September 17, 2001
10:29 PM   Subscribe

Praise be to David Letterman for tonight's Late Show. Questioning himself the appropriateness of returning to the air, there he was--the man famed for his sarcasm and goofy antics--addressing his audience like a wounded child, completely bewildered, emotional, fighting back tears. And then the sight of Dan Rather sobbing despite himself and then apologzing---it was enough to ravage any audience. Perhaps, for the first time in a while, television didn't appeal to our lowest common demoninator but, instead, sought to raise us up and appeal to our humanity. Thanks Dave.
posted by adrober (59 comments total)
It was truly an amazing hour of television... I was absolutely 100% blown away. Now I know why I've been such a huge fan of his for 18 years. Go Dave!
posted by spilon at 10:42 PM on September 17, 2001

Completely agreed; I'll be watching it again, and for sure tomorrow night and the next.
posted by mdeatherage at 10:46 PM on September 17, 2001

Dan Rather spooked me. He grabbed Dave's hand seeking some emotional support. Painful to watch. Then Regis saved the day. Wait, did I just say that?
posted by davidfg at 10:47 PM on September 17, 2001

Wait - when is it airing again? Damn...
posted by mirla at 10:54 PM on September 17, 2001

Thanks for the heads-up, I'll be watching here in Pacific Time (in half-an-hour).
posted by kokogiak at 11:00 PM on September 17, 2001

I watched this too and was transfixed. It's tough watching people who are usually there to amuse us being so serious and emotional, but I wouldn't have expected any less from Letterman, who is probably the most "New York" of any of the late night shows (well, of course, since Leno is in CA and I think Conan brings more Boston than New York). Like Dan Rather said, he gets paid to keep himself together on TV, but this was probably one of the few times he's been able to talk somewhat candidly in the past few days about what happened. I don't blame him one bit for breaking down and I'll bet you that Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Ted Koppel, every one of them does the same thing after covering a difficult story.

Although I'd never say that being an anchor is an overly difficult job on the rank of a doctor or the police or firefighters, I can't imagine how hard it must be to stay focused when something as awful as this happens, especially when it happens in an area where many of your colleagues and friends are probably congregated.

But yes, there was definitely genuine emotion being shown. Even when things got a bit lighter with Regis, it was still low-key, making it apparent that people were really hurting in there. No need for montages of images and sound of the events, just people we believe we know from seeing them almost every night on tv reacting in a natural way.
posted by stefnet at 11:11 PM on September 17, 2001

More proof, if proof were needed, that Letterman's new heart valves have made him a TGM(Truly Great Man).

Also please be excusing interrogation arising from foreign national but this message "Then Regis saved the day" please be explaining what it is meaning. Is of mystical orientation or traditional greeting?
Elucidations most welcome. What Regis is?

Is King? Is Rex, similar to name give massive German shepherd dogs who much bite?
Here in my country is common call big dog by exclaiming: "Come then here, my magnanimous, my magnificent Rex, that others cower before you, you big lug, you". Is fondness for courage also, perhaps.

Because here in Bonga-bonga land where there is the very extreme unfortunateness of not reception of TGM on audio-visual means of transmission - the bastardos! - the only Mister Regis us indigineous populations are knowing of is very famous philantrophist with french-called "toupée" which give out millions to poor but inordinately knowledged, "damfaks" such as we must all be wishing to be.

And Kathy Lee is continue so much mourned, yes? In your country is true? I make rhyme: me too!

(oh, laughing much...forgiveness!)

Mister davidmg, sir, Is shurely shome mishtake, no?

Sorry for importune.
posted by MiguelCardoso at 11:17 PM on September 17, 2001

I missed Dave's "monologue" but can only imagine it was anything other than his normal fare. I tuned in just in time to see Dan Rather explain that we can never sing songs like the Star Spangled Banner in the same way again, and his recitation leading to tears... This man needed that. He's been a freakin' ROCK all last week as the anchor for CBS television through all this. I woulda been in tears that Tuesday at noon in front of those cameras reporting all that but Rather was a ROCK.

