9711 MetaFilter comments by stavrosthewonderchicken (displaying 6501 through 6550)

Its Heartwarming Friday ! Lets all hug each other and see some of the loveliest , caringest and just plain Heartwarmingest sites the web has to offer.
comment posted at 10:21 PM on Jul-15-04

Danzig gets knocked out. Now, I know that most of you probably aren't big on violence, however, I find a little jolt of comfort in seeing Danzig dropped with one punch. It's like being back in high school and seeing a bully knocked out by a geek he'd been picking on. (NSFW - violence and language)
comment posted at 6:44 PM on Jul-15-04
comment posted at 6:44 PM on Jul-15-04

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Photos Pictures from Robert Pirsig's original 1968 trip, part of a gallery of photo albums inspired by the trip, including 360° panoramas. [via WikiPedia]
comment posted at 10:27 PM on Jul-15-04

Iraqi women beg to be killed as American soldiers sodomize their children (link is an .rm file, the bit about mothers and children starts about 1:31), according to journalist Seymour Hersh who reports seeing unreleased footage from Abu Ghraib. The question remains unanswered as to why he'll talk about it in a speech, but not publish it in the New Yorker. It's also worth asking, if these allegations are true, who else has seen this footage and why is it not being reported?
comment posted at 4:34 PM on Jul-15-04
comment posted at 5:16 PM on Jul-15-04
comment posted at 5:20 PM on Jul-15-04
comment posted at 11:03 PM on Jul-15-04

Cheney not to run again. Rumours have been flying on the net for hours and now Drudge has it. Interesting development, if true...
comment posted at 2:35 AM on Jul-15-04

Being Nothing: George W. Bush as Presidential Simulacrum. [Via wood s lot.]
comment posted at 4:51 PM on Jul-14-04
comment posted at 2:34 AM on Jul-15-04
comment posted at 3:19 AM on Jul-16-04

Catscan.com is one of the strangest sites I've seen in some time. I have no idea how these people got their cats wedged into their scanners, or why.
comment posted at 1:51 AM on Jul-14-04

Read-a-long-a-Fahrenheit-9/11. Michael Moore posts six pages of quotes and links to back up his movie. And since he doesn't mind you downloading it, why not watch it on your computer and fact-check his ass as you go?
comment posted at 4:31 PM on Jul-13-04

Allmusic for Windows Clicking on some deep links into allmusic.com tonight turned up this- Notice: You are accessing allmusic.com with a browser that is not currently supported. The appearance and functionality of the site could be impacted. allmusic.com is optimized for Internet Explorer 5.5 and above for Windows.
comment posted at 11:08 PM on Jul-12-04

Midaregami: The Japan Hierarchy. The stratified hierarchy of Japanese society is mirrored onto those foreigners who choose to live in Japan. Inspired by The Geek Hierarchy.
comment posted at 11:17 PM on Jul-12-04

Who says shopping's a sin for a socialist? On and on it goes, this notion that a political stance wraps everything you are expected to say in a neat brown paper parcel. A nice little meditation on political ideology for your Sunday morning from the Globe and Mail's Heather Mallick.
comment posted at 2:36 AM on Jul-12-04

'The Dots Never Existed' Taken together, the facts in the report show that virtually every major claim President George W. Bush used to justify the invasion of Iraq—from Saddam's growing nuclear program to his close ties with Al Qaeda—was either wrong or exaggerated.
comment posted at 4:33 PM on Jul-11-04

Europeans on Europeans. Reader's Digest dispatched researchers to 38 towns in 19 countries across Europe, from the UK to Russia, inviting nearly 4,000 respondents to comment on any country but their own. Italians finished as "most liked," Germans as "least liked," Belgians as the "least sexy," and Paris triumphed as "favorite European city." The full results can be seen here. (PDF)
comment posted at 7:31 PM on Jul-10-04

The dog ate my service records. The Pentagon has announced that the payroll records for National Guard service for three months between 1972 and 1973 have been accidentally destroyed. These three months coincidentally cover the disputed period of George W. Bush's service in the Texas Air National Guard. (Similar Google link here, via dKos)
comment posted at 5:29 AM on Jul-9-04

Save The Children calls on release of Iraqi children from jails. This apparently in response to recent media reports on the abuse of children in Iraqi prisons. And it's not just Save the Children who is concerned, but UNICEF, Amnesty International, and the Red Cross. Infact, Congress has called for a special briefing tomorrow from the Pentagon on "confidential reports" from the Red Cross on prison conditions in Iraq. The Pentagon is closing the briefing to the public, however, and apparently thinks that even Congress shouldn't know the details of how we treat prisoners.
"It's something of a stretch of policy and procedures to give them to the Congress," Rumsfeld spokesman Larry Di Rita said.
comment posted at 1:50 AM on Jul-9-04
comment posted at 2:58 AM on Jul-9-04

Eastasia plans attacks on Eurasia "Efforts each of you make to be vigilant – such as reporting suspicious items or activities to authorities – do make a difference. Every citizen using their common sense and eyes and ears can support our national effort to stop the terrorists. Thank you for your continued resolve in the face of the ongoing threat of terrorism. We must continue to work together – to ensure that the freedom we just celebrated continues as the hallmark of this great nation." Are you scared yet?
comment posted at 6:01 AM on Jul-9-04

