictive artistic explorations of technocracy and capitalism.