Afterwards was Craig Kilborn and, God love him, he tried to be sincere and honest and it just didn't work right. Not that he doesn't mean it NOW, but Kilborn's whole routine for comedy is about insincerity. So I was watching his all-serious-show just waiting for the punchline. Boy who cried wolf.
posted by ZachsMind at 11:19 PM on September 17, 2001

I don't think there's any way any of us are going to get to see it if we didn't catch it at 11:30, unless someone digitizes it and puts it up online somewhere.
posted by aaron at 11:42 PM on September 17, 2001

Bravo Dave. Bravo!
posted by ericdano at 11:46 PM on September 17, 2001

Normally I don't thank people for making me cry, but I caught David Letterman thanks to the people in this thread and it was incredibly moving and I would've missed it if not for you. So, thanks.
posted by kirkaracha at 11:46 PM on September 17, 2001

Ditto everybody. I was eagerly awaiting Dave's return, his trademark humor and the relief of a familiar non-journalist view from New York. We're glad you're back! Rather clutching Dave's hand for support was an amazing human moment connecting two tv icons with us all.
posted by curiousg at 12:10 AM on September 18, 2001

Dan was real. Dave nailed it with "We are all human" I am not nuts about DL Show but this was a good one. The few jokes he did were hard to take and didn't go over well cause it's still so hard to laugh.

It will be interesting to see how Leno handles it tomorrow.
posted by MaGoo at 12:31 AM on September 18, 2001

don't misunderstand this, out of all the network anchors i like dan rather best because after all the years in the industry, he still can show his humanity, but he was really rambling; i caught the beginning of craig kilborn, too, he has lawrence o'donnell from msnbc on; he was rambling, too.

i genuinely think the news industry folks are absorbing the retaliation rhetoric from washington up, maybe because they're constantly listening to it and repeating it to the public. they get the rhetoric from the gov't people, then the way news reports are presented fuels the urgency in the american public's mind, and the public urges the gov't to act quickly, and so they do. the media polls show a majority of the american public wants retaliation even if we kill civilians.; but how many americans are thinking about the consequences at this moment, and do they know?
posted by elle at 1:17 AM on September 18, 2001

I just... wow. I'm sure that it was as difficult for Dave to do that intro as it was for us to watch.
posted by eyeballkid at 1:39 AM on September 18, 2001

Anybody find a transcript? I mean, what did he say?

I just wasted time at Dave's website and just gotta say - have you seen the Marine Corps segment? Where a whole platoon of Marines march into the Ed Sullivan theater and take over the stage? DAYAM! That was cool! Or Martin Short's dedication to Dave's bypass surgery. HIGHlarious! And when Paul Schaeffer asked Julia Roberts if she was still getting laid. I just hit the floor. Dave's still got it.

Don't bother with the screensavers though. They're pretty stupid. =)
posted by ZachsMind at 1:51 AM on September 18, 2001

right on elle.

i watched Dan Rather on the show and oscillated between tearing up (at comments about positive aspects of the situation like the people of NY and the country coming together in charity and solidarity) and cringing (at comments like, "we have a terrible swift sword, and it will strike soon").

the attacks were unthinkable, the minds that conceived of them and carried them out unfathomable, but i don't see the urgent need to (re)act so violently and so quickly. actions taken solely in anger inevitably lead to regret, and the stakes here are way too high to make mistakes. the situation is far more complex than "these people hate us and they want us dead so we have to kill them first".

America is incredibly strong. i hope we can show the world that we are better than the people that did this not simply because we are strong, but because we are also lawful.

i hope.
posted by jfirman at 2:05 AM on September 18, 2001

The show moved me. I sat in a bar in downtown L.A., listening over the din of a guy yelling about how the U.S. should deport all people of Arabic descent. (Wanna hear the kicker? The guy was African-American!).

Anyway, Dave's sincere admission that he wasn't even sure he should be doing the show, and then his subsequent, sometimes halting delivery as he expressed his love for the people of that great city was something I'll never forget. Likewise Dan Rather's very human reaction to the things he has seen over the past week. I don't agree with the saber-rattling that Rather did, but I certainly can't blame him for feeling that way. I sometimes feel that way myself, despite my best efforts to the contrary.

Regis, however, struck me as kind of a jerk for riffing on Rather's crying. Dan was obviously embarrassed when he cried, and Dave did the right thing by cutting to commercial. And then Regis goes and brings up Rather's tears in an attempt to get a laugh. Not that Philbin was being deliberately cruel, but I thought he was using it as sort of a running joke in an inappropriate and (judging by the laughs the riff got) lame, fashion. And I'm a guy who thinks there's almost no such thing as an inappropriate joke.

