1630 MetaFilter comments by baylink (displaying 451 through 500)

Friends of Bill W. Indeed...
"For the past week I have read Jakob Nielsen's Flash alertbox over and over again and came to a startling revelation. It seems that Jakob got the title all-wrong. Flash is not 99% bad, as the usability guru says... Flash is 99% Proof, as in alcohol."
comment posted at 12:39 PM on Jan-11-01
comment posted at 4:52 PM on Jan-11-01
comment posted at 1:15 PM on Jan-12-01

Norton's a racist. So now if you even mention the Confederacy in a less than evil light, you're a racist. I am really sick of people using the charge of racism to oppose those with other viewpoints. (More inside)
comment posted at 1:19 PM on Jan-12-01

If you've suddenly started getting a lot of telemarketing calls, this may be the reason why. So go look at your EBay options; you may find they've been helpfully changed for you.
comment posted at 7:03 PM on Jan-11-01

Poor man's Quicktime.... Apple Keynote, in a text format.
comment posted at 1:28 PM on Jan-9-01

Time to short Microsoft stock. After building a behemoth though a quarter-century of tacitly encouraging piracy to increase market share, Microsoft appears to be getting ready to drink the anti-piracy kool-aid. Look for revenues to shrink accordingly.
comment posted at 1:45 PM on Jan-9-01

beam me up! the ultimatetv thread made me wonder which satellite TV system would be best for me (and why is directTV evil?) -- anyway with this gadget you can watch DISH channels plus upload AND download via satellite IP. too good to be true?
comment posted at 2:05 PM on Jan-9-01

The Monolith revealed!! Durn, I was hoping this would keep going for awhile...
comment posted at 1:22 PM on Jan-7-01

A fine football story for the year... Oklahoma won the National Championship, and Penn State did not do so well, however the local hero walks out of the hospital to get on with the rest of his life. Granted the injury was a bruise and Dr. Wayne Sebastianelli saved his life, but my question is how long before we'll see the successful repair of spinal cord injuries? Will Christopher Reeve walk again?
comment posted at 6:12 PM on Jan-5-01

Inevitable, really. Thankfully still under construction. Is nothing sacred?
comment posted at 6:13 PM on Jan-5-01

shades of microserfs: man locked himself in his parents bathroom two years ago and refuses to come out. is fed by flat food slipped under the door.
comment posted at 12:10 PM on Jan-5-01

I need another MeFi posting like I need a... Here's an organization devoted entirely to *intentionally* boring a hole in one's head. Apparently, it helps your brain to "function better". Well, if you're willing to go through with the procedure, you've certainly got room for improvement in that department.
comment posted at 7:25 AM on Jan-5-01
comment posted at 11:09 AM on Jan-5-01

Play with yourself anytime you like... I don't know why, but I find myself wondering if I could afford the $250 or more they're asking for one of these. I can think of a thousand fun things I could do with a 'me' action figure (via Thirteen Labs).
comment posted at 7:29 AM on Jan-5-01
comment posted at 11:11 AM on Jan-5-01

Somebody can't take a joke... A lewd e-mail picture showing the cartoon character Bart Simpson in a sexual clinch has cost 10 people their jobs at a big British insurance company. Eighty others have been suspended
comment posted at 7:31 AM on Jan-5-01
comment posted at 7:32 AM on Jan-5-01
comment posted at 11:13 AM on Jan-5-01

Is this town big enough for two blogs named /usr/bin/girl? [more inside]
comment posted at 6:39 PM on Jan-4-01
comment posted at 6:40 PM on Jan-4-01
comment posted at 11:16 AM on Jan-5-01

Durian is not the new budget chip from AMD. It's a big prickly fruit I've seen for sale in Chinese supermarkets and now I know what the real attraction is...
comment posted at 12:34 PM on Jan-5-01

How deflating..... I am aphalled at the statements of the girl and her mother that if someone has low esteem then breast implants are the way to improve both self image and success! As if breast size is the only factor in social standing and prosperity. *sigh* Obviously television, societal rhetoric and socialization of body image opinion has truly sunk to new lows.
comment posted at 12:40 PM on Jan-5-01

The article isn't *nearly* as funny as the headline "Anna Nicole Smith Resents Jokes". (Sorry for the Salon, but it was buried and many probably missed it.)
comment posted at 12:43 PM on Jan-5-01

Why McDonald's fries taste good - A very interesting article about Americans, food, and "flavoring." The statistic that made me gasp in shock was this: "About 90 percent of the money that Americans now spend on food goes to buy processed food." Is it any wonder the nation is so fat? Good grief.
comment posted at 2:30 PM on Jan-3-01

FLASH: buffer bug in Flash! Well, we all hate Flash anyway; now we have reason. I've Got a Bad Feeling About This...
comment posted at 2:32 PM on Jan-3-01

Also Sprach Zarathustra, anyone? Does the arrival of a monolith in Seattle implicitly suggest that Microserfs are in need of an extra-terrestrial intelligence boost?
comment posted at 8:40 AM on Jan-3-01
comment posted at 8:51 AM on Jan-3-01

Finally, a product that Amazon.com doesn't sell. Now that the holiday season is over, it's time to start saving for next year's gifts. Just the thing for the couple that has almost everything.
comment posted at 1:54 PM on Jan-2-01

Love your dog, but don't love your dog. If you know what I mean.

