1630 MetaFilter comments by baylink (displaying 501 through 550)

AdCritic has finally posted my favorite commercials: a series of ads for the Fox Regional Sports Report. They present intriguing new sports from around the world. Areas covered include China, India, Russia, South Africa, and Turkey.
comment posted at 8:28 AM on Dec-26-00

Is Bill Really that bad? Giving away money steadily, tens of millions of dollars at a time, Mr Bill Gates has become the single most influential force trying to reverse the growing health crisis afflicting the world's poor. With his wife, Melinda, he outspent the United States Government last year by nearly $US300 million ($538 million), to fight global health threats such as AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis.
comment posted at 8:13 AM on Dec-27-00

Merry Christmas! (please note: this is not a link. It's just a random cheerbombing.)
comment posted at 5:42 PM on Dec-25-00
comment posted at 8:25 AM on Dec-26-00

"the new director of the Environment Protection Agency, Christine Todd Whitman, has proposed that the Florida ballots be sealed for 10 years. " Fuck the Christmas ceasefire. While the Anglo-Saxon world stuffs itself comatose, the forces of conservatism are busy mobilising. Yum.
comment posted at 6:04 PM on Dec-24-00

Thomas Yohe, Reqiescat in Pace. Yohe was the creative force behind Interplanet Janet, "Bill" the bill, and all the other denizens of Conjunction Junction. [ Thanks to Cam, via the Girlhacker ]
comment posted at 12:24 PM on Dec-23-00

Well, we talked about NORAD a few posts back, I guess now it's time for everyone's *other* favorite agency: the NSA has a logo. That's funny. No, really, the topic of this posting is their release of Security-Enhanced Linux, including Mandatory Access Control and other cool B-1'ish stuff. Ted T'so has some interesting observations in this Slashdot thread on the topic as well.
comment posted at 11:37 AM on Dec-23-00
comment posted at 8:15 AM on Dec-27-00

Gadzooks!! What in the name of H-E-double-hockey-sticks is going on here? Check on the products and then visit this site. Then do a little WHOIS sniffing and try to wrap your mind around the fact that they are both registered to
Registrant: Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
10201 W. Pico Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90035 US
sort of via memepool.
comment posted at 10:42 AM on Dec-23-00

Kansas City's Secret Santa has been handing out cash in hundred-dollar bills to needy individuals and random people during the Christmas season for the past twenty-one years. He's completely anonymous, preferring to give joy without getting any credit. He tries to find people with specific needs and surprises them in their homes or at their jobs with the cash they need. He gives out well over ten thousand dollars every year.
comment posted at 11:12 AM on Dec-22-00
comment posted at 11:14 AM on Dec-22-00
comment posted at 9:10 AM on Dec-23-00

Santa Claus is Coming to Town, and the US Military is watching him. It's NORAD's annual "Santa Tracking" PR campaign, reporting that Father Xmas appears to be flight testing his reindeer earlier this year (a prudent move, if you've seen "Olive, the Other Reindeer", my new favorite Holiday TV trifle). No Grinch sightings, however (he's gotten enough publicity, thank you). Now, the only unanswered question is: Will W.'s proposed Missile Defense System (TM) pose a risk to the Clausman? (And are Rogue Countries (TM) making missiles shaped like sleighs?)
comment posted at 11:18 AM on Dec-22-00

Gates worried about AOL's dominance of IM market. So what does he do, he gets on the phone to the FCC. That's right, Bill wants the governement to intervene to prevent a company from dominating a market. Umm... Bill what the Freedom to innovate which you are so worried about.
comment posted at 8:19 AM on Dec-22-00

Metafilter taken offline for two and a half days by a Bay Area network outage, along with Blog*Spot, Evhead, and Megnut. Fortunately, everything appears to be back to normal. Good, because I think the DTs were starting to kick in.
comment posted at 11:24 AM on Dec-22-00

Everybody loves Jelly Beans! Especially the Horseradish, Grass, Black Pepper, Sardine....and yes, Booger. Bertie Bott's Every-Flavor Beans are now a reality. (From The Leaky Cauldron)
comment posted at 9:01 AM on Dec-18-00

I'm not Brad F'n Pitt. Everyone's favorite fake celebrity diary has cleared house today, leaving one of the most contrite apologies I've ever seen. Methinks one of the real Pitt's handlers caught an eyeful of the fictionalized accounts of constant drug use, the assorted sex with various celebrities (including Willard Scott), and Jen Aniston's shower habit and slapped a cease and desist on "Pitt." Although the main link's been deactivated, the entries are still there.
comment posted at 5:43 PM on Dec-15-00

The current RISKS Digest carries a manifesto of sorts from Peter Neumann (of RISKS), Lauren Weinstein (of PRIVACY DIGEST) and Rebecca Mercuri (one of the AT&T voting wonks, if memory serves) on the dangers of electronic and Internet voting in the current technological milieu. Let's fix the problems, yes, but let's not create worse ones in the process.
comment posted at 12:04 PM on Dec-15-00