Overall, though, the show was the best thing I've seen on television this week.
posted by Optamystic at 2:38 AM on September 18, 2001

yah, optimystic, me too. Having grown up in the 70s, I've always seen Dave as kind of the guru of the ironic, self-deprecating -- dare I say it -- self-referential culture we've been soaking in for 20 years now. (And I'm a huge fan of his.) It was very moving to see that all stripped away to reveal the human underneath.

One small good that may come of this horror is that once again Dave may set an example for the rest of us.
posted by luser at 3:28 AM on September 18, 2001

if anybody has the means to digitize and post even segments of the show, i think i speak for a lot of people when i say it would be much appreciated. (sorry for the redundant request.)
posted by damn yankee at 3:59 AM on September 18, 2001

This is going to sound horrible, but I wasn't able to cry all last week. I went from shock to anger to terror...and through the whole gamut. But I didn't cry.

I come from a family of Funeral Directors and over the years I've learned to internalize. Not in some macho "men don't cry" way, but as a way of being strong when other people can't be. And I tried to be strong for the people around me.

But last night...seeing Dave like that...I've watched Dave since I was a kid and I remember the way he's handled difficult situations before. I remember when LA had one of its most brutal earthquakes, Dave politely said that his heart was with LA, and he does his show not to make light of their situation, but to provide relief for Americans who needed it. And he seemed sincere.

When Dave came on last night, and he stammered a little and the tears were in his eyes and he proclaimed his love for New York and the people of New York...

I lost it.

God Bless You, Dave. You're a great man.
posted by ColdChef at 4:55 AM on September 18, 2001 [1 favorite]

It was redemptive. Here was the Everyman and instead of the initial goofiness we came to love or the misanthropic bitterness we delighted to watch (well, some of us), here us was, our voice. Not a reporter, not a politician but a guy many of us can see have a beer or coffee with.

No longer did I feel that this melange of emotions I was having was an isolated incident. The rollercoaster of lows and average was not unique. Dave allowed me to come to grips not with the situation but with the way I was handling it.

When Dan Rather cried, I thought, "Those bastards. They got to Dan." I don't think I'll be able to watch him the same again. I really appreciate him and all he and his crew have done this week. But the price is painful.
posted by Dagobert at 5:03 AM on September 18, 2001

God Bless You, Dave. You're a great man.

Judging by your comment, you ain't so bad yourself, ColdChef.
posted by Optamystic at 5:21 AM on September 18, 2001

For those who are looking for a digital version, try alt.binaries.multimedia. It's there under the heading "Dave's Finest Hour - Damn Powerful TV." Not all parts have spread to my server yet, so I haven't seen it.
posted by Yogurt at 6:47 AM on September 18, 2001

The show just aired here in Korea, and I watched. I've been watching Dave on and off half my life - he's like an old friend that I cross paths with every couple of years or so.

Me too, Coldchef - all week no tears. Shock maybe, as I watched the towers fall on live TV and kept repeating 'Oh my god...oh my f**king god' to myself.

I cried a bit tonight, finally, for all the dead, and I have such enormous respect for David Letterman for speaking from the heart when he could have read a script.

So, yeah, cheerleader post, me too.
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken at 7:06 AM on September 18, 2001

Perhaps it is a reflection of how callow and shallow I am: Last night's Letterman show had a powerful impact on me. I literally could not sleep after watching.

I stayed on and surfed between Kilborn and Maher -- also very good television.

Seeing our late night entertainers, the court jesters of our time -- naked with sincerity, sans irony, sans sarcasm -- was fascinating and moving.

Somehow this unguarded display of raw emotion, of confusion, anger, and fear caused me to internalize the dimensions of this tragedy in ways that hours of professional television journalism had not.