Operation Tiger Claw Whereupon a student exercises his right to free speech in a public school setting...
comment posted at 1:59 AM on Jul-9-04

"It would be best if the arrest or killing of [Osama bin Laden] were announced on twenty-six, twenty-seven, or twenty-eight July." During the first three days of the Democratic National Convention, the Bush administration offers The July Surprise.
comment posted at 2:17 AM on Jul-8-04

Lawmakers ask that U.N. monitor election "A group of congressional Democrats, led by Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson of Texas, has asked the United Nations to monitor this year's presidential election." Fortunately, the UN said no. Unbelievable. I hope that everyone that signed this letter will lose their seat in the November election. What a shameless publicity stunt. "Besides Johnson, Democratic members of Congress signing the letter to Annan were Julia Carson of Indiana; Jerrold Nadler, Edolphus Towns, Joseph Crowley and Carolyn B. Maloney, all of New York; Raul Grijalva of Arizona, Corrine Brown of Florida, Elijah E. Cummings of Maryland, Danny K. Davis of Illinois and Michael M. Honda of California."
comment posted at 4:40 PM on Jul-7-04

Illegally imprison children for 13 years, make them do degrading things, deny them food to the point of degrading them further, force them as teenagers to wear diapers, tie them up, even give them mental problems! Get 9 months in a prison yourself. That's an expense rate of just about 17 : 1! Why not come to Canada and enjoy these exceedingly low rates today before they're gone?
comment posted at 6:24 AM on Jul-7-04
comment posted at 2:49 AM on Jul-8-04

Hot on the heels of the critically-acclaimed War on Drugs and its blockbuster sequel, the War on Terror, an alliance of U.S. and Canadian organizations sets its sights on yet another noun, this time with the War on Pornography. The first salvo in the conflict was, naturally, fired in Utah.
comment posted at 11:15 PM on Jul-6-04

Kerry picks Gephardt for VP ...and he picks Edwards too! Gore wins... or not!
Don't you just love unfounded pronouncements and anonymous sources? Maybe it's time to hang them all out to dry...
comment posted at 5:37 AM on Jul-6-04

Veepfilter: The well-kept secret about Kerry's running mate might just have broken... on an aviation message board, of all places.
comment posted at 2:12 AM on Jul-6-04
comment posted at 5:48 AM on Jul-6-04

347 square feet? Hyper-efficient living space.
comment posted at 6:15 AM on Jul-5-04
comment posted at 6:16 AM on Jul-5-04

The Stop Bush Project
...a documentation of anti-Bush sentiment from around the world expressed through graffiti, placards, flyers and other spontaneous, 'guerilla' means.
comment posted at 4:47 AM on Jul-4-04

america's heart and soul - so, they wouldn't release fahrenheit 9/11, but this, this is okay. are they making efforts to distance themselves from any involvement with fh9/11, or do they want to make sure that washington keeps listening?

From the chronicle:
Disney officials insist their 88-minute film, "America's Heart and Soul" -- stitching simple, positive vignettes of everyday Americans with sweeping vistas and up-tempo music -- is neither a response to Moore's politically charged hit nor any type of political statement itself.

more coverage here, and a review.
comment posted at 4:42 PM on Jul-1-04
comment posted at 5:53 PM on Jul-1-04
comment posted at 5:23 AM on Jul-2-04

What the heck? Now even Slate is saying that you should ditch IE and switch to Firefox. But, as they say in the article, Slate is owned by Microsoft...
comment posted at 5:45 PM on Jul-1-04
comment posted at 5:46 PM on Jul-1-04

Mr. Roh, tear down this firewall! South Korea's previous efforts to censor the beheading video of Kim Sun-Il have escalated considerably. They are now blocking most major weblog services, including Blogger/Blogspot, TypePad, and LiveJournal -- a degree of censorship for weblogs even greater than that of China. The rallying cry of opposition seems to be centering around this letter :
"I am writing this letter not primarily to criticize all Koreans .... No, my purpose is more specific: to cause the South Korean government as much embarrassment as possible, and perhaps to motivate Korean citizens to engage in some much-needed introspection. To this end, I need the blogosphere's help .... The best and quickest way to persuade the South Korean government to back down from its current position is to make it lose face in the eyes of the world." If you are interested in giving the South Korean Ministry of Information and Culture a piece of your mind, please email them at: webmaster@mic.go.kr.
comment posted at 4:59 PM on Jul-1-04
comment posted at 5:29 PM on Jul-1-04
comment posted at 5:52 PM on Jul-1-04
comment posted at 6:49 AM on Jul-2-04
comment posted at 8:06 AM on Jul-2-04

Pitchfork's Top 100 Albums of the 1970s (dis|cuss|discuss).
comment posted at 1:17 AM on Jul-2-04
comment posted at 6:38 AM on Jul-2-04

How Fox News Gets Ratings

Move over Janet Jackson and CBS, here comes Fox News with the "full plow!" Descending to the depths and pushing the envelope for what constitutes "news," Rupert should be in for much larger fines than the little Super Bowl fiasco. Its good to see the mouthpiece for the Morality Party being bold enough to do what it takes to attract their demographic audience. (NSFW, but fine for broadcast television)
comment posted at 5:57 AM on Jul-2-04

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