2584 MetaFilter comments by aaron (displaying 551 through 600)

They can't find Ken Lay. Via Reuters. Scroll down to "more business news". My guess is he headed for high ground.
comment posted at 9:10 PM on Feb-4-02
comment posted at 10:33 PM on Feb-4-02
comment posted at 11:39 AM on Feb-5-02
comment posted at 10:25 PM on Feb-5-02
comment posted at 5:08 PM on Feb-25-02

Bush and Blair Nominated for 2002 Peace Prize ''The background for my nomination is their decisive action against terrorism, something I believe in the future will be the greatest threat to peace,'' Nesvik said. ''Unfortunately, sometimes ... you have to use force to secure peace.'' ---Harald Tom Nesvik
comment posted at 4:01 PM on Feb-4-02
comment posted at 6:05 PM on Feb-5-02

Kazaa asks users to accept new terms and conditions when logging on. Anyone know of any hidden pitfalls to the t&c's? Am I going to get visits from the police?
comment posted at 4:29 PM on Feb-4-02

Salon makes a go of premium service. 'When Salon announced almost a year ago that it would introduce fee-based content, web pundits dismissed it as a futile gesture that was bound to fail. It appears the critics were wrong' It is funny what passes as a success nowadays. Salon has closed off 30-35% of its content, including all news and political coverage, and even after these draconian measures only 0.8% of its readership have subscribed. In this fluffy bunny critique Salon’s marketing director Patrick Hurley explain how they achieve this extraordinary success. (more inside)
comment posted at 4:06 PM on Feb-3-02

iWalk : Apple's new device is rumored to be a PDA/MP3 Player with a color screen and airport functionality. Never heard of spymac.com before, but this looks pretty legit. (contains photo)
comment posted at 10:38 AM on Oct-23-01
comment posted at 11:09 AM on Oct-23-01
comment posted at 11:21 AM on Oct-23-01
comment posted at 11:26 AM on Oct-23-01

Bibleman receives Death Threats, ends book store tour. Official site blames ingrown toenail. Don’t know who Bibleman is? Think Super Powered Christian Solider meets Power Rangers.
comment posted at 2:08 PM on Oct-23-01
comment posted at 2:08 PM on Oct-23-01

Audiogalaxy blocking songs. It looks like Audiogalaxy are beginning to block certain songs. The results come up as normal, but have an X next to them so you cannot download them. Webmonkey mentioned this back in August, but I didn't discover it until today.
comment posted at 9:38 AM on Oct-23-01

Talk about a Trojan Horse! The legal concept of "regulatory takings" has slowly been gaining ground in right wing circles, and is embedded in trade agreements such as NAFTA and FTAA. The idea represents nothing less than a complete subversion of democracy. (It's a longish article, but an extremely alarming one.)
comment posted at 8:43 PM on Oct-22-01

Boycott Berkeley , in the wake of the extreme leftist views expressed by the inhabitants of the California town, some are calling for the boycott of the boycotters. I find this ironic and extremely funny. If Berkeley doesn't want to support the US then the US shouldn't support them. (Via OpinionJournal)
comment posted at 3:05 PM on Oct-22-01
comment posted at 3:59 PM on Oct-22-01

Someone (in this case, Steven Zeitchik of the [What's Left of] Online Journalism Review) finally has the guts to say it: The post-911 Onion isn't funny. It's preachy, obvious, desperate to give off the impression that it's still ironic without actually being so ... but not funny. Unfortunately, it doesn't delve into the intriguing psychological question of why so many were so eager to laud its return when it's never really returned at all, but hey, it's not the Online Psychology Review, now is it?
comment posted at 11:11 AM on Oct-22-01
comment posted at 11:16 AM on Oct-22-01
comment posted at 3:32 PM on Oct-22-01

Winter is coming to Afghanistan. Several million may die of starvation if aid does not reach them soon. Relief agencies have called for a pause in the bombing to allow relief workers access. Two questions come to mind: what purpose does the bombing serve? and if we continue bombing, thus allowing the Afghanis to starve, are we possibly committing genocide?
comment posted at 9:30 PM on Oct-21-01
comment posted at 9:51 PM on Oct-21-01
comment posted at 10:13 PM on Oct-21-01

PUBLIC RELATIONS DEBACLE AFTER SEN. HILLARY JEERED AND BOOED BY HEROES When something goes wrong, blame it on the extreme right. "How could we not know this would be the wrong forum for Hillary?!" shouted one confidante. "These are cops and firemen who listen to right-wing talkradio. They still think she killed Vince Foster, for Christ sake!"
comment posted at 9:32 PM on Oct-21-01
comment posted at 10:37 PM on Oct-21-01
comment posted at 11:34 AM on Oct-22-01

US Right-Wing Cranks are behind the anthrax the UK Independant 10/21/01 features this article
comment posted at 7:03 AM on Oct-21-01

David Talbot (Salon) rips Andrew Sullivan (WSJ, New Republic, Weekly Standard) a new one From Salon editorial "....It's repellent to be lectured about my commitment to America, which is deep and true, by an arrogant and self-important Brit.....earlier this year, Sullivan was exposed by the gay press for advertising for "bareback" sex (unprotected by condoms) in an AOL chat room.....if a right-wing theocracy ever came to power in America, guess who'd be the first person whose ass would be rounded up...." Don't they have more compelling subject matter to rant and rave about?
comment posted at 2:31 PM on Oct-20-01
comment posted at 7:19 AM on Oct-21-01