In the early hours of the tragedy, someone (I wish I could recall who) was quoted as saying that our generation's smug ironic detachment died with the victims of the attack. I don't think that is necessarily true: look at the humor of the "greatest generation" during WW II. But having a glimpse at the decent hearts and sincerity of public figures can only cause us to enjoy a laugh with them even more when the time for laughter returns.
posted by russh at 7:18 AM on September 18, 2001

Damn, sorry I missed that! Letterman has been my late night show of choice since he moved to CBS. (Before that, his show was just too late for me to stay up, and I can't time shift with my VCR. Stuff piles up and I never watch it.) And I've been a big fan since his short-lived weekday morning show back in 1980. He has a real big soft spot that surfaces every now and then that I really appreciate. I loved the emotional tribute he did to the medical personnel who attended to him during his heart surgery. So I'm burrowing into alt.binaries.multimedia right now trying to find get the clips from last night's show. (But I'm already weeping just reading this thread.)
posted by jdbanks at 7:24 AM on September 18, 2001

Classic moment. Classy performance -- when he was looking down at his desk, numbly playing with his pencils, and struggling for words, he reflected my state of mind perfectly (and I suspect I'm not alone).
posted by pardonyou? at 7:26 AM on September 18, 2001

I am usually a Leno fan, but last night Dave blew me out of the water! I caught his speech three minutes into the show and I was stunned. God bless Dave, and Dan, and GOD BLESS AMERICA! I think Dan showed me what I wanted to see, the human side of TV. After seeing him report the news with a straight face, I was amazed he could do it with with no emotion. Thank you Dan, your are a professional, but you are a human being first!
posted by Vikness at 7:32 AM on September 18, 2001

I am so glad I missed this. I would have lost it if I was watching, it was bad enough to hear it on this morning's radio.

No, wait, what am I saying... I am upset that I missed it, I love Dave, and I love Dan. I am glad they are here for us.
posted by hotdoughnutsnow at 7:49 AM on September 18, 2001

For those who couldn't watch it, here's a little rundown of how the show was produced, to give you an idea of what it was like.

Letterman has some serious class.

There was no fancy opening credits, just an outdoor shot of the Ed Sullivan theatre and Late Show marquee. No opening dialogue, no banter with Paul. Straight to Dave at his desk, saying that he needs to talk for a few minutes, for himself, that he didn't know if he should do the show, but did it for Giulani. I kept thinking wow wow wow, this is why I like Dave so much.

Immediately they brought out Dan Rather and that was incredibly moving. Dan is a human too. Regis was then there for somewhat comic relief, he's a bit of a goof.

But seeing the show itself stripped down to just talking with people, I'll bet you that Dave completely changes the format of the show, makes it simpler, more human, more reflective, and then finally earn the Late Night Crown that he's always deserved.

Thanks Dave.
posted by billder at 7:59 AM on September 18, 2001

I don't have newsgroup access here. Once someone downloads this, can s/he please post a link. I'd really like to see this.
posted by Sinner at 8:27 AM on September 18, 2001

for those of us that missed dave's opening monologue, here it is.
posted by grabbingsand at 8:28 AM on September 18, 2001

Best part (to me):

I'll tell you about a thing that happened last night. There's a town in Montana
by the name of Choteau. It's about a hundred miles south of the Canadian border.
And I know a little something about this town. It's 1,600 people. 1,600 people.
And it's an ag-business community, which means farming and ranching. And
Montana's been in the middle of a drought for... I don't know... three years?
And if you've got no rain, you can't grow anything. And if you can't grow
anything, you can't farm, and if you can't grow anything, you can't ranch,
because the cattle don't have anything to eat, and that's the way life is in a
small town. 1,600 people.

Last night at the high school auditorium in Choteau, Montana, they had a rally
(home of the Bulldogs, by the way)... they had a rally for New York City. And
not just a rally for New York City, but a rally to raise money... to raise money
for New York City. And if that doesn't tell you everything you need to know
about the... the spirit of the United States, then I can't help you. I'm sorry.

posted by ColdChef at 8:43 AM on September 18, 2001 [1 favorite]

Here's a link to a New York Times article about last night's show. Thanks to all of you who replied to this thread---I almost didn't post my original message, but it's so great to read that others were as moved (if not more moved) than I was...
posted by adrober at 9:02 AM on September 18, 2001

Did anybody happen to tape last night's Letterman?? I've seen 95% of his shows over the past 15 years and of course I had to miss THAT one. I'd be more than happy to compensate you for any expense whatsoever. Thank you.
posted by mathis23 at 9:03 AM on September 18, 2001

"Do you think Kathie Lee will come back?" Letterman asked of Philbin's former talk show co-host, Kathie Lee Gifford.

