April 1, 2001
9:26 PM   Subscribe

Guess what? Online film is not dead. Submitted for your approval: the hilarious Ron Howard's Dream, The Award Showdown, and Gwyneth and Steve - our struggle to have a baby. The amusing Upgrade, the haunting Genesis and Catastrophe, and finally, the amazing (and oscar nominated) Periwig-Maker. I only hope that with banner ad revenue going down, and the future of sites like ifilm and atom films in peril, stuff like this still has an outlet and gets made (most movies via ebert's weekly show).
posted by mathowie (6 comments total)
I don't think online film ever died. The dotcom hype train dragged it along for a while, but this stuff is going to challenge traditional media real soon.
posted by owillis at 11:31 PM on April 1, 2001

What makes me somewhat sad is that those first two of those first three were the output of the defunct Pop.com, and the third, I believe, was something they had purchased. Pop could have been a contender...if only Imagine and Dreamworks didn't wuss out.

Note, though, the lengthy credits lists on Howard's Dream and Gwyneth and Steve. As soon as Hollywood-level talent realizes they don't need feature film-sized crews to produce a 5 minute Flash short, then this stuff will take off.

But because of this, and because a single project can employ so few people and provide so little cash, it will still for quite some time be the minor leagues for the narrative/entertainment crowd.

Business models to change this, anyone?
posted by thebigpoop at 12:02 AM on April 2, 2001

The ultimate proof that sometimes, size of crew is inversely proportional to the quality of the finished product. The best Star Wars fan film I've ever seen.
posted by toddshot at 12:12 AM on April 2, 2001

poop and I have gone back and forth on Hollywood's bloat factor, good to see he's come around. :)

As to the second item, maybe when I finally get off my butt and do it. Anytime soon is good.
posted by owillis at 1:18 AM on April 2, 2001

Last Night's (Sunday) Exposure had their Top 10 best Short Films. It was pretty good. A lot of the great ones they showed during the season were up there.
posted by Cavatica at 8:40 AM on April 2, 2001

I must be missing something. I thought the Periwig-Maker was awful. It didn't look anymore spectacular than Nightmare Before Christmas or James and the Giant Peach. And the plot, what there was of one, wasn't all that great. Does anybody else feel similar, or should I go watch it again?
posted by crushed at 9:06 AM on April 2, 2001

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