462 MetaFilter comments by Jubey (displaying 451 through 462)

Apocalyptic Predictions The Times are a changing and their seems to be more messages that the end is near...or is it? Martin Sheen of Apocalypse Now fame seems to be filming a movie http://www.people.co.uk/shtml/NEWS/P10S3.shtml on the end of the world as envisioned by St. Malachy of Ireland.
comment posted at 9:57 PM on Oct-14-01

Why Americans can't or won't appreciate Formula One racing. I visited Monte Carlo last year and a Greek friend of mine introduced me to the famous (among even the most casual of F1 fans) "hairpin" turn. "Well," he said, "here it is." "Here what is?" I wondered aloud. "My god, but you are so American." I confess, when it comes to F1, as with rugby, cricket, and the many other sports popular everywhere outside U.S. borders, I am an ignorant boob. Are we 'mericuns just a bunch of xenophobic hicks, as the article suggests (skip down about 1/3 of the way)? Or just ignorant hicks? Whatever the case, with the lack of media coverage, we are certainly missing out.
comment posted at 9:48 PM on Oct-11-01

The Australian Rugby League cancelled the Australian Kangaroos rugby league team's tour of the UK after a small number of players were concered about their security. Now there's a major outcry from all over Australia and the UK regarding the cancellation, and they are being branded gutless, wimps, and cowards from both home and abroad. Great Britain hasn't beaten Australia in a rugby league test series in over 30 years, now there's talk it should be given to them by default. Quite pathetic of the ARL considering that the Australian Wallabies rugby union team (note to Americans - rugby league and rugby union are two different sports) have no doubts that their tour to Europe will go on as planned.
comment posted at 9:59 PM on Oct-11-01

TV's reality: Everyone is thin, and fat people are often ridiculed Overweight characters on TV are less likely to date and have sex than their slimmer counterparts, and they are more likely to be the butt of jokes and be seen chowing down, fueling possible bias against the heavyset, according to research being presented today. The question is: Is television reflecting reality?
comment posted at 4:26 AM on Oct-9-01
comment posted at 4:53 AM on Oct-9-01
comment posted at 5:15 AM on Oct-9-01
comment posted at 5:25 AM on Oct-9-01
comment posted at 6:31 AM on Oct-9-01
comment posted at 10:51 AM on Oct-9-01

The Australian HMAS Manoora is taking hundreds of Afgan asylum seekers to the island of Nauru after they were rescued by a Norwegian freighter. Many Australian's supported the Government's move not to let them into the country but much of the rest of the world (and a few Australian do-gooders who took the Government to court and won) think we should let these people in.

Today on the radio I heard the mother of one of the sailors on the Manoora saying that the majority of these "refugees" cheered and celebrated when they heard the news of the WTC and Pentagon attacks. And these are the people that the do-gooders want in our free country???
comment posted at 1:14 AM on Sep-17-01
comment posted at 10:54 PM on Sep-17-01

Anti-Arab violence going in Australia: It's not just in the US - In Brisbane, a schoolbus packed with Islamic children was damaged by stones and bottles and there had been abusive calls to mosques. In Perth a mosque was defiled with human faeces and obscenities were shouted from a car doing wheelies in its carpark. The Australian Arabic Council today said a hotline for people to report racist attacks had been swamped by calls. Unconfirmed attacks included children being physically harmed and racially vilified at school. Muslum women being spat on and had their veils pulled off.
comment posted at 8:21 AM on Sep-13-01

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