"There is somebody who could end this in a hurry," Philbin replied. "You want a quick end to this, send Kathie Lee over there."

from sfgate
posted by kd at 10:02 AM on September 18, 2001

I agree that Letterman did a great job, but Rather surely did the viewing audience a disservice by repeatedly asserting that the people who did it were just crazy with hate because we're such winners and they're the "world's losers".

Many links on MeFi from numerous different news sources have established pretty well that if this was bin Laden & co., they did it because they have declared war on the US. Why did they do that? Because we interfere with the Middle East in ways that they don't like, and they've enumerated the ways. If we would withdraw, they wouldn't do things like this, the USS Cole, etc. (Not that that's what we should do, but it seems to be a true statement.)

Rather, who surely knows all this, just perpetuated the "we're up against craaaazy people who hate us for no good reason" meme when he had an opportunity to say much more specific and informative things. I was very disappointed.

And another thing; everyone's acting like this is the only attack we'll suffer. No one (certainly not Bush) is preparing people for additional attacks, even though clearly the perpetrators had/have more planned. What's up with that?
posted by s.e.b. at 10:16 AM on September 18, 2001

Ditto mathis23. If someone were willing to forward me even a VHS copy, I will try to make a digital version (we just got great new digital equipment for a class I'm teaching). But you folks can't tell a soul.

(Am I setting myself up for a lawsuit here?)
posted by mirla at 10:21 AM on September 18, 2001

Here's a link to (ironically enough), where they apparently did a story on Good Morning America. Over on the right side of the page is a "video" column where one of the links says: "Grief Stricken Letterman Praises Guiliani."
posted by pardonyou? at 10:48 AM on September 18, 2001

I should point out that the above links to a 2 ½ minute video clip that shows the highlights of Dave's monologue.
posted by pardonyou? at 10:58 AM on September 18, 2001

Am I the only one who is cynical and heartless enough not to have been underwhelmed by Dave's monologue and Dan's breaking down in tears?
I do not doubt Letterman's sincerity, but nonetheless I think the way he presented his emotions to the public was just as calculated and contrived as anything else he ever does on his show.
As for Rather, I agree with s.e.b that his comments were lame; but I'd go further--Rather gave the same misinformation (or disinformation?) that we are getting elsewhere in the media--a kind of aggrieved protestation of innocence that is disingenuous to say the best. I am appalled at the way this horrible tragedy is being used as an occasion to tell Americans, yet again, how wonderful and virtuous and innocent we all supposedly are. No, I am not saying that anything we have done made us deserve this attack. I am as upset by it as anybody, and as anxious to bring the perpetrators to justice. But no useful purpose is served by closing our eyes and reassuring ourselves of our own innocence and virtue.
As for the recent phenomenon of powerful white men breaking down and crying on TV, I don't know what to say. But again, it seems manipulative to me in its effect, no matter how sincere Letterman and Rather are in their feelings.
posted by Rebis at 11:35 AM on September 18, 2001

I watched the show, which I never would have done but for this thread.

Dave showed great sincerity and courage. He put himself out there, just a guy who makes jokes on TV, and spoke to what he felt, his doubts, his fears, his admirations. It was awesome to see, one of the most powerful moments on TV this week.

Dan Rather also demonstrated courage; he was candid and sincere. But he was wrong, sadly -- his analysis of the terrorists was unintelligent and unfounded. Unlike Dave, he continued to speak from the authority of his stature in the industry, and was wrong to do so. He was trying to be professional throughout the interview, which was a mistake. I was much more touched to see his emotion than to hear his rambling attempt to explain for us what had happened. And it would have been truly amazing had he talked about his emotions and feelings during the last week, as he covered the story.

But Dave showed tremendous heart. He was mistaken when he said it was just the rescue workers who are rebuilding this country -- we are all rebuilding it together, defining what it will become. And last night he helped pour some of the foundation.
posted by mattpfeff at 11:51 AM on September 18, 2001

I watched the show last night, and while I was impressed by how Letterman handled the whole thing, I was somewhat dismayed by the saber rattling and chest beating pointed out by others above. There was one sequence where Dave asked several times, "Well, when are we going to do something?" I only hope when the initial shock blows over, cooler heads will prevail, and instead of simply sending the war machine overseas to blow up piles of sand, we work with these governments and enlist their help in rooting out terrorist organizations.
posted by danr at 12:16 PM on September 18, 2001

FYI: Jay Leno and Conan are back on tonight.
posted by owillis at 12:20 PM on September 18, 2001

Judging from the posts here, I should start watching some TV. Does anyone have a copy? I would like to see whatever it is that can get all these MeFiers to agree on something.
posted by adampsyche at 12:32 PM on September 18, 2001

Good points above re: Rather's comments. For those who missed it, he described the bin Laden gang's problem with the U.S. as rooted in jealousy and envy. They look at all we have, the little they have, they're so mad about the inequity that they want to kill us all.