Israeli Ultimatum: looks like the PA is soon to be history: Palestinian Culture Minister Yasser Abbed Rabbo, meanwhile, rejected Israel's ultimatum to hand over the suspects, saying the [Palestenian Authority] would not fall in to what he called an "Israeli trap".
comment posted at 2:28 PM on Oct-21-01

Coded message in the Bert 'n Osama poster? So says former NSA instructor Robert W Koontz. Link picked up from Yahoo. Check out his own National Security Message Board.
comment posted at 3:16 PM on Oct-20-01

"Sometimes you just have to make the cats." Civil War buffs Ruth and Rebecca Brown have created thousands of clay cats in Union and Confederate uniforms.... the twins bring history to life by creating sweeping battle scenes and dioramas of dramatic moments, as interpreted with clay cats. Via Obscure Store. (and here comes mr. hand, Oh Noooooooo!)
comment posted at 2:24 PM on Oct-19-01

Boeing's Memo to bin Laden Here's a little PowerPoint presentation making its way around the defense industry. A memo (supposedly) from Boeing's CEO, to Osama bin Laden discussing bin Laden's interest in Boeing's 757 and 767 commercial airliners and Boeing's desire to do a demonstration of some of their non-commercial products for Mr. bin Laden. It's summed up pretty nicely, Don't bother making an appointment for the demo, we'll just drop in.
comment posted at 11:54 AM on Oct-18-01

Phew, It's About Time! I'm sure CBS was starting to feel a bit left out. First, American Media gets Anthrax, then NBC, then ABC, . . . Imagine how bad it would've looked if CBS didn't get a letter. Or if FOX got Anthrax before CBS. Or, god forbid, WB or UPN. Anthrax equals significance. If you get it sent to you, you must be important enough to be a threat: newsworthy!
comment posted at 11:20 AM on Oct-18-01
comment posted at 7:12 AM on Oct-19-01

America is the Borg, Taliban - some hapless planet: "Our forces are armed with state of the art military equipment. What are you using, obsolete and ineffective weaponry? Our helicopters will rain fire down upon your camps before you detect them on your radar. Our bombs are so accurate we can drop them right through your windows. Our infantry is trained for any climate and terrain on earth. United States soldiers fire with superior marksmanship and are armed with superior weapons. "

All your base, indeed.
comment posted at 11:37 PM on Oct-17-01

The CIA's Wall Street connections A week old (MeFi search timed out, sorry if a repeat), but good stuff in here. U.S. gov't's oil interests/stock manipulation/foreknowledge of the attacks -- Ruppert covers a lot of interesting ground in this long interview.
comment posted at 8:59 PM on Oct-17-01

Aaron McGruder has brass balls. I know that the Boondocks strip has been mentioned elsewhere in the course of another thread somewhere, however this is the strongest statement in a commercial format I've seen to date. Or maybe I need to get out more.
comment posted at 9:36 PM on Oct-17-01
comment posted at 9:37 PM on Oct-17-01

Israel's tourism minister assasinated by palestinian militants. Could this even further slow down peace talks between leaders? Or must we brace ourselves for the second year of this conflict?
comment posted at 10:56 PM on Oct-17-01

29 Senate Staffers Test Positive for Anthrax Looks like this one is a particularly virulent form that was sent to Sen. Daschle
comment posted at 8:43 AM on Oct-17-01

Condoleezza Rice talks to Al-Jazeera. But it seems they've already edited it to hell. CNN is passing questions to Osama through them as well.
comment posted at 7:31 AM on Oct-21-01

U2 still providing rockingly spiritual balm for the masses
"...the need for great art, meaningful art has deepened considerably..." --concert review

U2 rocked through all our favorites last night at a sold-out show at Chicago's United Center. Fans were jammin' as well as they could in the steeply vertical arena seating. Then came the encore, which began with a defiant "New York," and continued with "One" as the names of 9/11 victims scrolled slowly on a huge projection screen. The crowd stilled, and I looked around at tearful faces & couples holding each other & sobbing. Probably the first real, shared catharsis for many of us.

Sincere thanks, U2, for helping us let it all out.

I wish *everyone* could have been there. Have you had a good cry yet?
comment posted at 9:04 PM on Oct-16-01

Cool satellite images of suspected terrorist camps in Afghanistan. I don't know about the commentary, but the pics are cool.
comment posted at 3:27 PM on Oct-16-01

Canada gets it own Star Chamber. New "anti-terrorism" bill allows police to arrest and hold "suspects" for 72 hours without a charge, allows the government agency that monitors foreign communications to spy on Canadians, and creates "investigative hearings" in which you can be compelled to testify before a judge.
comment posted at 2:22 PM on Oct-16-01

Brill's Content folds. "Brill’s Content and Inside.com, the church lady and swinging single of the myopic media world who got hitched in April, have been closed, victims of terrible publishing and Web economies and a strained relationship between Steven Brill and his major backer, Primedia."
comment posted at 3:12 PM on Oct-16-01

Man Murders Wife Over 'Disgusting Coffee'. Time to switch to decaf!
comment posted at 10:06 AM on Oct-16-01

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