9711 MetaFilter comments by stavrosthewonderchicken (displaying 6201 through 6250)

comment posted at 4:38 AM on Oct-26-04

"Al Pieda" Targets Ann Coulter
Members of the notorious culinary terrorist group "Al Pieda" launched an attack on Ann Coulter while she was speaking at the University of Arizona. The report says some pie got on her face but attendants were able to wipe it off before she received any nutrional value from the pie.
Not to be confused with the notorious math group "Al Gebra", who would have probably thrown a slide rule at her.
comment posted at 11:15 PM on Oct-25-04

World supports Kerry: BBC World Service's online poll results by language, religion, sex and age
comment posted at 11:58 PM on Oct-25-04

The Coalition's lack of preparation left 380 tons of high explosives unprotected in Iraq. Now it looks like the DoD tried to cover it up. Where is your surprise now? (first one is NYT)
comment posted at 11:38 PM on Oct-24-04

In your face Nevada... What's your states percentage of obese adults?
comment posted at 6:11 PM on Oct-24-04

bruce mau's massive change
"Design has emerged as one of the world's most powerful forces. "
comment posted at 6:23 PM on Oct-24-04

Wolfpacks for truth. They thought they were shooting a Greenpeace commercial!
comment posted at 6:50 PM on Oct-24-04

Why I love live TV. Anyone remember Elvis Costello shaking things up a bit on SNL in 1977? Succulent pop-star Ashlee Simpson did the same thing tonight only it wasn't intentional. Appears the lip synch track started before she was ready. Video also mirrored here if first one gets filtered'
comment posted at 6:59 PM on Oct-24-04

160 observers couldn't monitor the election in Bexar County Texas, let alone the whole US. -- National Journal's Charlie Cook. A hundred and sixty, though, isn't the half of it. [plenty more inside]
comment posted at 4:20 PM on Oct-24-04

University Study - Most Bush Voters Are Extremely Stupid [Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format]
comment posted at 5:41 PM on Oct-22-04

Bush rleatives for Kewrry "Bush Relatives for Kerry" grew out of a series of conversations that took place between a group of people that have two things in common: they are all related to George Walker Bush, and they are all voting for John Kerry. As the election approaches, we feel it is our responsibility to speak out about why we are voting for John Kerry, and to do our small part to help America heal from the sickness it has suffered since George Bush was appointed President in 2000. We invite you to read our stories, and please, don't vote for our cousin!
comment posted at 5:10 AM on Oct-22-04

comment posted at 11:58 PM on Oct-21-04
comment posted at 3:26 AM on Oct-22-04

Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail: 2004 - by Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
comment posted at 4:29 PM on Oct-21-04

George Bush & John Kerry living together in the Sims 2. First things heat up, then they really get hot. Just wait until they meet their new neighbors! Via.
comment posted at 7:09 PM on Oct-21-04


Posting this because I thought it was a well done bit of "creative re-use" (Bobby Pickett, the original creator of "The MonsterMash" agreed to playfully re-record his 1962 hit tune), but also because I often wonder why it is that the powers of clever marketing aren't put to better use by non-profit organizations with axes to grind. What do you do if your group advocates for an issue that is not exactly at the top of the list of concerns this election season? Do you think this is an effectively delivered message?
comment posted at 4:55 PM on Oct-20-04

Now that Michael Moore's chosen to look at the American healthcare industry for his next film, Big Pharma is apparently on red alert for any of his trademark guerilla tactics. On his pre-election tour, Moore has been reading out a company-wide memo that he attributes to Viagra- and Vioxx-pushers Pfizer, warning employees to be prepared (and keep their gobs shut) in case of an inpromptu visit. Pfizer denies the memo exists, but in response, Moore says that the 'non-existent' memo also includes a Pfizer office number to report sightings. Perhaps we should call +1 212 733 2323 during New York office hours tomorrow and find out for certain? Or, alternatively, just mention that a large, unshaven man in a baseball cap has been lurking around any of these locations? (This one was too good to keep quiet about.)
comment posted at 11:03 PM on Oct-18-04

Peak Oil? Include Me Out, is one of the best reads about the whole issue of peak oil. Its author, Mick Winter "is a former Y2K community activist who currently suffers from chronic déjà vu and still hasn't figured out what to do about Peak Oil." I am a peaknik and I can tell you this is a good read, no matter your stance on peak oil! (psssst, if you are already a peaknik, or just curious, Winter maintains a good a peak oil metadirectory. )
comment posted at 10:59 PM on Oct-18-04