71-year-old man attacks 44-year-old son with a crowbar after discovering that his son's canine companion was also his special friend. Dad got a suspended prison sentence; no mention at all of the son getting charged with anything.
comment posted at 2:32 PM on Jan-2-01

"I wanted to be a mother who bakes. But then I found out it's illegal." While I can understand being afraid of a Hepatitis or E. Coli outbreak, I can't help but think this is simply another example of a school district of applying really stupid rules to a situation.
comment posted at 2:43 PM on Jan-2-01

Steven Spielberg to receive honorary knighthood One of the first signs that either each year is stranger or more of the same as the previous: Steven Spielberg will receive the Insignia of a Knight Commander of the Civil Division of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire at a ceremony at the British Embassy on the evening of 29th January 2001. Americans admitted to membership of British Orders of Chivalry do not style themselves "Sir". He can, however, place the letters KBE after his name. Found at badassmofo.
comment posted at 3:33 PM on Jan-2-01

Explaining it all? Now if only someone could explain the year itself before we have to slog through it for 364 more days. (Flash)
comment posted at 3:39 PM on Jan-2-01

Happy New Year. Happy New Millenium. Feliz Año Nuevo. Bonne Annee!
comment posted at 3:44 PM on Jan-2-01

Random Cheer Bombing II: Happy (Gregorian) New Year!

(Yes, I'm early; but I have a ways to drive to get kissed, so y'all can just deal. :-)
comment posted at 3:42 PM on Jan-2-01

Media recount boosts Gore in Hillsborough County, FL I wish they would have recounted the whole state. Including the "undervotes."
comment posted at 4:02 PM on Jan-2-01

Stupid google tricks: I was looking for links on Chris Ware, author of "Jimmy Corrigan, The Smartest Kid on Earth" and "The Acme Novelty Library." See how I've cleverly included links to material on both those works? I found those links via Google, and they both include the words "Chris Ware" any number of times. But when I search for "Chris Ware" per se on Google, I only get 11 links. . . and all of them are in German! Anyone got any explanation for this oddity?
comment posted at 8:01 PM on Dec-31-00
comment posted at 4:03 PM on Jan-2-01

Montgomery Ward to Shut Down Stores. It's sad to lose another retailer that you can count on for quality merchandise. It seems that the day on the department store is almost over.
comment posted at 1:32 PM on Dec-28-00
comment posted at 4:43 PM on Dec-28-00

blah blah blah new york times "Web logs" blah blah williams blah hourihan blah blah blood blah this is news.
comment posted at 12:37 PM on Dec-28-00
comment posted at 4:45 PM on Dec-28-00

Merry Christmas; you're fired. K-Mart thanks a bunch of the people who helped it stay open 24/3 by canning them. I thought only the military and CIA called it a RIF...
comment posted at 7:22 AM on Dec-28-00

McDermott owed back taxes Mix one unstable man with a love of ammo. Add in government intervention (which means loss of control). Pile on some kids from HR and you've got a massacre.
comment posted at 7:17 AM on Dec-28-00

Changing the Climate offers a new sport - Tagging SUV's Not as destructive as Phonebashing, but it's still vandalism.
comment posted at 1:01 PM on Dec-28-00

The Next Great Bad Idea: Why the 'celestial jukebox' won't work. Courtesy of 37Signals Signal vs. Noise, this inside.com piece discusses just how big the obstacles are that the labels have to climb over to do it themselves.
comment posted at 12:27 PM on Dec-26-00

Russia to Mir....come in Mir... Russia's been recently unable to sustain radio contact with Mir. The station itself is empty, but radio communication is necessary in order to control the autopilot. They are supposed to try again in about an hour, but if they are unable to do so within that hour, they'll have to send someone up. I think they're more afraid that it might fall out of orbit before it's planned sinking into the Pacific this coming February.
comment posted at 8:32 AM on Dec-26-00

This confirms suspicions I've had about "Mr. America Inc." The line between government and the corporate/entertainment-whatever blurs further. Is this a new kind of coup? What lines are being drawn (or erased) here?
comment posted at 8:31 AM on Dec-26-00

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