HP employee sucked out of plane when door opens during flight. In the great Metafilter tradition of schädenfreude.
comment posted at 3:52 PM on Dec-17-00

ELECTION: Ethel, on Big Tony and the Supremes. If you're Republican, skip this link; I wouldn't want to be responsible for giving anyone apoplexy or popping anyone's anuerysm... :-)
comment posted at 11:59 AM on Dec-15-00

Gore parties the night away... even though he lost. According to the article, Jon Bon Jovi was so upset at the boring party they originally had that he called up some friends and announced there was a "Party at Gore's House!!" The cover photo and interior shots from the Daily News have Gore looking as if he had one hell of a time.
comment posted at 7:30 AM on Dec-15-00
comment posted at 9:00 AM on Dec-15-00

Ooooh, those trendy young Brits and their funny new words. What I can't help wondering is how many people have been sending in made up slang. (via clog).
comment posted at 9:03 AM on Dec-15-00

Codeweavers, Windows software on Linux. I think the average consumer might be very interested in Linux, if they could run their current Windows programs on it. Another step closer to the end of Bill Gates' evil rule.
comment posted at 7:32 AM on Dec-15-00

FTC unanimously approves AOL/Time Warner merger. With a couple of restraint-avoidance conditions. Wonder who's gonna enforce those... Aw, crap.
comment posted at 9:07 AM on Dec-15-00

A sort of involuntary blogging. Does anyone else have similar stories?
comment posted at 8:33 AM on Dec-14-00

FLASH: Gore Concedes. Ok, I guess *now* it's over. Bye, Alec...
comment posted at 8:35 AM on Dec-14-00

Amputation by choice people who want to have one or more limb cut off (and in some cases achieve their desire, by self-help or medical intervention) explored in The Atlantic (more inside).
comment posted at 4:55 PM on Dec-13-00
comment posted at 5:49 PM on Dec-13-00

The gender gap : do women make less wages due to discrimination, or is it their own choice? Or a combination?
comment posted at 9:48 AM on Dec-13-00

I've been thinking about a good visible mission for Al Gore over the next four years, and took a look at this Google search. After all, he is not only a government wonk, but also a technology wonk with an reasonably expected level of passion on the topic. Imagine my surprise when only one of the top hits today was about the US, while the UK, New Zealand, Canada, and Bosnia were highlighted.
comment posted at 9:55 AM on Dec-13-00

One lone nut, one vote. It's nice to see someone who feels like he can really make a difference in politics. It's even nicer to see them sent to jail.
comment posted at 10:00 AM on Dec-13-00

The end of Edison's greatest invention. All good things must come to an end, I suppose. This one lasted longer than most of the 19th century's great inventions -- like the steam locomotive.
comment posted at 10:12 AM on Dec-13-00

Bush, by a technicality. They've run out the clock. Oh dear. This could be messy.
comment posted at 10:16 AM on Dec-13-00

Did you know that Mickey Mouse was kept out of the public domain by the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act? [via librarian.net]
comment posted at 10:49 AM on Dec-13-00

How the hell did we miss this?

comment posted at 6:43 PM on Dec-12-00
comment posted at 11:00 AM on Dec-13-00

Read the truth behind what actually happened the day the Bill Gates was assasinated. (via memepool)
comment posted at 12:49 PM on Dec-12-00
comment posted at 6:50 PM on Dec-12-00

6 year-old boy in foster care because his mother insists on breastfeeding him. "It's an offense to me that my child has been in foster care for over 120 days because [the state] decided it didn't believe in my parenting philosophy," said the unidentified mother.
comment posted at 1:03 PM on Dec-12-00
comment posted at 7:29 PM on Dec-12-00

 ISAWYOU.COM SETS STAGE FOR RADICAL, NEW MESSAGING MEDIUM --Zonagraphic Messaging connects people, communities worldwide. So not only can you get in touch with that cutey you saw in the mall last week and didn't get a chance to talk to, but you can also report crimes & rat on bad drivers. I wonder what other uses could there be for this service?
comment posted at 8:15 PM on Dec-12-00

Seven of every ten women appearing as centrefold models in Playboy magazine during the past 20 years are clinically underweight "Given the perception of Playboy centrefolds as culturally ideal women, the notion that 70% of them are underweight highlights the social pressure on women to be thin and helps to explain the high levels of body dissatisfaction and disordered eating," "It's not just a case of models getting skinnier, but also that the numbers of overweight and obese people have gone through the roof in recent years."
comment posted at 1:18 PM on Dec-12-00

Ever wondered where Lorem ipsum... came from?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ulliam corper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem veleum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel willum lunombro dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.
comment posted at 7:22 PM on Dec-11-00
comment posted at 1:20 PM on Dec-12-00

ELECTION: "I'm with the Bush-Cheney Team: I'm here to stop the vote!" That pretty much says it all for me...
comment posted at 7:48 PM on Dec-11-00

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