9711 MetaFilter comments by stavrosthewonderchicken (displaying 5101 through 5150)

``I managed developer teams in Windows for five years, and have only begun to reflect on the experience now that I have recently switched teams. Through a series of conversations with other leaders that have similarly left The Collective, several root causes have emerged as lasting characterizations of what's really wrong in The Empire.'
comment posted at 12:31 AM on Jun-18-06

craigslist could make $500 million a year. Why not?
comment posted at 7:48 PM on Jun-17-06
comment posted at 12:24 AM on Jun-18-06

36 years later, the remaining members of The Who will return to reprise their seminal concert recording Live at Leeds. The original record was compiled from one concert, in the Leeds University Refectory, and that's where they'll be playing tonight.
comment posted at 6:21 PM on Jun-17-06

This video shows how to navigate Google maps by simply tilting your thinkpad. The code is here, a blog post about it is here. I knew the first wave of goofy accelerometer hacks would be followed with better stuff and I can't wait to see what else people do with the sensors. Hopefully someone ports this to the newer macs as well. [via dj]
comment posted at 9:56 PM on Jun-14-06
comment posted at 11:28 PM on Jun-14-06

$20,000 and you can choose the gender of your next kid. You'd think you'd have to go to the Caribbean or someplace to do it but the practice of gender selective preimplantation genetic diagnosis is alive and well in the United States. (Note how the medical link DOES NOT have an indication for using the procedure for gender selection). Some have already been concerned about a slippery slope. And, it seems regulatory agencies would rather not say anything about the issue so as to let the technology improve and see what we can and can't select in our embryos. Could this be the next big issue in the culture v. science v. religion wars?
comment posted at 7:47 PM on Jun-14-06
comment posted at 8:59 PM on Jun-14-06

The New Yorker suggests that Bush is being pushed by his advisors to fight against gay marriage when he really has no strong feelings either way. According to Bush's close unnamed friend, "I don't think he gives a shit about it." An inspired take on strategic political distraction.
comment posted at 6:52 PM on Jun-14-06
comment posted at 7:29 PM on Jun-14-06

What is this Sketchzilla thing?! It is whatever you want it to be. It's a community art project. It's a funhouse. It's an art gallery. It's a madlib. It's a mad house. It's an html monster. It's a butteryfly ballot. It's the 10 most wanted. It's a flip book. It's noisy. It's the flag of the internet. Oh and it's occasionally NSFW. It is always changing and morphing and mutating in to something new, by you. I can't believe that Sketchzilla was the only surviving member of its species... But if we continue conducting nuclear tests... it's possible that another Sketchzilla might appear somewhere in the world again.
comment posted at 6:18 AM on Jun-15-06
comment posted at 9:28 PM on Jun-15-06

Superman marries Lois Lane. Superman dies. Batman's back is broken. Robin dies. Spider-Man gets married. But one storyline taboo, revealing one's secret identity, has never been broken with a major comic book character. Until now (big-time spoiler alert).
comment posted at 9:35 PM on Jun-14-06
comment posted at 5:00 AM on Jun-15-06

The Broad Band has released an on-line protest song: God Save the Internet. Jill Sobule, Kay Hanley, and Michelle Lewis are trying to stir up a webgrass protest against what may already be a done deal. They are in favor of Net Neutrality, by the way.
comment posted at 4:51 PM on Jun-13-06

Ever wanted to make jellied moose nose? How about penis stew or cockentrice? Bert Christensen has recipes for all those and so much more.
comment posted at 6:17 PM on Jun-13-06

Hadji Girl (10.6 MB wmv) Some folks think this is funny. Some don't. What do you think?
comment posted at 4:49 PM on Jun-13-06

Music Competition 1 week left!!!
"Gizmodo Idol" competition to win some serious headphones (reviewed here )
Not too many entries yet,you have a chance still but look out for serious competition.
comment posted at 6:14 PM on Jun-11-06

Season three of Deadwood starts tomorrow and it looks like they just launched a pretty cool game to promote it. It's a 3d texas hold'em first person shooter (that's right, shooter), where you play against Al Swearengen, E.B. and Trixie. The characters and environment are all fully rendered in 3D, and gameplay is really good for a promotional game. You've got a gun that you can shoot up the bar with, but you can't seem to shoot any of the characters. The only thing I can't understand is that if you go all-in against Al, you end up dead.
comment posted at 9:31 AM on Jun-10-06

What does the true anime otaku do when cosplay just isn't enough? It's called animegao or kigurumi and it crosses the ridge into the uncanny valley. Some examples: Belldandy, Mahoro and Minawa, Lum, another Mahoro, Naru. Sometimes they wear lingerie, or swimsuits, or vinyl, or do bondage. They pose, and put their pictures online. Some of the sites are quite sophisticated. They create different costumes for themselves. They go on location and try to freak the mundanes. A lot of the people inside are men. And aficionados get together at conventions and party. All of which proves that I'm not nearly afraid enough of the Japanese. (As if that needed proving again.)
comment posted at 6:54 AM on Jun-10-06

