9711 MetaFilter comments by stavrosthewonderchicken (displaying 6401 through 6450)

When did we jump to the other side of the "uncanny valley"?
comment posted at 7:47 PM on Aug-13-04
comment posted at 3:00 AM on Aug-14-04

The daily adventures of mixerman are back. Mixerman has started posting a new set of diary entries about his recording sessions with an anonymous band. His original diary (discussed here) is now available in hardcover.
comment posted at 7:11 PM on Aug-12-04

At 7.14 a.m. on 30 June 1908 a massive pale blue fireball swept out of the sky and exploded high above the Tunguska River valley in Siberia. And who is to blame? According to the latest news, aliens. What a surprise...
comment posted at 7:18 PM on Aug-12-04

Dotster has its wicked way with Cory Doctorow. Any more horror stories involving them, or is he just unlucky?
comment posted at 7:39 PM on Aug-12-04

Obese Florida woman melds with couch after laying on it for six years. Meanwhile.
comment posted at 7:23 PM on Aug-12-04

moveonplease.org "Everything Bad Fault Of Rumsfeld"....
comment posted at 7:23 PM on Aug-11-04

New Winamp So the design guys over there quitely release this update and down played its coolest feature. Perhaps the coolest feature ever for any program. A database of searchable music videos and song offering on demand and fastforwarding and rewind. Sons are censored but there are well over 2000 videos with the promise of more to come.
comment posted at 3:32 AM on Aug-11-04
comment posted at 5:41 AM on Aug-11-04

You're either with us or against us? Ok then... Two British citizens have travelled to Najaf to serve in Moqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi Army. "We went to fight last night. It was quite fun, actually . . . It was dangerous," however. Reuters raw video has an interview with one of the two British on their site.
comment posted at 4:58 AM on Aug-11-04
comment posted at 5:10 AM on Aug-11-04
comment posted at 6:03 AM on Aug-11-04
comment posted at 6:03 AM on Aug-11-04
comment posted at 6:14 AM on Aug-11-04
comment posted at 6:37 AM on Aug-11-04
comment posted at 6:38 AM on Aug-11-04

The Davinci Code website hasn't been linked on the front page! Check it out and have fun with codes, conspiracies, art and a challenge. Good fun that might also make you go "hmmmm".
comment posted at 4:43 AM on Aug-11-04

Landslide caught on tape. Region Pounded By Heavy Rains. Japanese government officials inspecting an area battered by weeks of heavy rain catch a dramatic landslide on video. [note: realvideo]
comment posted at 3:44 AM on Aug-11-04

According to Scientific Proof magazine your favorite band stinks. If you like Justin and Christina, Staind, Linkin Park or a host of others then it is a scientific fact that you have bad taste in music. Fortunately, there is a cure.
comment posted at 3:41 AM on Aug-10-04

Are You Ready? September will be National Preparedness Month, with an announcement on Sept. 9th. Throughout September 2004, the US Department of Homeland Security, American Red Cross, American Prepared Campaign, the National Association of Broadcasters, the US Department of Education and other partners, will host a series of events to highlight the importance of citizen emergency preparedness. Nothing like keeping us scared, huh? And it's only 3 years since 9/11--you think they could have done this sooner maybe? There's a skimpy calendar (PDF), with Parade Magazine, Starbucks and NASCAR mentioned. And for the kids, a Ready Deputy contest.
comment posted at 6:47 PM on Aug-8-04

Extreme Instability is a site by Mike Hollingshead, a weather buff from Nebraska who likes chasing storms. On his good days, he gets some spectacular photos of tornados and supercells, but, heck, even his 'crap chasing' days aren't too bad. More of Mike's photos at photoSig.
comment posted at 6:36 PM on Aug-8-04

Michelle Malkin and the Big Hustle Matt Stoller does a good job explaining the right-wing noise machine backing up author Michelle Malkin, whose new book promotes the virtue of Japanese internment camps and racial profiling. Eric Muller, UNC law school professor also does a pretty good job ripping up her arguments. As Stoller says: "Right-wing institutional support, with places to house people to create ideas, outlets to distribute and promote them, and the tactics and relationships to turn these ideas into the mainstream, is breathtaking".
comment posted at 7:00 PM on Aug-7-04
comment posted at 7:38 PM on Aug-7-04

Another person gets fired for their blog. This is a strange story, the blog is here, and her former employer is here. According to the story, she was fired due to a complaint from a local, but it sounds like another factor was the blog outdoing the main site in Google searches. Of course it's only half the story, but this seems weirder than any previous occurrence.
comment posted at 7:53 AM on Aug-7-04
comment posted at 8:20 PM on Aug-7-04