Barbie Pr0n. On this fine Sunday evening, I present to the fine folks of Metafilter the utter tastelessness, but strangely amusing images of Barbies doing the nasty. (NSFW)
comment posted at 11:03 PM on Oct-17-04

Killing children is no longer a big deal  More than 30 Palestinian children were killed in the first two weeks of Operation Days of Penitence in the Gaza Strip. It's no wonder that many people term such wholesale killing of children "terror." Whereas in the overall count of all the victims of the intifada the ratio is three Palestinians killed for every Israeli killed, when it comes to children the ratio is 5:1. According to B'Tselem, the human rights organization, even before the current operation in Gaza, 557 Palestinian minors (below the age of 18) were killed, compared to 110 Israeli minors... Who would have believed that Israeli soldiers would kill hundreds of children and that the majority of Israelis would remain silent? Even the Palestinian children have become part of the dehumanization campaign: killing hundreds of them is no longer a big deal.
comment posted at 6:23 PM on Oct-17-04

Withoug a Doubt (NYT, reg. req'd). My overwhelming reaction to this lengthy but startling Ron Suskind piece was just a tremendous sadness. A sadness that the greatest nation in the history of the world could be governed on the basis of faith rather than fact. How can dismissing the "reality-based" and relying instead on instinct result in anything but disaster?
comment posted at 9:10 PM on Oct-16-04
comment posted at 9:13 PM on Oct-16-04

Bin Laden is in China -- During the home stretch of the Northamerican elections, Osama bin Laden could prove to be the ace in the sleeve of president Bush. As we speak, Washington is negotiating a highly secretive agreement with Beijing, the Chinese capital, for the eviction of bin Laden from his sanctuary in the turbulent Muslim provinces of China, in the Northwest of the Great Wall nation.
comment posted at 9:19 PM on Oct-16-04
comment posted at 1:40 PM on Oct-17-04

Get sexually harassed, get fired. Fox News is pushing to fire Andrea Mackris. The firing will not be "in retaliation for her accusations about the show's host." Now that's Fair and Balanced! How is this even legal?
comment posted at 6:09 AM on Oct-16-04

STEWART: You know what's interesting, though? You're as big a dick on your show as you are on any show. Just one tiny bit of a very memorable Crossfire on CNN. Guest is of course, Jon Stewart, one bright spot in our media cesspool, even though they seem to be clueless that he's parodying them.
comment posted at 7:34 PM on Oct-15-04

You will be conquered by Stealth and Deception : in the swift advance of a long-planned coup against secular society, to launch an American theocracy, "the Dominionists are succeeding in their quest for national control and world power" - Kathleen Yurica, founder of the Yurica Report which, like Theocracy Watch, monitors the American religious right writes "Since the writing and posting of my essay, The Despoiling of America in February 2004, there is more and more evidence that not only has a cultural war been launched, but that the plotters are winning it....First the hard right dominionists took over the Southern Baptist Convention with its 16 million members and a fortune in corporate businesses. Then they took over the Republican Party...they are moving to limit the power of the Supreme Court. Now there is evidence dominionists are trying to take over the U. S. military

....Americans and the mainstream media have been very slow in catching on to the fact that we are in a war — a war that is cultural, religious and political, a war that uses stealth and deception and the rules of engagement written by the enemies to representative democracy. Unless Americans wake up, we could lose that war."

comment posted at 6:51 PM on Oct-14-04

The increasingly spotty record of the GOP's involvement with voter registration companies. This is a follow-up to Tueday's Nevada thread. If you registered to vote for the first time this year as anything but a Republican you should probably check to see if your registration was properly filed... you know, just to be on the safe side.
comment posted at 4:00 PM on Oct-14-04

Google Desktop Search Beta Released. A tiny download and the interface we all recognise. As soon as it's finished indexing my email and hard disk I can finally search my desktop hard disk as easily as the internet.
comment posted at 3:37 PM on Oct-14-04
comment posted at 5:15 PM on Oct-14-04

During the Wednesday night debate, Senator Kerry questioned why the President said that he "was not concerned" with Osama Bin Laden. In response, Bush said, “Gosh, I don’t think I ever said I’m not worried about Osama Bin Laden. That’s kinda one of those exaggerations." The video proof is here showing that he indeed say exactly that.
comment posted at 3:54 PM on Oct-14-04