Sex with your mom is pretty good.
comment posted at 6:04 AM on Jun-10-06

The always interesting sidenote of beer in ancient history
comment posted at 6:21 AM on Jun-10-06

Thailand's King marks his Diamond Jubilee. Just be careful what you say.
comment posted at 6:38 AM on Jun-10-06

Shifting between motion and stasis, he shows a man on a horse, a scarecrow, a dog, another dog seen closer, then even closer as it faces the still camera in the last shot. Superimposed over this still photo is the orange red blast of an atomic bomb and its mushroom cloud—the first appearance of color in the film. The photo catches fire, and the image of the dog is slowly devoured by flames. As the photo turns into ashes, a prayer from the Shiite text Nahjulbalagha appears alongside it in English: “Dear Lord, give us rain from tame, obedient clouds and not from dense and fiery clouds which summon death. Amen.”
In "The Roads of Kiarostami", his latest short film (.pdf), Iranian maestro Abbas Kiarostami begins with his landscape photographs and ends with apocalypse. more inside
comment posted at 6:27 AM on Jun-9-06
comment posted at 6:34 AM on Jun-9-06
comment posted at 9:16 PM on Jun-9-06

Congrats, Tsarfan Tony Pierce, blogger extraordinare, owner of the world famous Busblog, known to MeFites as Tsarfan, has got a hot new gig. Recently (and unfairly) released from his starting third base spot at Buzznet, Tony has moved up in the world. As of Tuesday, he will become editor-in-chief of Laist, the coast city's premier city-based blog and a part of the Gothamist network of blogs. Congrats, Tsarfan
comment posted at 12:00 AM on Jun-9-06
comment posted at 1:47 AM on Jun-9-06

The Language of Noncombatant Death - Perhaps, however, what the "incidents" have in common -- and what they really tell us about the war in Iraq (as in Vietnam long ago) -- is this: In both Haditha and Ishaqi, the dead were largely or all civilian noncombatants: an aged amputee in a wheelchair holding a Koran, small children, grandparents, students, women, and a random taxi driver all died... In modern wars, especially those conducted in part from the air (as both Iraq and Afghanistan have been), there's nothing "collateral" about civilian deaths. If anything, the "collateral deaths" are those of the combatants on any side. Civilian deaths are now the central fact, the very essence of war. Not seeing that means not seeing war.
Collateral Damage: The "Incident at Haditha"
The Power Point version: Why Did We Lose In Iraq ?
comment posted at 5:26 PM on Jun-8-06
comment posted at 10:00 PM on Jun-8-06

Bukowski. Complementary to previous Hank.
comment posted at 5:51 PM on Jun-8-06
comment posted at 5:55 PM on Jun-8-06
comment posted at 10:13 PM on Jun-8-06
comment posted at 10:15 PM on Jun-8-06

Sorry, But Only One Of These Countries Can Win The World Cup. But which one will it be? And what are the odds? The Guardian's Fiver can be as funny about it as it likes, but this is no laughing matter, not anymore, as we will soon be surrounded by 31 unmistakable, irredeemable, inconsolable losers. Anyway, whatever happens, I'm sure everyone here at MetaFilter will join me in wishing it's one of the countries that speak Portuguese.
comment posted at 9:04 PM on Jun-8-06
comment posted at 9:22 AM on Jun-10-06

Windows Vista. Microsoft has released a public Beta of Windows Vista. Get your free copy with 2 activation keys that will let you install on 10 PCs per key. Public Beta Link.
comment posted at 6:05 PM on Jun-8-06

Oil spill in northern British.Columbia, nobody reports it.
comment posted at 1:32 AM on Jun-8-06

Won't somebody call bullshit on Ann Coulter? it is possible to believe that this new level of infamy* is about anything other than book sales.
comment posted at 1:25 AM on Jun-8-06

Lt. Watada refuses to fight in Iraq and Hawai'i weighs in on their native son's statement of conscience (see vid). More discussions on alternet , in Hawai'i and a news conference today at the State Capitol. Watada is not alone.
comment posted at 11:45 PM on Jun-7-06

I was Russell Crowe's Stooge! Oh dear, famous actor tries to manipulate journalist. Journalist turns whistleblower. Looks like trouble down under again for everyone's favourite Gladiator.
comment posted at 2:48 AM on Jun-8-06

The truth about Kitty Genovese. They say she was the woman stabbed to death before 38 witnesses who did nothing. They "didn't want to get involved." To many, her name rings synonymous with "public apathy" and the "bystander effect." Unfortunately, the details - and the meat - of her case are largely misunderstood. None of that, however, diminishes the tragedy of her death, not only for her family and friends, but also for her lover.
comment posted at 9:43 PM on Jun-5-06

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