Followup: Wired runs an article called "Fark Sells Out, France Surrenders". Drew Curtis writes a response (note the sycophantic totalfarkers and more annoyed normal-farkers) -- but, as the article says, "when pressed on the issue, Curtis refused to deny that Fark accepts payment for placement of links". Was this really a case of one sales rep getting "a little overenthusiastic"? Is Drew ever actually going to deny selling Fark out, or will he just keep writing non-responses detailing his plans for selling it out even more in the future?
comment posted at 7:07 PM on Aug-7-04

"The application for stay of execution of sentence of death presented to Justice Kennedy and by him referred to the Court is denied." Hours later, James Hubbard is injected with lethal chemicals and dies in Atmore, Alabama. Hubbard, convicted of a 1977 murder, was 74 years old, demented, and retarded. File this one under "it's not cruel and unusual if you don't know what's happening to you."
comment posted at 7:32 PM on Aug-7-04

Doom 3: It may possibly be the most pirated game in history.
comment posted at 3:39 AM on Aug-5-04
comment posted at 3:55 AM on Aug-5-04
comment posted at 4:22 AM on Aug-5-04
comment posted at 6:13 AM on Aug-5-04
comment posted at 6:25 AM on Aug-5-04
comment posted at 6:43 AM on Aug-5-04
comment posted at 6:47 AM on Aug-5-04
comment posted at 8:53 AM on Aug-5-04
comment posted at 7:56 PM on Aug-5-04

Rev. Moon's submarines, sold to Kim Jong-Il, empower a nuke threat to the West Coast Comment from Atrios: "North Korea Has Dozen Subs Could threaten us with sea-launched missiles. Where'd Dear Leader get them? It looks like he got them from the guy who writes the paychecks of BillGertz, Tony Blankley, Wes Pruden, Andrew Sullivan, Jonah Goldberg..."
comment posted at 7:48 PM on Aug-4-04

Greece gets ready for the return of the Olympics by ridding the streets of its stray dogs. don't watch this if you're an animal lover. Or better yet, DO if you can handle it, because it's one of the saddest things i've seen in a long time. Though the government of Athens is denying it is responsible for this, someone is poisoning the city's thousands of stray dogs by putting it in food (naturally, a stray, hungry dog will eat it). The ensuing death does not come quickly. I've always wanted to visit Greece, especially being from a Mediterranean family (experience the roots, and all that) but suffice it to say it's moved to the bottom of the list of places to visit at this point. I've seen better treatment of animals in countries far less developed than Greece.
comment posted at 5:26 PM on Aug-2-04

The Night Game, by Robert Pinsky; Baseball and Writing, by Marianne Moore; Baseball Canto, by Lawrence Ferlinghetti; and more baseball poetry than you can shake a stick at.
comment posted at 3:37 AM on Aug-2-04

ATTENTION MICHAEL MOORE! "guerrilla drive-ins" and the RNC dance mobs ATTENTION MICHAEL MOORE! REPORT FOR DUTY! Combine "guerrilla drive-ins" with the Barlow dance mobs (last post). No, not on the street where folks can observe with the naked eye, but away from the action, way away maybe, facilitated by sneaky little cameraphones and/or videocams blogging the dancers to the web. Imagine also Fahrenheit projected onto structures where casual passers-by or people stuck in traffic will see and hear it.
Is a blog post I made "something you have created", as the Post a Link page warns against? If so, my bad, but I wanted to get this out there right away and neither the TextAd service or the mefi-projects list seems right or timely. I'm not selling a product or service with this post, but suggesting an idea.
comment posted at 6:02 AM on Aug-1-04
comment posted at 6:39 AM on Aug-1-04
comment posted at 7:16 AM on Aug-1-04

The Ethnomathematics Digital Library , a collection of links and papers covering the interaction of mathematics and culture. (More Inside)
comment posted at 6:10 PM on Jul-31-04

Matt Drudge allegedly steals photo from Tom Tomorrow and manipulates it for whatever reasons make sense to Matt Drudge.
comment posted at 5:33 PM on Jul-31-04

The Quiet American: one minute vacations.
comment posted at 3:59 AM on Jul-31-04

The Top 50 Worst Guitar Solos (revisited). On Jimmy Page's solo in Radioactive: He pieces together an angular, steely synth-guitar catastrophe that probably only the eunuchs in Yes could warm up to. And Angus Young's solo on "Ballbreaker": Take away the hyperactive Chuck Berry duckwalking and frantic head- bobbing and you're left with some extremely constipated rockabilly soloing. And what the fuck is these guys' fixation with men's genitalia all about, anyway? [more inside]
comment posted at 6:07 PM on Jul-31-04

We have all seen online quizzes to aid in making important life choices. For instance, this quiz purports to guide you in making career choices. Confused about religion and seeking to find a faith that suits your beliefs, now we have Belief-O-Matic.
comment posted at 8:03 AM on Jul-30-04

Explorations of computation: the world is numbers, and the divine a mathematician. Maybe. [Flash, Javascript]
comment posted at 5:18 AM on Jul-30-04

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