Bill O'Reilly Hit with Sex Suit: Female Fox coworker details lewd behavior of cable TV star: "Based on the extensive quotations cited in the complaint, it appears a safe bet that Mackris, 33, recorded some of O'Reilly's more steamy soliloquies. For example, we direct you to his Caribbean shower fantasies. While we suggest reading the entire document, TSG will point you to interesting sections on a Thailand sex show, Al Franken, and the climax of one August 2004 phone conversation."
comment posted at 3:34 AM on Oct-14-04

You get the gay from your mother.
It turns out that there may not be "gay" genes, just "attracted to men" genes.
comment posted at 7:42 PM on Oct-14-04

Bush & Kerry Round Three: Doin' Damage in Gammage
It was going to be done. again. I'm just the one doing it.
comment posted at 8:42 PM on Oct-13-04
comment posted at 5:26 AM on Oct-15-04

Hans Blix speaks. (RealPlayer) Hans Blix gave a recent interview with BBC Radio 4 in which he indicates that UN weapons inspectors were on the verge of private interviews with witnesses to the destruction of Iraq's WMD stockpiles shortly before the Bush administration forced inspectors to leave.
"I think that it would have been desireable for us to have more time. . . I think that the Iraqis were actually beginning to try to do cooperation of substance, and they were almost frantic to do so. . ." In his report to the UN on March 7th, 2003 Blix said UN inspectors were on the verge of inspecting a site where much of Iraq's WMDs were disposed and that "The investigation of the destruction site could, in the best case, allow the determination of the number of bombs destroyed at that site." Did the Bush administration "rush to war" in order to prevent the fatal undermining of their justification for war?
comment posted at 2:05 AM on Oct-13-04

Dazed and Sued. Three Huntsville residents who say they went to high school with Austin film director Richard Linklater accused him of using them as the basis for the girl-chasing, drug-taking characters in his film "Dazed and Confused" in a lawsuit filed last week, 11 years after the movie was released
(Universal Studios, also included in the suit, is scheduled to release a special edition DVD of the movie Nov. 2.) More inside.
comment posted at 4:44 PM on Oct-12-04

Ron's first Goatse (SFW, honest). Porn star Ron Jeremy is handed a Sidekick presumably displaying a certain infamous image during a meet-n-greet by persons unknown with the foresight to bring a camera. MeFi Jr. Detective League bonus! Who is responsible for this belly-laugh inducing document? [via and linked to themaxx.com, which may indeed contain NSFW material].
comment posted at 10:55 PM on Oct-10-04
comment posted at 11:32 PM on Oct-10-04
comment posted at 11:34 PM on Oct-10-04

Is The New York Times biased? Dan Okrent, the NYT public editor, has gone through reams of campaign coverage and delivered his opinion. Make sure you read to the very end. Previously discussed here.
comment posted at 1:46 PM on Oct-10-04
comment posted at 1:41 PM on Oct-11-04

What's it like to live in a war zone in Nepal? 'What happened to us happens to the people of Bajura every day, and they get it from both sides ' Some stories of the disappeared. From the consistently high quality Nepali Times, along with articles about Maoist radio and the human rights of the Kumari 'living goddess'.
Some background : Who are the Nepalese Maoists? (Q & A); the royal massacre of 2001; historical background to Nepal's democracy - the democratic revolution of 1989-91 and subsequent events; the kings of Nepal (note that dates are given using the local calendar); a potted history of Nepal referring to the role of the Rana family of hereditary ministers, who acted as a conservative 'shadow monarchy' over successive weak kings, from the Kot Massacre of 1846 which eliminated all rival claimants, until about 1950 (when King Tribhuvan famously famously took refuge in the Indian embassy - by a twist of fate, his infant grandson briefly crowned king by the Ranas - Gyanendra was again crowned king after his brother was killed in the 2001 royal massacre); a Nepal timeline; how ethnicity and caste fit into Nepalese society (discrimination in Nepal); Bhutanese refugees in Nepal; the Indian Naxalites and the Maoists.
comment posted at 9:15 AM on Oct-9-04

Bush & Kerry Round Two: Town Hall
It was going to be done. I'm just the one doing it.
comment posted at 7:02 PM on Oct-8-04
comment posted at 7:32 PM on Oct-8-04
comment posted at 7:36 PM on Oct-8-04
comment posted at 8:53 PM on Oct-8-04
comment posted at 10:04 PM on Oct-8-04
comment posted at 4:22 AM on Oct-9-04

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