June 25, 2002
8:33 PM   Subscribe

Last week was a good week for aliens and a bad week for cows.

UFOs visited sacred sites and tourist attractions in Sri Lanka, Chile declared an official UFO tourism zone, and Scotland claims to have the most reported sightings each year.
much more inside...
posted by joemaller (5 comments total)
Argentine cattle mutilations continued (in English, some background with graphic photos, ew.), Ranchers are freaking out and the Argentine government is sending a team of scientists to study the dead cattle.

Chinese scientists are also on their way to study a group of Chinese pyramids known as the "ET Relics", said by locals to be a launch tower left by space aliens. Chinese pyramids? I had no idea there were pyramids in China!

Not to be left out, residents of South Carolina even got a (floating) piece of the action which is apparently unconnected to these strange round objects which washed ashore in New Hampshire.

Otherwise, the more conventional UFO sightings continue. These people have a lot of work to do.
posted by joemaller at 8:38 PM on June 25, 2002

New World Disorder has also been linking to this, and yes, I do find these reports amusing.
posted by joemaller at 8:45 PM on June 25, 2002

so there's a bunch on Argentinean cows missing their language and are courteous in the abdomen......

and vehicles with their own income!

sounds as wacky as rand macnally where hamburgers eat people.
posted by loukas_c at 9:12 PM on June 25, 2002

We are a country without a personality. Anything that arrives from abroad, particularly the unsightly and extravagant, we embrace with unaccustomed devotion.

The phenomenon is not new. Since the beginning of the last century, our land has been visited by the most extravagan and sinister sects, and may have joined them without the least bit of reflection. Today, the fashion gyrates around UFO sects and there is a legion of gurus who claim that an imminent planetary catastrophe is on the way and that only the chosen--those who follow their teachings--shall be saved, since a fleet of alien spacecraft will come to collect them.

Tell it, Brother!
posted by y2karl at 10:19 PM on June 25, 2002

i got a ufo in my shorts!
posted by billybob at 6:53 AM on June 26, 2002

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