And really -- who among us hasn't felt the same way, paging through the Times Sunday Magazine?

Dan needs to read a paper.
posted by luser at 12:42 PM on September 18, 2001

I have a copy of this show still on my TiVo (haven't watched it yet) and will be happy to make a couple of copies for people who missed it. I'm not going to set up a video tape manufacturing operation or anything, but send me an e-mail with your address and promise to send me a blank tape, and I'll get you one out.
posted by kindall at 12:45 PM on September 18, 2001

Kindall, you are awesome.
posted by ColdChef at 1:12 PM on September 18, 2001

Letterman is and has been the King of Late Night ever since Carson retired.

Ratings don't matter, his is the show that matters.

I like Leno just fine but he has never been in Letterman's leaque.
posted by BarneyFifesBullet at 3:29 PM on September 18, 2001

So far I've said yes to four people who want tapes. That's enough work for now, my offer is now closed. Someone else will need to step up to the plate.

And Leno has always struck me as very much wanting to be Letterman, only he also wants everyone to like him. So he pulls his punches.
posted by kindall at 3:45 PM on September 18, 2001

Hey, I'm downloading the whole effing thing from Usenet... looks like 450MB or thereabouts. I'm not going to try and re-post that much somewhere, but I've got a CD burner if you've got some change to spare to cover the disc and first-class postage.
posted by jdbanks at 4:08 PM on September 18, 2001

Dave's CBS site has a RealMedia stream of his monologue.
posted by Optamystic at 5:50 PM on September 18, 2001

Dear Optamystic:
Please post your link as a new post. There must be thousands like me who read the thread and felt frustrated for nor being able to listen to David Letterman's words.
It probably plays even better in just audio - no distractions, just his human voice.
MeFi is currently - but happily! - overcrowded, so I fear many may not be able to get to your link.

And we do need to hear the great man's monologue.

Thanks to all who have offered in one way or another, often with a degree of personal sacrifice, to make this honest and emotional monologue available to all of us non-Tivo, non-U.S. outsiders.

The advantage of Optamystic's link is that it works, well, right now. (Click on "Dave's Monologue" and enjoy the clever self-disparaging image from "Citizen Kane" while u wait).
posted by MiguelCardoso at 7:45 PM on September 18, 2001

if anyone has the monologue/hightlights/entire show in digital format, can they put it up on Morpheus? That's probably a quicker way to get it out then having everyone rooting through Usenet on their own...(he says selfishly)
posted by Jaybo at 9:06 PM on September 18, 2001

Those of you who contacted me about getting tapes of this program: they went out this morning. Post Office says 5-6 days for First Class at this point.
posted by kindall at 12:28 PM on September 19, 2001

Rebis - you're not a New Yorker, are you?

Dave was completely sincere. You may not be able to know that unless you've lived in the Apple and feel its wounds from Tuesday on the level that only New Yorkers really can. Our grief for our assaulted City is on a cellular level.

Or maybe you'd have to know Dave and have watched his show for a while.

Or don't believe me. That's your prerogative.

I want one of those CDs, jdbanks.
posted by mirla at 7:45 PM on September 19, 2001

Oprah won't return Dave's calls. Dave wants on Oprah but he can't cuz he failed the test. Hell, she even had Kelsey Grammer on her show. Why not Dave? I wanna be on Oprah. Who doesn't wanna be on Oprah? And soon, you too can keep your own Oprah Log. ...Man that sounds disgusting... Maybe Oprah's still upset with Dave about that Uma thing, but it's a new America. A more forgiving America, for anyone who's not a terrorist. Oprah should allow Dave on her show, but she should have Dr. Phil interview him. That'd be fun to watch.
posted by ZachsMind at 9:24 PM on November 20, 2001

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